How come the measure tool does not snap to points?
Without snapping, measuring between points is not very accurate.
It would be nice to be able to measure actual lengths of curves or sections of paths. It would make it easier to create diagrams with dimensions.

Josh Jaeger (Louey) commented
This STILL isn't implemented? I have to draw boxes to accurately measure?
Romina Zapata commented
How come we still haven't got a decent measure tool? SO ANNOYING. Make it snap to points for accurate readings, it's about timeee
Jon Cracroft commented
Left to guessing exact measurements without snapping feature, let's go!
Rajendra Narayan Kundu commented
Yup! There should be an option for snap in the measure tool.
Josh commented
Why hasn't this been implemented yet?
Martin Kratochvíl commented
I tried measure tool in V26.0.1 and it sometime snap, but without any indication.
Useful measure tool missing especially when I need to verify final design compliance with client's requirements. Many clients require precise elements and is nonsense to verify distance or angle by workarounds like auxiliary path construction or even calculation. Doing this during client visit does not look professional.
Use extension - ok, but can I trust them? Does it works properly in new AI version? Good measure tool with snapping directly from Adobe is better solution. Please, equip current Measure tool with snap and snap indication, or do someting better.
Lanty commented
The measuring tool should be accurate and needs to snap (what is the point if it's not accurate).
Better yet add a dimension tool that snaps and has the measurement displayed (like in fusion 360). -
Jan Vork commented
When measuring a distance, I would me nice to have some kind of snappy feedback to know for sure that the user is measuring what is needed.
The current tool feels inaccurate and floating in space.Please add to the Info Panel a distance when 2 points are selected.
Anonymous commented
That would make it a dimension tool and we all know they hate the idea of being considered a design software instaed of an illustrating software..............GIVE US A DIMENSION TOOL!!!!
Arnoud Hoorn commented
exactly this
Ryan commented
You can measure an angle to two degrees of accuracy by drawing a line segment then using the rotate tool to rotate the line. When you rotate the line, the angle of rotation is displayed next to the cursor. Turn on smart guides to make the line and pivot point snap to the elements you're measuring.
Alexander Safonov commented
I also would like the the measure tool to snap to points. otherwise what good is it?
KaMu commented
Big vote on this!
It seems counter intuitive not to snap with the ruler. Especially when all tools do.
In the mean time, Pen tool in CC17 does indicate distance with 0.01 accuracy, and snaps...
Just got to CTRL+Z afterwards to clean up (or go Clean up in the end with object>path>cleanup) -
KaMu commented
Big vote on this! It seems counter intuitive not to snap with the ruler.
In the mean time, Pen tool in CC17 does indicate distance with 0.1 accuracy, and snaps... -
Hugh Campbell commented
Users resort to creating and deleting temporary rectangles, as these at least snap to points. Daft, in the extreme.
Steve Laskevitch commented
Rendering it inaccurate.
Measure tool just doesn't work with smart guides.
At all.
Why? Why?!