Paul Roper

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  1. 47 votes
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  2. 752 votes
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    Adobe Illustrator's Multithreading Journey Begins!


    Dear Illustrator Community,

    I'm thrilled to announce that we've embarked on an exciting journey to bring multithreading capabilities to Adobe Illustrator. This significant undertaking will enhance performance and responsiveness across various aspects of the application.

    While this is a complex process that will take some time to fully implement, I wanted to share our progress so far.

    Our Approach

    We've strategically begun by focusing on the most computationally intensive operations—those that typically take more time and block the main thread, resulting in slower response times while you work. By moving these operations to separate threads, we aim to significantly improve your overall experience with Illustrator.

    It's important to note that you may see more noticeable impact in some areas than others initially. However, we want to assure you that this is just the beginning, and we will continue this journey to bring improvements across…

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    Wouldn't it be nice if Adobe created an "Illustrator Superleggera" without any of the features that have been the headlines of releases over the past, say decade? No perspective grid, no 3D at all, no Adobe Stock integration, no Creative Cloud libraries, no AI...just a high performance, lightweight, stripped down high speed version of Illustrator? We could all vote on which features to ditch.

    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 
  3. 51 votes
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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    Whenever I hop from AE or PS to AI, and instinctively try to 'scrub' a value, my reaction is always "oh, yeah AI is total rubbish compared to the rest* of the Adobe ecosystem" and I just subconsciously register it as yet another reason to avoid AI like the plague. Fundamentally, AI is not a bad app - assuming it was on version 2 or 3, and we could expect these numerous silly bugs to be ironed out be, say, version 4. But this thing has been "developed" for 37 years! It should be utterly perfect by now!

    My only assumption is that Adobe is just leaving AI to slowly rot, banking on the fact that everyone will continue to use it solely because everyone uses it. I guess in a few years Adobe will just make an offer that Affinity can't refuse, and maybe rebrand their software as Adobe products and throw Illustrator onto the scrapheap along with FreeHand, Atmosphere, Authorware, Brackets (text editor), BrowserLab, Business Catalyst, Contribute, Device Central, Director, Edge, Encore, Fireworks, Flash, Flash Builder, Flash Catalyst, Flash Player, FlashPaper, Font Folio, FreeHand, Fuse CC, GoLive, ImageReady, LiveCycle, Macromedia HomeSite, Media Player, Muse, OnLocation, PageMaker, PageMill, Persuasion, PhotoDeluxe, Presenter, Scene7, Scout, Shockwave, Shockwave Player, Soundbooth, Story, Streamline, Adobe Type Manager, Ultra and Visual Communicator.

    *Apart from Acrobat, that is obviously abysmal too.

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    In AE and Photoshop, I "scrub" (drag with the mouse) values (eg. font size) all the time to adjust them, and it seems remiss of AI and InDesign to not have this feature. Please allow us to scrub values! It feels so primitive to have to repeatedly click on arrows, or select from a list, or type stuff in.

    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 
  4. 3 votes
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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    Using alt+scroll to change the size of the arc is quite slow, so I guessed adding shift to the mix would make a more dramatic change to the arc size. Indeed it does, but by a HUGE margin, maybe 10x faster than alt+scroll. I think the shift+alt+scroll should change the size of the arc by about half of what it does at the moment.

  5. 282 votes
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    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 
  6. 18 votes
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    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 
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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    Well, this has obviously been ignored for the past 5 years. The limits on what we can do with the Keyboard Shortcuts means we have to resort to Actions, but it's silly that we can't assign any key to an action. Like many users, I spend as little time as possible using Illustrator (for obvious reasons) so would like to align its shortcuts to other superior apps I use more frequently - eg. Numpad-. in Blender is "locate object", but it's not possible to set a keyboard shortcut to this in the Keyboards Shortcuts settings, and it's not possible to assign anything other than a function key to it in an Action. A couple of annoying restrictions!

  7. 122 votes
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    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 
  8. 92 votes
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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    It'll soon be 7 years since this was suggested (and I'll bet it's been requested before, too) and has been "under review". Based on other improvements to Illustrator (I'm not talking about pointless rubbish like "using AI to recolour artwork", but ACTUAL improvements that we would all appreciate on an hourly basis), we'll only have another 23 years or so to wait! (I'm looking at you, hyphenation-off-by-default, and distort-transform-not-being-useless).

    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 
  9. 20 votes
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    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 
  10. 670 votes
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    We have done further updates to Dimension tool with recently released version - 28.3

    You can create and use your custom scale for dimension, hide or show units on dimensions and dimensions are now sticky to the object - they transform as well when you transform the object.

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    Am I right in assuming there's no way to set a custom scale? In an ideal world, I'd be able to bring in some artwork/import an image, add a dimension to a known length (e.g. I have a TIFF of a house I've imported, and I know a particular wall is 3200mm long) and I then tell Illustrator that this length is indeed 3200mm, and Illustrator works out the scale and remembers it for all subsequent dimensions.

    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 
  11. 34 votes
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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    I think the chances of this being implemented are slim...look at how long it took to fix things like the distort tool (25+ years) or hyphenation defaulting to "on" (again, decades). It's not an "Adobe MAX headline-grabber" (or so Adobe think), so these requests will sit languishing at the bottom of a pile that "marketing" keep adding stupid gimmicks that nobody will ever use to the top of the pile. In reality, if Adobe ditched all the silly AI/Firefly stuff, perspective stuff (remember that?), 3D stuff etc. in Illustrator, and concentrated on listening to what real-life, professional users actually WANT, we could look forward to an upgrade to a halfway-decent bit of software. As has been reiterated in EVERY software forum for ever, what we always want is these three things:
    1. Fix bugs
    2. Basic improvements to existing tools
    3. Better performance
    ...and absolutely no new, pointless "features". I can't count the number of times I've seen people comment (for a wide variety of software, but especially the near-death-experience that is Illustrator) that they look forward to the day when a company has the balls to announce "NO NEW FEATURES AT ALL BUT EVERYTHING'S FIXED AND BETTER"* at a press event.

    *As far as I know, this did, amazingly, actually happen once, when Apple launched its greatest OS ever - Mac OS10.6:
    "The goals of Snow Leopard were improved performance, greater efficiency and the reduction of its overall memory footprint, unlike previous versions of Mac OS X which focused more on new features. Apple famously marketed Snow Leopard as having "zero new features"." and "sales of Snow Leopard were significantly higher than that of its predecessors". Proof if you ever need it, Adobe, that this can be done very successfully.

    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 
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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    I assume this is because Illustrator was originally written for the one-button-mouse Macintosh, and I'd imagine the core code has not been updated since then. It certainly feels like a 31-year-old app.

    It is infuriating to have to do everything in the layers palette via the stupid top-right menu, and ridiculous that right-clicking a layer does absolutely nothing. Same with other palettes such as Links and Styles.

  12. 4 votes
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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    Yes, Egor; maybe if we merge them it has the possibility of getting more upvotes?

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    When using a high resolution (eg. 4K) screen, it's really annoying that Ai always defaults to using really small ("Medium") icons for the Layers palette.

    EVERY TIME I open someone else's document (which happens very often), I have to embiggen the "Row Size" in the Layers Panel Options. I know I can set up a template for a new document, with the panel options set how I like them (which answers this request:, but this is of no relevance when opening someone else's document on my system.

    So could Ai please ALWAYS remember the size I've set the rows in the layers palette to, please?

    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 
  13. 441 votes
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    Paul Roper commented  · 


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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    OH. MY. GOD. I never thought I'd see the day! It actually WORKS! 😁😁😁😁🥳🎉🥳🎉
    Are you (Adobe) going to announce this as a press release? Or maybe devote an entire festival to this update? You have just made GAZILLIONS of user very happy, after DECADES of misery!

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    "We’re exploring turning ‘Hyphenation’ OFF in [Normal Paragraph Style] of all Document Profiles."
    No, @Neeraj, you're clearly not. That was just a lie.

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    Just to do a simple comparison of the various departments in Adobe:
    4 months ago (21 Dec 2021), I put in a feature request to the Media Encoder team:
    "When changing the encoding settings for multiple outputs, AME always asks for me to confirm that I want to do this. The pop up really needs a "never ask me again" option, so I'm never asked again. I nearly always adjust he output settings of multiple items, and do not want to be asked for confirmation."
    On 20 April 2022, they implemented exactly that (in the Beta release):

    "Hi Paul,
    We have made the change you suggested. You can try it out in the beta version of v23.4 (there's no problem with having both the beta and shipping versions of our products installed at the same time) or you can wait until next month when it will be included in the next release.
    Thanks very much for the suggestion!"

    Wonderful! Four months - not record-breakingly quick, but it wasn't a particularly important request. So why is it taking the Illustrator team YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS to even look at doing this ridiculously minor tweak?? Is it because they're all busy adding stupid, pointless features that NOBODY will ever use instead while leaving the core of the app to wither and die? Please, Illustrator Team, enlighten us why you have such a deep hatred of your customers?! I know that working on Illustrator must be very much "drawing the short straw" at Adobe, but surely SOMEONE there gives a toss about this awful app, and could please make it marginally less hideous to use?!

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    I'm not sure if those "How important is this to you" options are relatively new, but have we all clicked on the "Critical" button under this suggestion?

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    Should we start another "How can we improve Illustrator (desktop)?" suggestion:
    "Sack the Adobe Illustrator team and get the After Effects team to maintain/update/improve Illustrator during their lunch break because they'd get 100x more stuff done."
    I'd vote for it.

    Or we just sit here patiently, waiting for hyphenation to be turned off, like we have done for the past 35 years...

    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 
  14. 2 votes
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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    It's really annoying not being able to do simple things like re-order items in a layer if that layer's visibility is set to OFF. I assume it's "as-designed", but feels like a bug to me. I don't necessarily need a layer's visibility to be ON to adjust things on it. It's as if turning off a layer puts it into a locked state. Which is just silly. In After Effects, if a layer is set to invisible, I can still adjust all of its parameters. Let's make AI more like AE.

    Paul Roper shared this idea  · 
  15. 147 votes
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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    @Eric - you're funny! Of course you won't see any updates on this yet - it hasn't even been a decade since I first added the suggestion - nothing ever happens for at least a couple of years in Adobe's Illustrator department! 🤣

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    EVERY time I load Illustrator, the stupid, pointless, broken "Catch up with what's new in illustrator" popup appears. I have the options of:
    'Remind Later' which means this thing will appear the next time I load the app
    'OK' which opens the 'Learn' panel, which contains...nothing.
    So both options are equally ****. Which is exactly what we'd expect from this dreadful application that people only use because it's the "industry standard" since Adobe illegally killed off FreeHand many years ago. When will Affinity Designer become the industry standard? Very soon, I hope.

    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 
  16. 99 votes
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    Hi Everyone,

    All the effect checkboxes have now been set to ON by default, and are sticky (meaning that if you disable preview, on next launch of Illustrator preview will remain disabled). This functionality now is available in our latest release build – 24.1.1 for Win and 24.1 for Mac which is available worldwide now.

    What’s new in 24.1:

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback.

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    Interesting indeed @Tom Auger.
    I'm currently sitting at my Mac which I don't normally use for work, so don't have Illustrator on it. I just installed the latest release (not pre-release/beta) version, loaded it up, drew a shape, selected it, did a Filter > Gaussian Blur, and the Preview checkbox was ON (that was the first time I'd loaded Illustrator), so it looks like it does default to least on my system!

    Interestingly, I noticed this behaviour:
    Select a shape
    Apply a gaussian blur filter
    Adjust the amount of blur
    Preview is ON, so you can see the blur
    Turn Preview OFF
    Shape remains blurred
    Adjust the amount
    Shape remains blurred at the previous amount
    ...the logical behaviour would be that if the checkbox is clicked OFF, the shape should pop back to completely un-blurred.

    P.S. I am also old, and have been using Illustrator off and on since about 1991ish!

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    @Tom Auger: You said:
    "7. Observe the checkbox: checked. This has been the behaviour since time immemorial." NOPE! This is exactly what was fixed. Until the latest update, you'd need to click the Preview checkbox EVERY SINGLE TIME you applied some kind of effect/transform. EVERY TIME. The fact that it is now 'sticky' is exactly why everyone wants to be out on the streets having a massive party - except Coronavirus keeps us locked indoors.

    If you have an old version of Illustrator, load it up, go through those steps and notice how the checkbox ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS defaults to off, no matter what you did previously. Always. It was never sticky. It's taken ~31 years for them to fix this bug.

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    As you can no doubt see from the comments, it really is stuff like this that makes us users happy. Not the new "features" that we'll probably never use (I'm looking at you, perspective grid), but the mundane, day-to-day stuff that we use hundreds of times a day. Thank you for (eventually) listening to and acting upon our feedback!

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    THANK YOU! The biggest, best update to Illustrator in its ENTIRE history! At last!

    Right - maybe you can move on to fixing the 32 year old Free Transform disaster now...?

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    As Boris said, it's been 6 years...we all know Illustrator is a sad old dinosaur in the Adobe world, so maybe 6 years is about the appropriate time for whoever has the unfortunate job of working on this god-awful ****-in-the-toilet of Adobe software to get out of their La-Z-Boy and click a few buttons with their arthritic fingers and have "previews ON". We unfortunate Illustrator users all know the only reason we use Illustrator is because our clients use it. Given the choice, we'd have jumped ship years ago. So yes, we sympathise with whoever has drawn the short straw at Adobe and is lumbered with propping up Illustrator - we feel your pain, we really do - like you, we all secretly wish it would die, but please make its final few years as pain-free as possible and make those preview default to ON. Please.

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    I requested this a while ago - I find it really annoying having to turn Preview on EVERY time I use any effect. Their answer was along the lines of "a very tiny proportion of Illustrator users create very complex artwork on pathetically underpowered computers, and Previewing an effect can really slow it down, so that's why we always have it turned off by default". Which, as you know, is a ridiculous reply, because:
    1. Why is Illustrator so slow? Oh, because it's running the same clunky, 31-year old code from version 1, and they're too lazy to fix it.
    2. Anyone creating a complex illustration on an underpowered machine would expect previews to be slow, and they are a tiny fraction of users.
    3. And just....FFS Adobe, get your act together!

    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 
  17. 58 votes
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    Hi Everyone,

    We have improved the working experience of Free Distort tool. Now the bounding box will not reset! This functionality now is available in our latest release build – 24.1.1 for Win and 24.1 for Mac which is available worldwide now.

    What’s new in 24.1:

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    Anonymous commented: "3 years..."
    If you're referring to how long it took to fix this, you've missed a 2 off. It's been over 32 years...Illustrator turns 33 tomorrow (19th March).

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    THANK YOU! 😊
    If I was Adobe, I'd make this feature the headline of every event you hold for the next year.

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    I have posted a discussion in the Illustrator pre-release forum:
    ...suggesting it works exactly like the Transform tool in Photoshop when you ctrl-drag a corner point.

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    Ha ha ha....I've been harassing Adobe for this basic fix to a fundamental bug for many, many years, and their complete silence on the issue is weird. Sadly, I think we can all assume that it will never, ever happen.

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    @JamesProvost Yes I totally agree. If the AI team are incapable of programming such a simple thing as a free distort, and they are not liked enough in the offices of Adobe to ask the AE or PS team to do it for them, they should totally license Stylism. Not that they will ever do that...they'll just add even more pointless bloaty junk to the app and ignore the thousands of users crying out for bug fixes.

    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 
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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    It totally IS a bug. Just because it hasn't been fixed for probably well over a decade doesn't make it OK.

  18. 24 votes
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    Hi Everyone,

    All the effect checkboxes have now been set to ON by default, and are sticky (meaning that if you disable preview, on next launch of Illustrator preview will remain disabled). This functionality now is available in our latest release build – 24.1.1 for Win and 24.1 for Mac which is available worldwide now.

    We are working on making all remaining preview check-boxes sticky. Will update this thread when done!

    What’s new in 24.1:

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback.

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    Paul Roper commented  · 

    I requested this a while ago - I find it really annoying having to turn Preview on EVERY time I use any effect. Their answer was along the lines of "a very tiny proportion of Illustrator users create very complex artwork on pathetically underpowered computers, and Previewing an effect can really slow it down, so that's why we always have it turned off by default". Which, as you know, is a ridiculous reply, because:
    1. Why is Illustrator so slow? Oh, because it's running the same clunky, 31-year old code from version 1, and they're too lazy to fix it.
    2. Anyone creating a complex illustration on an underpowered machine would expect previews to be slow, and they are a tiny fraction of users.
    3. And just....FFS Adobe, get your act together!

    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 
  19. 173 votes
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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

    Paul Roper supported this idea  · 

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