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4563 results found

  1. Objects on Path needs a way to control spacing / gaps precisely, with a value

    At the moment we can’t control spacing (gaps) between objects on path ion the new Objects on Path type of object (what a beautiful sentence).

    We can only eyeball it with a slider, which is incrementing by points (despite me having set millimeters as my ruler units).

    There is no field I can type something like 0.125 mm, or at least a modifier key (like Cmd/Ctrl) to make the slider go slower ×10 (or any other value I choose somewhere in Preferences or at least in Adobe Prefs file, buried in Ai’s folders).

    Perhaps yo should also allow us to…

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  2. Add Font Height Options in Style Settings Panel

    Can we get this option added within the Paragraph and Character Style Settings panels?
    Currently you can only fix the font height of a Paragraph and Character styles with Em-box as a reference.

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  3. Add TIFF format into Export for Screens / Assets dialog

    We need a way to export assets (and artboards) as TIFFs using modern Export for Screens / Assets dialog.

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  4. Add Round Butt cap option for strokes

    The original idea by Johan Perjus, from

    There are quite a few cases where I use rounded strokes as a starting point for building shapes and where this option would be useful, as in order to know the correct outer dimensions of a stroke, one has to deduct the stroke with from the end caps.

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  5. The Reflect tool should respect stroke variable width and Use Preview Bounds option

    The original idea by Johan Perjus, from

    Notice how the thicker stroke width moves to the outside of the circle when using the reflect tool, meaning that the reflect tool currently does not take the stroke width in consideration when performing a reflect (or mirror). One therefore have to manually edit the stroke width after using the tool in order to achieve a truly reflected version of the object.

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  6. A proposal to fix the mess that is Preferences > Units

    The original idea by Johan Perjus, from

    Units of measure settings are a mess right now, units can be set for General, Stroke and Type on a “global” level under Illustrator > Preferences, but “General” are overridden by Unit settings on document (local) level, however it does not apply to, nor can it be changed for Stroke and Type on document level. Thus adds a lot of unnecessary back and forth visits to Preferences > Units if you are working with delivery for different mediums (who isn’t?) print, web, motion graphics and so on, add multiple markets to that…

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  7. Allow for negative value input and Option click with Line Segment Tool

    The original idea by Johan Perjus, from

    As you may know, holding down the Option key and clicking on your artboard with any of the shape tools (Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Star) creates the shape centered on where you clicked, as opposed to the right and down from where you clicked. Please also apply this function to the Line Segment Tool as well as allow for negative value input in order to create the line in the opposite direction of the current angle value, just as you can enter a negative value to move an object in the opposite direction…

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  8. Make documents honor artboard settings when adding additional artboards

    The original idea by Johan Perjus, from

    When you create a new document, under More Settings you can indicate how you want the succeeding Artboards to appear (see the image).

    However, if you add more artboards to the same document after it was created, this setting is not honored, but appears with the default setting, which is to the right of current Artboard. Even when the down and left icons are selected under Properties > Artboards > Quick Actions > Rearrange All Artboards.

    On the positive side, Illustrator does appear to at least honor the Spacing setting (thanks to…

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  9. Restore a way to copy the value from another filed with a click on the input’s caption in dialogs

    Please bring back the one-click way to duplicate a value from one input field into another for dialogs.

    This was available from version 8 through CS5.
    Make it a toggle in Preferences.

    For example, if i wanted to make a square 100mm x 100mm I would select the rectangle tool (M) and then click once in the work area... the dialogue box would come up... I would then only have to enter 100mm into the Width,
    then click on the Height descriptor (not the white entry portion) and my dimension would be automatically duplicated in the entry portion of the…

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  10. Allow to remove a 3D effect directly from 3D and Materials panel

    I would like to see a simple button that is in 3D and Materials that I can press to remove the 3D effect.

    Going to Window > Appearance is fine but its an extra step. It would be quicker and easier to just have a button in the 3D and Materials panel.

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  11. Allow to show contents (unfurl) of compound paths in Layers

    Illustrator treats a compound path as a single entity, no matter how many singular paths it has inside.

    Layers panel does not display '>' next to the name of it, and does not allow to unfurl the item to see what it has inside.

    It makes sense in a way, since the order of items does not matter (it is for a Compound Shapes, where it matters a lot, with e.g. 'Minus Front').

    At the same time, we can still select a subpath of a compound path with the Group Selection tool, and use Object > Arrange commands (even though…

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  12. 2 votes

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  13. Don’t drop selection from all the selected links when using Embed

    If I have several images selected and hit Embed, in the end I get them all embedded, but only the last image processed selected.

    Why? I never wanted to alter my selection, I just wanted to have them embedded. I makes sense from the programmer’s point of view, since these get embedded one by one. But form a user’s point of view it’s a batch operation, Embed ALL. I selected ALL, and I want to keep them ALL selected.

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  14. Bring back Duplicate button in the Contextual Task Bar

    It would be very useful to bring back the repeat / duplicate icon in the Contextual Task Bar -- specifically when selecting shapes. Illustrator 2024 had this feature when a shape was selected. The 2025 update removed this feature.

    Please bring this back, or allow users to customize the Conceptual Task Bar in the settings.

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  15. Add "Embed Images" to Menu/Actions

    Working with multiple print files requires manual embedding of each linked image, which is time-consuming. Please add "Embed Images" to either:

    • The Actions panel for batch processing, or
    • The menu system to allow keyboard shortcut assignment

    This would significantly improve workflow efficiency in print production environments.

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  16. Alt/Option-click on the "New style" icon to open a text style definition dialog directly

    It would be a giant leap forward for Illustrator to match InDesign's UX for paragraph and character styles management.

    Allow us to Alt/Option-click on the "New style" icon to open the style definition dialog directly, avoiding nonsense names like "Paragraph Style 1."

    The same approach is used for Graphic Styles, so it should be allowed for text styles as well.

    Original idea by Alan Gilbertson

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  17. Right-click on a text style to access the its definition and options

    It would be a giant leap forward for Illustrator to match InDesign's UX for paragraph and character styles management.

    Allow right-click on a character or paragraph style to access the style definition and options via a context menu: Edit style, Duplicate style, Delete style, Apply style, Redefine style, instead of using the panels’ menus.

    Original idea by Alan Gilbertson

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  18. Put gradients in swatch groups, option to make them global, work between Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop

    It's a three-in-one suggestion around the entire universe of gradient issues in Adobe software.

    A. Why can't we put gradients in swatch group folders? This seems like a very basic feature for swatch organization.

    B. Why can't the gradient be global so editing a swatch position or color in the gradient panel moves/changes it across all uses of the gradient relative to the current scale of that gradient? and

    C. Why can't we save gradient swatches in a way that is shareable between other Adobe software? Available gradient styles are also inconsistent in the Adobe-verse.

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  19. Objects on Path should allow snapping to (smart) guides

    Hello Creatives,
    I hope you enjoy the new handy "objects on path" tool as I do.

    The Request:
    It would be awesome if Objects on Path (New Tool) could snap to smart guides, guides or even - let's go wild - to a grid. As sometimes you work within systems and/or objects are related to each it feels like this feature would make it a really great tool to design with.

    Kind regards

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  20. Show status for Hide/Show Edges

    It would be really useful if you had an indicator in the toolbar that shows if Edges are currently Hidden or Shown. It could also be a toggle, but just showing the status clearly and always would be enough.

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