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  1. Unembedding Multiple Images keep only one of them selected on canvas

    Since 27.8 we can unembed several images at once, if we check 'Unembed all selected images to this folder' option in Unembed dialog (requested here:

    But if I do this, I get only ONE of them selected after the unembedding process is finished. I am seeing the last one gets selected briefly and then the first one, and stays like this. Why not all previously selected?

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  2. File > Adobe PDF Presets menu, to have even faster PDF export options

    Starting with build 28.6, we can now Export As PDF (thanks to this request:

    This works alongside with a pervious lesser known method: Save a Copy, as PDF.

    However, exporting a PDF copy to make a quick 'snapshot' still feels slow — we get a dialog and have to choose a preset we want to use.

    Meanwhile InDesign offers a handy configurable menu that allows to skip format options and go with a chosen preset, like the attached screenshot shows.

    Please make a similar menu.

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  3. 增加文字编排的功能

    2.排版器-Adobe CJK单行排版器和Adobe CJK段落排版器

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  4. Live preview missing in many tools

    In these 2 tools:
    — Create Object Mosaic
    — Transform Effect
    I see a live preview toggle is missing.

    If the development team can add it, then it will make them more intuitive and smooth.

    The Transform effect has Preview only, however a A LIVE PREVIEW would be better and faster.

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  5. 1 vote

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  6. 尺寸标注参数自适应能力


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  7. Add Clipping Mask Feature Similar to Corel Draw's Powerclip

    Please make clipping mask like Corel Draw's Powerclip.

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  8. Seed generator for random options

    Random in Illustrator is NOT random.
    Depending on the values I will always get the same result. Add an seed generator. Best would be to add an option go type in the seed manually, that way I can choose if a want the same randomness or a random randomness.

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  9. Linked copies / instances

    I need linked copies / instances - copies that follow the transformation of the original object (or vice versa).
    A lot of times I do copy paths, groups or other objects in place, and just change the stroke width, apply an effect, or change the colour. Afterwards a change the size or position just slightly, AND THAN THE HASSLE STARTS. From there on I need to do the exact same change to the "original" path too. Too much work, too much time lost.

    Do you want to program that, or should I start a plugin.

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  10. Smart objects (opened from Photoshop) should have the same name as their Photoshop layer

    I'm working on a complicated digital twinning pipeline which involves a lot of nested smart objects within Photoshop files.

    Oftentimes these smart objects are merely white text and it's difficult to distinguish between them when several are open at the same time.

    The problem is compounded because illustrator simply refers to each object that I open as "Vector smart object". Having several open at the same time quickly becomes difficult to manage. I believe, too, that Photoshop is sometimes unable to launch a particular smart object in illustrator because of a clashing "Vector smart object" 'file name' instance.

    It would…

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  11. Fit artwork to match the size of artboards

    Fit a shape to CANVAS SIZE
    Fit a shape to artboard from ARTBOARD / FIT TO CANVAS SIZE

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  12. Smart Guide object edges (on mouse hover) should be easier to distinguish from actual selected object edge

    With smart guides on, a selected object's edge outlines look the same as a rolled-over / mouse-over / hover-over object.

    With complex art, it's often difficult to distinguish if you have an item selected or not. Bounding box handles help, but It would be better if there was some additional attribute related to the actual outline. Perhaps a lower tint of the same guide color?

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  13. Stroke dialogue box decimal adjustment

    In the stroke dialog box, have an up\down arrow on the RHS of the size to affect the “after decimal” size.

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  14. Add buttons in a tool panel to directly remove fill or stroke without a need to focus one

    LHS toolbox Stroke/Fill helpful feature
    At the bottom of the LHS Toolbox, have an x inside the stroke coloured square to remove a stroke instead of going to colour swatch box.

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  15. Image Trace halftone

    Image Trace should recognize halftone and implement as 4 node circles.

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  16. Select small fragments to delete

    Select small fragments to delete by having a sliding scale or by size. Show colour to indicate the affected area.

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  17. Allow to hold Opt/Alt while using Lasso tool to toggle freeform / polygonal modes, like in Photoshop

    Make lasso tool like Photoshop so you can use the Option click with more detail.

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  18. 斜線と直交する正円中心点の距離を寸法記入したい


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  19. Print current artboard

    If my file has more than one artboard and I want to print the selected artboard, I have to press (shift + o) to see number of the artboard, then (Ctrl + P) then I have to write the number of the artboard I want to print.
    This actually so boring especially if my file work requires to print a lot.
    Please if you add an option to print dialog which is (print current artboard) that will help a lot.
    Thank you

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  20. 当拖入(粘贴)到illustrator的图片或对象大于默认画布尺寸


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