Option to disable 'Recent Fonts' feature.
I hate having to scroll from the top of the fonts list every time i'm searching for a new font. Currently, in preferences there is an option for only 1 recent font, however, i'd like to be able to disable this feature completely.

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – https://illustrator.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/1844590 if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Shakeer commented
Hi, I had this frustrating issue on Photoshop. After looking everywhere, I came across the link (below) which was basically for ID, but tried it on photoshop, restarted it and the problem is solved. TRY IT and hopefully it will work for you as well. Best.
Frank Carfora commented
doesn't fix the problem there chief. why must you guys ***** with something that worked well the way it was?
really EFFING frustrating!
Nate Wilson commented
Why did you have to mess with the font pallet? It interrupts our workflow when the last used font and focus goes to the very top of the menu. Stupid.
David Whitmyre commented
Just installed the latest updates to ID, AI and PS. Yes, you can now set the recent fonts to 0 (zero). However, if you do set it to 1-15 it still performs the SAME WAY! It will pop to the top of the font list. You have solved only ONE PART of the problem—giving AI users the ability to turn off recent fonts. (FYI - works the same in all three applications)
Unless you move to the selected font in the list WITH the recent fonts at the top, recent fonts is essentially USELESS! Nobody is going to use it.
Please get it right! Make the list go to the currently selected font WITH the recent fonts showing. Only then will it function correctly. CorelDraw has done this for 20 years. If you can't figure it out, buy Corel Corp., and implement their code into yours!!
Philip commented
I downloaded the installer, but I keep getting a message that the file may be damaged, even after re-download. 🤔
Please make work 'Recent fonts' alongside with selection current font in context!
Make BOTH features work!
Please vote here:
https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657-illustrator-feature-requests/suggestions/33466396-make-recent-fonts-section-in-character-palette-w -
Ryan commented
This has been going on WAY TO LONG without a fix/revert to what we signed up for and are paying for. HMMMM. Class action law suit anyone???
David Whitmyre commented
The latest build of AI does, in fact, have the ability to set the recent fonts to 0 (zero). This allows the currently selected font to be highlighted when selecting the font dropdown list. However, that is only PART of the solution.
You need to be able to have that action—jumping to the currently selected font—even when the recent fonts are showing. In other words, have the same action happen when the recent fonts are showing or not. In my mind, the fix in place is only a temporary fix until they incorporate the above-described action.
Anonymous commented
Is there no fix for this? I will never understand updates that make things harder or worse than previous versions.
David Whitmyre commented
The recent fonts list is great, but every time you select the drop down, it defaults to the top of the font list. I realize this is being addressed with being able to set recent fonts to 0 (zer0) again, but why not just make the list jump to the currently selected font in all cases, with and without the recent fonts list showing?
This is the default behavior for CorelDraw and has been for many years. The same issue exists in InDesign. But currently, you can set the recent fonts to 0 in ID.
trey commented
Adobe considers its paying customers beta testers? Gone are the days of working out bugs before forcing poorly-tested updates on unsuspecting designers on tight deadlines. Wish we still had Freehand for those times Adobe programmers get too full of themselves.
A small suggestion here:
The feature builds we post in our pre-release forum is a different channel than this one. It is not an public forum and it's discussions are covered under NDA. While we will continue announcing information of builds related to corresponding feature requests and bugs here, it is recommended that conversations related to beta builds are done in PR forums as it would not be possible to answer those queries here.
In future, we would also be careful of adding a note around this, when we announce availability of features/fixes with status update as 'Done (In Beta).
Tarek commented
How to change the language of the beta binary ?
Tarek commented
How to change the language of the build ?
Anonymous commented
I downloaded the Beta Binary Zip file and extracted it to the my desktop. But the app doesn't launch properly. When will Adobe Illustrator be updated officially?
Anonymous commented
The new version seems to be working, but it took a long time to load. Are there plans to incrporate this feature into the next AI update?
Herbie commented
This is very good to hear! I hope this will be done with Photoshop and InDesign as well, as they too have this same errant font list behavior. It is SO frustrating to have to scroll/arrow key all the way down the font list starting from the top every time.
cory kilduff commented
Thanks Neeraj, just as an example if you need it. In my office there's a number of us that when starting a project that needs type exploration will create some sample type and select a font. The we will duplicate the type sample and continue on down the font menu to find a 2nd selection and repeat this process until we have an artboard full of type samples to evaluate and consider. Setting the recents to '0' gave me the ability to quickly return to the font menu and continue from the current font selection and move down the list. It was very efficient. I appreciate you guys looking into restoring this behavior. Thanks!
Neeraj, what if you just make both places visible, whenever list is dropped down? And when user will start to scroll the list, Recent would go away?
Or make Recent be glued at the top of the list and stay always?
Or give options to choose either way?I would like to use both Recent and whole list, so what you propose is the same thing as 'Zoom to selection' problem — use it as it is or just don't.
Christopher Clinton commented
Same issue here, at first I thought it was my imagination.