Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4563 results found
Display Move Locked and Hidden Artwork with Artboard option in Control panel and Properties while using Artboard tool / mode
The Move Locked and Hidden Artwork with Artboard option should be displayed when the user is actually in the "Edit Artboard" mode, using the Artboard tool. It is common problem when you want to duplicate an artboard and you have locked background. In most cases, I want to move my artwork with the background.
7 votes -
Rename a document from its tab
Illustrator allows to to set a name for a new document in File > New dialog (both modern and classic one). But once a document is created, you no longer can change the name until it’s saved.
If a user want to set a name, but not ready to save, they have no other choice other then save. While it’s OK to have an unsaved document with a specified name, you are given the chance to name it once until then. Not fair.
Perhaps you should allow users to rename any document for it’s tab?
Probably not with a single…5 votes -
PDFs in Libraries: Why I can't edit them?
In Libraries:
.AI files are editable with a ctrl-click > Edit
.PDF are not.Please allow PDF files to be open in Adobe Illustrator.
1 vote -
Allow merging global and non-global colors
Please make it possible to merge non-global swatches with global and vice versa. It would greatly help tidy up submissions for printing.
2 votes -
Clip to key object
Illustrator allows to set a key object in a selection with a click. The object gets thick edge and can be used for aligning and distributing operation, to stay in place.
This simple way of marking an object is used only for these, and it’s a waste.
We need to be able to use key objects for other operations as well.For example, why not allow users to clip into the key object, if it’s set? Currently we would have to move it above other objects in a selection, reselect them together, and hope we didn’t mess it up... or…
8 votes -
Automated clipping with a hotkey based on the selection
Can you make clipping easier and automatic depending on what you have selected perhaps with a key command?
1 vote -
Highlight objects to unlock when choosing one from Unlock in context menu
Previously Illustrator introduced a way to unlock specific objects under cursor:
See the screenshot for example.
However, when you have objects unnamed, this list doesn’t really help, and Ai does nothing to highlight the object in focus and help to distinguish from other locked ones.Ai should make the edge of the object to be unlocked with a thick line, similar to one we see on key objects, or a somewhat similar look it is used for Objects on Path picking mode (now in Beta).
Look how Figma highlights objects (see the attached video).
Why Ai can’t do the…8 votes -
Shift+ctrl+o を入力すると、右上に「FPS フレーム時間 GPUの使用率」というウィンドウが出るようになりました。ウィンドウズ10proです
1 vote -
Change how lock and hide work
Сan you adjust how hiding layers vs locking layers works?
Lock should prevent edits of any kind.
Hide should allow edits if the master group or layer are adjusted.
Example: Character Animator makes us hide Illustrator layers for various poses, mouths, etc. All the mouths are in a head group. If I move a head group with hidden layers, those layers don't move with the group. They should move. They should just not be seen while doing it because they are not locked.
If hide works this way, can you explain the difference between lock and hide?
I find this…
1 vote -
Old Dogs New Tricks - "Stop modernizing mode" or "stop teaching new things mode"
I've been using Illustrator since the 1990s and can use tools with my eyes closed and with keyboard commands like second nature. What trips me up every time I use it these days is it is constantly changing with little tweaks and updates! Insessant tool tips to teach me how to use the most basic of tool features!
Can I please have a feature to
1. Turn off tool tip prompts and teaching features
2. Turn on 1990s mode or 2000s mode or 2010s mode makes the tools organize and perform as previous feature sets.2 votes -
A visual list for CTRL Z!
A visual list for CTRL Z! Let us see the previous designs in image form & then we click the one we want.
2 votes -
Effect dialogs need sliders
Illustrator's stylized filters need a more practical and dynamic UI.
Currently, stylized effects such as Drop Shadow, Feather, Inner and Outer Glow have an outdated UI and are not dynamic.
I remember that Gaussian Blur was not in the past either, but Gaussian Blur was updated years ago and these stylized filters were not.
I believe that these stylized filters deserve a more practical, faster and dynamic way of being adjusted, and I took the liberty of creating a UI suggestion inspired by the current Gaussian Blur UI.
What do you think, would it be possible?
18 votes -
The Flip buttons in the Properties panel should copy objects
In the Transform section of the Properties panel there are Flip vertical and Flip horizontal buttons.
When holding down Alt while pressing the buttons it would be convenient if they could copy the object, like InDesign does.
3 votes -
Composite fonts with Chinese, Korean fonts
Composite fonts (East Asian type option) only shows Japanese typefaces for CJK text elements. It would be nice to be also able to typeset CJK texts in Chinese/Korean typefaces to reflect regional differences in CJK character forms.
2 votes -
Comment finder
Sometimes a small markup from a client on a busy page is hard to find. I'd like to see a function that dims the entire document and highlights the markup when you click on a comment in the comment panel. And even better if the page could also zoom into the markup and put it center screen when you click on the comment in the comment panel.
1 vote -
ナビゲータ表示がアートボードや 孤立点などを
(もし方法があるのであれば、教えて下さい。)1 vote -
Export As should remember the last chosen format across sessions, after the app the relaunched
Currently Export As remembers the chosen file format only until the app is relaunched.
This choice should be sticky. That is, if we export as PDF, this should stay chosen next time Illustrator is launched.
Currently it gets defaulted to PNG, and choosing a required format each time feels tedious and unnecessary.5 votes -
Make 'Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities' option be always disabled for PDFs made with Export As but always enabled for Save As
We now got a way to Export a PDF, rather than Save a Copy, thanks to this request:
However, these methods don’t really differ from each other, and 'Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities' is still a thing for these exported PDF, bloating the size twice and leaving a way for these to be editable.
I want this option to be disabled and unchecked for Export as PDF — announced loudly and clearly.
And if Save As method is chosen — this 'Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities' option should be locked as enabled.
4 votes -
1 vote -
Allow to change Line Weights for Dimension and Extension Line with one value
Add a lock option for Dimension tool to change Line Weights for both Dimension and Extension Line at the same time with one value
3 votes
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