Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
39 results found
macOS 14.7.2
Illustrator ver.29.1Step to reproduce
また、おかしくなったエリア内テキストを手動でリンクさせようとするとIllustratorがクラッシュします。以下のコミュニティ投稿もご参照ください。フォーラム-discussions/縦書き文章でスレッドテキストオプションが正常におこなわれない/td-p/15077023?profile.language=ja30 votes -
OS / Windows 11 Home 23H2
Illustrator 2025(バージョン 29.1)右揃えテキスト中に四分アキ等の文字が含まれ、アキの設定を自動の場合、テキスト右端がズレます。
自動設定ではなく、「アキなし」や個別にアキ量を「二分アキ」等に指定するとこの問題は解消されます。30 votes -
Can't move paragraph indent markers back to 0 in tab panel
Illustrator CC 2018
Windows 10When I try to move the top or bottom indent markers back to zero, it snaps back to its original place.
If I type 0 in the X: box, it doesn't work.
If I set it to 1, cliclk in the X: box and press the down arrow on my keyboard, it doens't work.The only way to set it back is via the Paragraph panel.
21 votesThe issue seems to be fixed in the latest version of Illustrator.
Please try to test it and reply back if it works as expected for you.
Illustrator ver.29.0再現手順
おそらく誤検知だと思われます。18 votes -
macOS 10.13〜11.6.7(確認できた範囲)縦組みのテキストに対して「アキを挿入(右・下)」を設定した上で水平比率を操作するとその比率に応じてアキ量が変化する。
- テキストツールにて縦組みテキストを入力する。
- 文字パネルにて「アキを挿入(右・下)」を設定する。 3.. 当該テキストに対して水平比率を設定する。
- 文字の縦幅は変わらないがアキ量が水平比率に比例して増減する。
17 votes -
和文書体は、(欧文ベールライン位置や平均字面は様々でも)基本的には正方形の仮想ボディに納められていますので、仮想ボディの中心を回転の原点としていただければ、このような補正の手間がなくなるのではないだろうか? と考えられます。
16 votes -
Ultra-slow cycling through font names with arrows and focus in Font Family field
When I try to cycle through font family list with focus set in Font Family field, it takes about 1-2 second for AI CC2018 to change both name and actual font for selected object (but it does it as ultra-fast when you drop down this field!) AI CC2017 does it a bit faster (0.5-1 second).
14 votesNo longer an issue in the latest releases
Selection tool not working with Text
Intermittently, the selection tool isn't working with my text. For area type, the bounding box will disappear (and "show bounding box" is enabled). When it re-appears, often there is a lag between when I move the text and when the bounding box follows it. If there is no lag, it is not uncommon for the bounding box not to move at all.
OR my selection tool will (on area type) act only like a direct selection tool. And the transformation controls on each side of a rectangle of the type box will disappear. All I can do is use the…
13 votesHi All,
Thanks for reporting this issue.
We are getting response from users that they are facing this issue no more on Latest Illustrator released version .Hence marking this issue as resolved.In case you are still encountering this issue.
Kindly provide some video and Test file(Via File→Package) with some steps with which you are facing issue and share with us in a zip file at .Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.Regards,
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team -
Syncing font from Typekit never works
When opening a file that I have used Typekit fonts in, the missing fonts dialog box tells me they are missing, but are available to sync from Typekit.
I have tried the following to restore my fonts- Press "Sync" from the missing font dialog box inside illustrator. (this does nothing. it loads forever and never updates my fonts)
- Open typekit in browser, unsync and re-sync all fonts.
- Close file. Open typekit in browser, unsync and re-sync all fonts. Re-open file.
- Quit Illustrator. Open typekit in browser, unsync and re-sync all fonts. Launch Illustrator. Open file.
NOTHING works.
12 votesThank you all of you who had contacted us. Here is the solution
Kindly try the troubleshooting Steps mentioned on Link: .
If above mentioned link does not resolve your problem Kindly collect the logs as mentioned in the e link and get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.NOTE: For Myraid pro refer to the link:
Cursor jumps while editing Font Family name
When I try to change font name from HeliosCondBlackC to HeliosBlackC (both are installed), erasing part of the name, CC2018 moves cursor to the end (while CC2017 does not)
I also have 'Entire Font name' option chosen (and never change it), but cursor still jumps to the end.12 votesI am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our release – 23.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Type On Path bug with OpenType-SVG fonts
- Apply a text to a curved path.
- Apply a color font like Trajan to the curved text. This results in incorrect glyph rotation.
- The rotation issue is no visible with CFF glyphs.
7 votesThe issue is no longer happening in the latest releases. Please comment back if it does not for you.
Paragraph style tab numeric measure is wrong
Windows 10Both v22.1 and 23.0.1 show the wrong numeric 'X' measure when setting or adjusting a tab stop in a paragraph style. The measure shown is inflated both according to the ruler below the tab stop, and tabs set using the tab window. The numeric measure is inflated by an increasing amount the further the tab is from the left margin, and remains inflated whether units are set to mm or inches.
eg. 20mm tab stop shows as 29.8mm in the paragraph style dialog-
Zoom 100% (general after repeat).png 65 KB -
Zoom 100% (repeat).png 38 KB -
Zoom 100% (write 10 mm).png 37 KB -
Zoom 66.67% (repeat).png 38 KB -
Zoom 66.67% (write 10 mm).png 37 KB -
Zoom 200% (general).png 54 KB -
Zoom 200% (points).png 44 KB -
Zoom 200%.png 43 KB -
Zoom 150%.png 42 KB -
Zoom 100%.png 41 KB -
Zoom 66.67%.png 42 KB -
paragraph style tab stop.jpg 54 KB
6 votesThe issue is no longer a problem in the latest versions of Illustrator.
(Illustrator Ver.29.1)5 votes -
Text always shows as black
Sometimes, when I apply color to a text box (using the swatches or the eyedropper) the color shown on screen is black even though in the Appearance panel the Fill is the one I applied.
I made a screenshot (attached) to demonstrate4 votesResolved (Comments Open) ·AdminIllustrator Engineering (Software Engineer, Adobe Illustrator) responded
The attached screenshot displays the FILL color underneath the CHARACTERS in the APPEARANCE panel therefore any change applied to the FILL will not be displayed, to display it correctly please move the FILL color row on top of the CHARACTER row (Click & Drag) in the Appearance panel.
Hope this helps to resolve this issue.
With Best Regards,
Raghuveer Singh
Illustrator Team -
Type on path not converting to outline
Operating System: OS X Ventura 13.4.1 (c) (22F770820d)
Version of Illustrator: 27.7I have an artwork which includes some type on a path (circle). When I go to send the file to a printer (PDF), I always outline the text as we've had issues in the past. For this artwork I've selected all the content and selected 'Convert to Outline', which has worked fine on all the type except the type on a path elements which just disappeared. I restarted Illustrator, but this didn't solve the problem.
The Type on a Path was part of a group, so I then…
2 votesThe issue appears to be fixed in 27.8.1.
Please comment if you still have it.
Copying and pasting text turns it to outlines
Copying and pasting text turns random parts of it to outlines. if you Option-drag the text, it works fine, keeps all the text in tact. this happens even in the same document, other documents.
Makes working pretty much impossible between documents and just a pain in the same document.
2 votesSome applications for managing buffer can not handle the vector data stored by Illustrator and force it to fall back to outlines and rasterized copies.
This time it was Launchpad app, quitting it solved the problem.
Type on path tool, cannot flip to inside the path
Illustrator Beta 25.3 265@236190
MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2019) macOS Big Sur v. 11.2.3, 32mg memory, 2.3GHz 8-core Intel Core i9, Radeon Pro 560X 4 GB Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB
Created a circle, attempting to use type on path tool, works find to place type outside circle, cannot drag the type inside the circle to be at the bottom. Shows there when I click and drag but when I release it places the text on the outside of the circle in a different location.
2 votes -
Type on a path tool resizing causes crash
I have the latest version of Illustrator CC 2020 v. 24.0.3. Unfortunately, everytime I try to resize a type on path, Illustrator crashes. I have restarted the app and system and that didn't help.
2 votes -
Font drop down not showing
My font list has started to not show. Im not sure what is causing it as it was ok then suddenly it stopped showing. Please see the attached file for more.
2 votes -
Smart Quotes not working properly
If deselected “Smart Quotes (“‘)“ , upon keying in a prime (') or double prime (") AI still convert the primes to quotes. My work needs to communicate dimensions (eg, 5'–6" × 2'–0") and with First Nation orthographies Mi'kmaw First Nation that require access to these standard characters. This needs to be fixed.
1 voteThis got solved by disabling 'Use Typographer’s Quotes' option in Document Setup > Type.
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