Eyedropper, bounding box, shortcuts don't work, Text tool messed up...
Illustrator CC 23.0.2 - Mac Mojave
1) The eyedropper tool is pretty much useless, because it doesn't work on groups. I need to ungroup everything or make a compound path. This is very annoying.
2) the bounding box sometimes disappears and I cannot bring it back with the usual shortcut, i have to do it manually, sometimes even that doesn't work and I have to restart Illustrator. Also, the bounding box cannot be reset on objects like a perfect square when it's rotated 45 degrees. That means I cannot scale it properly. And also the bounding box always gets stuck on clipping masks, but in the dimensions of the objects inside the mask, so there's a (usually) big bounding box that i cannot deactivate if i click anywhere, it only goes away when i scale the object and then go a step back (not sure if I explained it well)
3) Some shortcuts don't work, like the one for hide/show guides. When I use command + ; it's opening the preferences window instead of showing the guides.
Hiding windows used to be command + T, now that just opens the text options. The shortcuts for showing/ hiding bounding box doesn't always work, just sometimes.
4) The text tool is messed up. After a while of working on a text field, the selection doesn't work properly. For example, I have a sentenced highlighted to make it bigger or change the color, but the changes are being applied to a completely different text field that is not even activated. Or the change doesn't show at all. At this point, everything gets screwed up and I have to restart Illustrator.
5) Toolbar is mixed up. (only on Mac Mojave)Tools that I never use are at the top, i can only get the path tool through the dropdown menu. Same goes for Magic Wand. I have to search for tools now...Erase and scissors are in two different places, when they used to be in the same. not sure though if this is a bug or a "great new update", anyways i cannot drag the tools to other positions.
I've had all of these problems (except the ones with text tools) for about a year now, and on an older mac versions too. I use El Capitan at work and Mojave at home, both with newest CC versions, both with similar problems. Only With Mojave I have even more bugs, which is frustrating because I thought the newest mac version would be most compatible.

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.