My feedback
6 results found
72 votes
Hello all,
The 'Apply to all' checkbox has been brought back in the Replace missing link dialogue.
'Apply to all' checkbox was removed when we introduced the 'Auto-relink' (search for missing links in this folder) functionality, as we though 'auto-relink' is going to take care of the 'replace all' workflow as well. But it didn't work as expected in few cases as pointed out by some of you.
Hence, with the latest release V29.2 (full roll out happens on Jan 9), we have decided to revert to the earlier experience whereby we are bringing back 'apply to all' checkbox and rolling back the 'auto-relink functionality.
Because of conflicts, both of these functionality cannot co-exist unless we make some significant changes to the relinking experience.
As we understand, 'replace all' was a important workflow for most of you, so we decided to quickly bring it back while working on the overall…
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Josh commented
Scott you DO need to change the file names if your production environment or situation requires you to keep the initial iteration in the folder. It is easier to just quick add a letter or symbol to your file name quick than it is to make a folder, name it whatever and drag the file in. Either way you shouldn't have to do either options, it should just be a feature.
An error occurred while saving the comment Josh commented
Agree with RV999. Why doesn't this feature exist when using the Relink option? Such a silly work around you have to do just to relink a bulk amount of images.
An error occurred while saving the comment Josh commented
Version 28.4.1 has a major bullet point and type on path bug. I'm asking for Adobe create another patch for 28 to bring it back. We can't quite upgrade to 29 yet.
An error occurred while saving the comment Josh commented
Can we get it patched out of version 28 too?
An error occurred while saving the comment Josh commented
Chris that does not work when you need to relink it to a different file name.
An error occurred while saving the comment Josh commented
If I have 20 versions of the same image that I need to be linked to a different image I have to replace it 20 times. This is such and obvious feature to have and unacceptable that it was removed. Also saving over the current linked image is NOT an option in a production environment. Put this back in the missing link pop up or make it an option when relinking through the Links window (as it should have always been there anyways).
Josh supported this idea ·
Type on Path Characters vanish and appear scattered / exploded on far edges of canvas (when zoomed out) if outlined / expanded
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57 votesThe issue is believed to be fixed in the latest Beta build and is expected to be pushed into the Global Availability build at the end of July.
To ensure this indeed fixes the problem, please install the latest Beta build from CCD app and try to reproduce it, following the steps provided by Ton in a comment within the report.
Please reply back if Beta works for you or not.
An error occurred while saving the comment Josh commented
Has this issue been fixed?
Josh supported this idea ·
62 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Josh commented
Why hasn't this been implemented yet?
Josh supported this idea ·
47 votes
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for the feedback. Want to give an update that we have removed the dialog, and the new experience is available in our latest release build – 24.1.1 for Win and 24.1 for Mac which is available worldwide now, in case you want to give it a try. Now, there will be no blocking message, we will show a “soft message” which will auto-dismiss .
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator TeamAn error occurred while saving the comment Josh commented
Why was this removed on a Close but not on a Save As?
Josh supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Josh commented
We just updated to 24.1.1 to remove this dialog and it is still there. Is it a preference now or?
141 votes
We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.Josh supported this idea ·
2 votes
Josh shared this idea ·
The Apply to All check box was removed in some versions.