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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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645 results found

  1. Color Gray printing as brown when saving from Illustrator CC v23.0.2 to CS4

    MacOS Mojave v10.14.4 & Illustrator CC v23.0.2
    When saving a file from Illustrator CC v23.0.2 to CS4 the gray colors print as brown but if I save the file as the current Illustrator CC v23.0.2 it prints as gray as it should. It is a CMYK document with only K values. Discovered this from printing an older document created 08/2019 then printing the new document. The old document was also saved from the version at that date to CS4 but the new document saving to CS4 printed as brown not gray.

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  2. When copying/pasting an item(s) the color saturates

    BUG! When copying and pasting shapes/images/etc in illustrator the colors over saturate (see my example ) In the example its very clearly over saturating the red and yellow color as well as the images. PLEASE FIX!!!

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  3. Stop automatically changing RGB files to grayscale when working with colors

    Illustrator takes an RGB file and converts it to grayscale when changing the color of paths. For example- in an RGB file I change a path to red. Illustrator turns the path gray and converts the file to grayscale. I then have to convert the file back to RGB in order for the path to show as red.

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  4. Swatches off screen

    Since the latest update, if I click the swatches icon in the top left menu, the panel appears but cuts off 2-3 colors on the left side offscreen. Please fix!

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  5. Asks me to login to Creative Cloud when I try to "Find Fonts"

    When I try to search for non-native fonts that I've downloaded after opening a file from a non-Adobe cloud program, it says I need to go to "Help" and log in to Creative CLoud. When I go to "Help", it says I'm already signed in. Restarting the program and trying again does not fix the problem.

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  6. Control and Toolbar

    Control and toolbars disappear every time I start Illustrator CC and I am on 23.0.2 version. Please advise. Thank you.

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  7. Eyedropper, bounding box, shortcuts don't work, Text tool messed up...

    Illustrator CC 23.0.2 - Mac Mojave

    1) The eyedropper tool is pretty much useless, because it doesn't work on groups. I need to ungroup everything or make a compound path. This is very annoying.

    2) the bounding box sometimes disappears and I cannot bring it back with the usual shortcut, i have to do it manually, sometimes even that doesn't work and I have to restart Illustrator. Also, the bounding box cannot be reset on objects like a perfect square when it's rotated 45 degrees. That means I cannot scale it properly. And also the bounding box always gets stuck…

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  8. copy and paste only works sporadically with Wacom tablet. All AI versions up to CC 23.0.2

    From at least version CS6 to CC 23.0.2 copy/paste when using a Wacom tablet only functions some of the time and I can't figure out a pattern to the behaviour. Using a mouse on the same system had no such problems. This is either using shortcut keys or the Edit menu commands. Problem on Win 7 Pro, although I've heard reports of it occurring on other O/S. This may be a partner to the "sticky rotate centre" issue reported elsewhere and which also occurs on my system.

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  9. Minus Front - Incomplete Shapes

    This is an odd issue that is kind of hard to explain. Whenever I am using the minus front tool on some objects, the appearance doesn't end up quite right. For example, I subtracted these outlined text characters from a black background. The blue outlines show that they were subtracted correctly, but the white background showing through is cut off in the wrong spots?

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  10. Artboard Navigation control at bottom of screen v 23.0.2 (newest update)

    Artboard Navigation control at bottom of screen shows up in the middle of the the screen when I use my larger screen. When I drag the window to my small screen and then back to the large screen, the artboard navigation control is back at the bottom. If I open a new file, the navigation control is back in the middle of the screen. This is version 23.0.2 (dowloaded and installed 3/6/19)

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  11. Garbled Video Screen

    I was just starting editing already (deleting parts of an emf file) when the screen became garbled.

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  12. 1 vote

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  13. Gradient stroke with spot colors separations error

    Using spot colors in a gradient stroke has problems on a close path. When viewing separations, white gaps appear between some spot colors.

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  14. Paste to Center [not working]

    Illustrator 23.0.2 does not paste into the center of the art board, despite having already centered the art board in the window.

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  15. gradient locks to a color stop in the color tab. If I want to use a solid fill on the color tab it only allows me to change the color stop.

    gradient locks to a color stop in the color tab. If I want to use a solid fill, on the color tab it only allows me to change the color stop. I cannot do anything to escape out of the gradient stop. I have to remove the gradient first then choose a color. Older versions allowed me to just click on the color fill box and I can toggle between gradient stop and object fill.

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  16. my mouse pointer appears huge in the InDesign interface

    my mouse pointer appears huge in the InDesign interface
    when i use my illustrator the mouse size look fine
    i use a primary and secondary screens
    Primary -3840\2160
    Secondary- 2560\1440

    need help!

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  17. linear gradients switching to radial gradients unexpectedly

    Illustrator CC 2019 (both Mac and Win platforms) I teach at the college level. Numerous students have reported that they will create a linear gradient on a shape. When they continue editing other areas and return to that shape, the gradient has changed to radial. The linear gradient shape was not selected and they were not editing a gradient swatch. I cannot replicate this error. Any thoughts?

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  18. CC library window blanks out after trying to edit files.

    Adobe Illustrator CC 23.0.2, WIndows 10 Enterprise version 17032.

    Tried right clicking onto a file in a CC library file to 'edit', CC library window closes immediately. Tried to open again from the Windows tab, CC library window is void of any files and folders. It appears blank.
    This only happens if I tried to 'edit'. If I place any files directly from CC library it's fine.

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  19. LogTransport2 locks app after failed requests to

    I have a corporate web filter that always tries to authenticate port 80 or 443 traffic. Illustrator is reaching out to and because there is no traditional web interface to handle this request, if the library can't communicate without issue the entire user interface locks and becomes unusable. Any ideas how to fix this issue? Thanks!

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  20. Panels are Grouped, e.g., Properties can't be detached from Layers

    I want to set up a new workspace to have separate windows. Illustrator is forcing them to be attached, and it takes up a lot of screen space, blocking my view of my artwork.

    I am using Windows 10 v1803

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    it is unclear from the post what the issue is. You can drag out property panel using click drag on the header.
    Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.

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