Can't move paragraph indent markers back to 0 in tab panel
Illustrator CC 2018
Windows 10
When I try to move the top or bottom indent markers back to zero, it snaps back to its original place.
If I type 0 in the X: box, it doesn't work.
If I set it to 1, cliclk in the X: box and press the down arrow on my keyboard, it doens't work.
The only way to set it back is via the Paragraph panel.

The issue seems to be fixed in the latest version of Illustrator.
Please try to test it and reply back if it works as expected for you.
John Bradley commented
Yes, apparently this issue got fixed somewhere between Illustrator circa 2028 (whatever version # that was) and Illustrator 27.9.
Awesome. Shouldn't have been broken in the first place, but still progress of a sort, I suppose!
Anonymous commented
the latest version in 2019 and the problem is still there. Adobe, thank you for your speedy fix!
Rob Hutchings commented
I have this issue and have had it for a number of versions upto the latest 23.0.1. I seem to recall it coming in around the time the UI was given an overhaul, although the tab ruler seemed to have gotten forgotten.
I think you'll find that the issue isn't setting it to zero, but resetting the left indent to the same point as the first indent. If you set the first line indent to 10 and then try to set the left indent to 10 it doesn't work. It doesn't matter if you set it in the x. box or try to drag (the ridiculously small) marker along the ruler.
The workaround that I have adopted for the past couple of years is to set the x. position to whatever you want + 0.001 as this seems to be more accurate than the system allows for. So for 10 use 10.001 and when you hit tab it'll miraculously change to 10. Anything higher 0.1 or 0.01 and the specific measurement will stick.
Stéphanie Noverraz commented
Thanks Tim, I know. I'm saying it should work in the tab panel too!
Tim commented
You have to type 0 in the box and hit enter/return. not tab or anything else
In AI CC 22.1
Drag bottom triangle to any posion.
Type in 0 in X field. Press Enter.
Nothing happens.
I remember it worked in previous version.
See animation attached -
Stéphanie Noverraz commented
Well yes, using the Paragraph panel works. It's always worked.
There are always workarounds (setting left indent and first line indent back to 0 works eg), but they take time and more clicks.
I was reporting the bug because it should also work in the tab panel.
Marjorie Trager commented
Thanks! Sure would be nice to have that available when you right click!
Anonymous commented
This will help: Highlight all text/paragraph > Go to Paragraph tab > Go to drop down menu of that tab > Reset Panel
Anonymous commented
Same problem. Does anyone have a solution?