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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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407 results found

  1. Character and Paragraph Styles

    In indesign Character and Paragraph Styles are very easy to use, and they can be grouped. Is it possible to have similar styles in illustrator?

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  2. Convert to Type On A Path

    The option to convert point or area type to 'type on a path' would be helpful. Also to be able to use the pen tool to add points on a 'point type path' and by doing so converting it to 'type on a path'. This removes the need to draw the path then add the type.

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  3. Font Height Options - "Cap Height" option by default

    The new font height option is great!

    However, working in the sign trade, everyone including our clients (who are mostly Architects) specify text by cap height so we are constantly changing the default Em size to cap height.

    It would save a lot of time and also eliminate any potential size issues with someone having the wrong option selected which could be very costly.

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  4. Convert to path object - keep object name

    When I rasterise a letter or text in Photoshop, the layer keeps the original name.

    Why can't Illustrator do the same? I type the letter A and the object in layers has the name "A". If I now change the letter to a Path object, the group is no longer called "A" but "group". What is still ok with one letter, becomes very annoying with 500 letters. Especially when it comes to special characters like ́ ˘ ̧ ̒ ̋ ̏ ̀ ̌ ̦ ̊ ̄ - ̨ ̣ ̇ ̷ ̃ ̈ ^, which are difficult to read in…

    11 votes
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  5. Make Ligatures OFF by default and have a checkbox in Preferences > Type

    Please make it possible to turn off all ligatures within the Preferences > Type dialog box, then make it Off by Default.

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  6. Can't undo Auto bullets

    If I undo the bullets (which came automatic after space bar) the letter disappear.

    For example: I can't use (-) at front of text with 1 spacebar.

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  7. Character Styles should only contain deviations from paragraph styles (like in InDesign)

    In InDesign, I can simply design a paragraph using a paragraph style and then apply deviations (such as bolding) via a character style, because I can create a paragraph style that contains the sole information "style: bold". So that when I change the font in the paragraph style, the character style will simply apply the bolding to the new font.

    In Illustrator, however, I need to select a font for the character style before I can select the style. This means that if I change the font in the paragraph style, I would also have to update it in the…

    10 votes
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  8. Reflect Single Characters within the Character Panel

    The ability to reflect a single character as live text within the character panel. Similar to the rotate feature already available.

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  9. Merge text broken up when imported from a PDF

    I often have to import PDFs into Illustrator always have words and sentences that are no longer part of the same segment. Example. I just imported 24-inch. Each letter, number, and symbol came in individually. Instead of retyping it so I can make edits, it would be nice if there was an option that merged the text back into one line. Screenshot will show what I mean.

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  10. An option to affect fonts that are hidden or locked with Find/Replace

    When finding lost fonts or replacing fonts can you PLEASE let AI change/replace fonts that are hidden or on a locked layer. Or at least give us an option to.

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  11. More Text Frame & Type options like: Inset Spacing, Auto Fit, Columns and Bullet & Num Lists

    I highly appraise adding the much needed Vertical Text Alignment feature from indesign to Illustrator. While they are at it I would like to request more Text Frame & Type features to be migrated over from Indesign. Like Inset Spacing, Auto Fit, Columns and Bullet & Numbered Lists .

    Why? Due to Illustrator having more flexible and abundant creativity oriented vector design features I often pick Illustrator over Indesign to create single page designs like flyers or posters. Having more control over type would speed up the design workflow significantly. Lack of Type control is the only thing that causes…

    9 votes
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  12. Select a few words at the same time / non-contiguous text selection

    I would like the ability to select single words at the same time in a document (helpful to put emphasis on words e.g. bolder text).

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  13. Editable Illustrator text in AfterEffects

    For years we have been copy and pasting text from Powerpoint into AfterEffects because the Illustrator file does not open in AfterEffects with editable text. Takes us ages and introduces many errors.

    Illustrator file text should just open in AfterEffects in 2018!

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  14. Missing Fonts Copy/Paste Font File Name in Resolve Missing Fonts Window

    If Multiple fonts are missing , and all need to be activated in my font management system, I have to type in the search bar the name of the font exactly as it is spelled in order for the correct one to appear. This can be time consuming when a customer has provided multiple fonts with irregular naming conventions.

    Can we have an update that makes the notices in Resolve Missing Fonts window active so it is possible to copy the name of the font exactly as it is being recognized in the program?


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  15. Let me change reading direction with the vertical text tool

    When using the vertical text tool (which probably was designed for asian scripts) the default textflow is from right to left (as with most asian languages, I guess). It would be need if I could change it to left to right.

    Issue has also been discussed here:

    You can find a file of the desired outcome attached

    9 votes
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  16. Auto-adjust text box to text

    In the past, with Freehand, we could to do that by clicking on the bottom corner right of the text box.
    Recover that would be a good idea.

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  17. Faux Italics

    It would save time & Photoshop, InDesign, and rich text editors can skew a regular font that does not have an italic weight.

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  18. Perspective distortion of bitmaps and text?

    In many other software packages you are able to use perspective distortion on text and bitmaps. This should be a very basic feature of illustrator. This way you can still change the font / text while it is in perspective.

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  19. arabic typing

    I can't type in arabic

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  20. Make Illustrator inform users about the live shape nature of the path used for area type and provide associated controls for it

    Currently, when we use a live rectangle as a path for an area type, it secretly stays live shape inside, and it allows us to scale the object with the round corners honored. If we round corners for a rectangle-looking path (not live shape), corners will get stretched.

    However, there is no way to distinguish these two cases with UI, or to convert a rectangular path used for the area type into live rectangle shape, or to have shape-sepcific controls.

    Please refer to the discussion in comments for the details.

    This request is based on the original declined bug report…

    8 votes
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