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4563 results found

  1. Add a line tangency feature to all drawing tools

    Please add a tangency feature to the pen tool. This will allow for an easier method of creating graceful line work.

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  2. Leading / Line Height calculator (more Auto options)

    Illustrator now offers 120% as the default leading value.
    Changing it requires you to go to Justification dialog within the Character panel.
    The setting is global for the document.
    Changing the default value for all new documents requires editing [Normal Paragraph Style] in proper Document Profile (and default ones are reset every time Ai updates).

    Typography often requires more variety than just a value relative to font size.
    In real projects we have to calculate leading / line height based on line width, x-height... and also background, color, the font itself.

    While Ai hardly can do it all on its…

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  3. Make Polygon tool dialog offer to set a shape by its Side Length

    ¡¡¡¿Por qué pregunta el radio de un octágono?!!! Tendría el programa que calcularlo. Si yo pongo cuántos lados quiero, en donde dice RADIO tendría que dar la opción de la medida de cada LADO, no del radio. Para ello yo tendría que estar haciendo cuentas matemáticas que me atrasan en mi trabajo.

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  4. Font stack (like CSS)

    As a user who frequently works with CJK texts, I often encounter challenges in managing fonts for multilingual documents. Currently, setting different fonts for mixed-texts is a cumbersome process.

    When I work with mixed texts, it is common to set CJK texts in one typeface and English text in another, as it is usually the case for many brands. To do so, I have to set the fonts of the text twice (first English, then find all characters whose font is unchanged and set them to the CJK font). Sometimes, if the chosen CJK font has missing characters (“tofu”), I…

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  5. Revisit the interactions of gradients, brushes, and patterns.

    You can't make pattern swatches with gradients in them. This limitation probably made a lot of sense back in 1996 when gradients were new and complicated. Does it still make sense in 2024, with thirty years of CPU manufacturers fighting to keep Moore's Law valid?

    You can't apply a gradient stroke to an art/pattern/scatter brush. Again, this limitation probably made sense back in 2012 when gradient strokes were added to Illustrator. Does it still make sense in 2024?

    I'm pretty tired of working around both of these limitations.

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  6. Bleed 5 mm

    Buenas tardes, mi sugerencia es que por default al guardar un pdf el illustrator y el indesign, venga con 5 mm de sangrado en lugar de 0 (cero). Trabajo en preimpresión y el error mas común de los clientes es que envian los pdfs sin sangrado lo cual implica tener que volver a editar el archivo cuando se podria evitar si por default el bleed vendria activado en 5 mm

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  7. Make Revert operation into a History step we can undo

    Shielding Revert this with a confirmation does NOT work.
    Having confirmations is a bad UX solution, and it’s known now — it seems like only Adobe is not aware.
    People don’t read these, and either learn to not notice these or to skip these.

    What apps should do instead is to allow a mistake, but then giving a chance to Undo it.
    Like modern email clients now do — you can undo sending an email, because there is a hidden delay.

    Photoshop does NOT have a confirmation, but it allows us to UNDO the Revert, unlike other apps.

    Make Revert…

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  8. Pick gradients from images using Eyedropper tool

    An Eyedropper enhancement to automatically recognise and sample color gradients from images.

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  9. Paint an Image Map for Defining Complexity in Image Trace Function

    Feature Request: Paint an Image Map for Defining Complexity in Image Trace Function
    I would like to request a feature enhancement for Adobe Illustrator's Image Trace function. This enhancement involves the ability to paint an image map that defines the complexity of the vector result. This feature would allow users to have more control over the detail and precision of different areas within an image when using the Image Trace tool.

    Proposed Functionality:
    Image Map Tool:

    Introduce a new tool that allows users to paint directly onto the image, creating a map that indicates areas of different complexity.

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  10. Remove Movie Clip/Graphic dropdown in Symbol options dialog

    Update Symbol Options dialog to remove the Movie Clip/Graphic dropdown which is noted as being for Flash tagging. Flash is dead tech.

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  11. Selective Vectorize: Vectorize specific parts of an image with Image Trace

    Vectorize specific parts of an image using this Selective Vectorize tool. It allows users to explicitly ignore certain parts of the image by marking only the required parts.

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    Dear Users,

    Introducing Selective Vectorization in Image Trace: Introducing the capability to selectively trace objects from a Raster Image. To use this capability:

    1. Select the selective vectorization tool from Image Trace Panel
    2. Hover over the Embedded Image, it will annotate the selected regions
    3. Use Up/Down arrow key to adjust the selected regions
    4. Clicking will select that part of image
    5. Use Shift key user can add to selection
    6. Use Option/Alt key to remove a selection
    7. Trace the Image

    Note: Selective Vectorization only works on embedded images.

    Known Issue: Annotation might appear incorrect when Image is scaled after place and embed.

    Is this technology useful in your workflow? 

    Please try it out in BETA and let us know your feedback.

  12. Hide/Show all text appearances in the Appearance panel

    Have the option to hide/show all appearances in the appearance panel, not just individual ones.
    When working with text, having the computer constantly redraw appearances — slows the workflow. The ability to hide all would drastically improve performance, especially on text with multiple strokes/complex fills.

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  13. Holding Control key and clicking on a New Layer icon should create a new layer below, as in Photoshop

    Originally mentioned by Mohammed Amjed Khan Abro here:

    Layers Panel.
    Holding or pressing the Control key and clicking on a new layer icon in Photoshop to creates a new layer below all the layers if no layer is selected, if a layer is selected then you do the same action will create a new layer below the selected layer which really makes sense.
    The same thing would be very comfortable in Illustrator if that feature would be added in the Layers and Appearance Panel.

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  14. Make Snapshots for History panel

    I'd like to be able to TAKE SNAPSHOT

    Then a History panel would show each snapshot, rather than hundreds of moves and tweaks.

    A undo/redo shortcut modifier to step back or forward through snapshots.
    A trash can on the history panel to remove a snapshot.

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  15. Make rendering of 3D happen in background

    Ideally pushing the rendering tasks to a background process would help with using this tool. It's a bit of a pain to have to click and unclick cpu-intensive modes just to make adjustments or wait for 10+ seconds when I could be working on another part of the artwork.

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  16. Introduce an option for for 3D and Materials to extrude only forward or backward instead of both ways at once

    The extrude effect seems to be extruding along the Z axis in both directions simultaneously. Maybe there should be an option to fix the front face and extrude it backwards (or fix it as a back face and extrude it forward) so that it would be possible to match the same isometric view as the original flat vector in a graphic style.

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  17. Placed Image Scale Percentage

    We desperately need a way to tell the percentage scale of a placed image — or more specifcally, a set of placed images — in Illustrator. A perfect example of this is when you have a set of icons that are all designed at the same size relative to each other, with the same stroke widths. If you place 20 of them on the artboard, it's easy to accidentally have some slightly larger than others, and trying to normalize the scale is darned near impossible because there is ABSOLUTELY NO INDICATION ANYWHERE as to the scale that they're placed at.

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  18. Select Inverse and Lock in Contextual Task Bar

    Select Inverse and Lock in a single keyboard stroke or button on Contextual Task Bar. Thank you!

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  19. Reflect and Unite in one step, without extra points

    Reflect a shape and Unite it to the original shape without having extraneous points - in one step. Having to close the shape, then carefully align it and then unite it only to see you have extra points in the middle where the shapes overlapped is a hassle. (use - making symmetrical, complex shapes like frames or road signs or something similar) Thank you!

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  20. Easily resize pattern

    Would love to be able to easily resize the patterns within forms.

    Right now I have to resize the object using the option "adapt the pattern" while doing the modifcation, and resize it back without the option.
    Or make a new, big pattern within the pattern swatch.

    What would be useful is not having to leave your illustration or change the shape you would like to change the pattern that is applied to.
    Maybe having a preview of your illustration with the changes you make on the pattern tab/window.

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