Incomplete Bug Fix on Legacy Text Disappearing in v28
Illustrator CC 2018.(No problem before 2017)
Updated text disappears when opening a file of old data such as version 10 or lower by a specific operation and updating the text portion.
・Prepare and open files of version 10 or lower
・To confirm whether to update the legacy text on the warning screen, click [OK] to not update
・Save immediately
・Open the saved file
・Click on the legacy text part with the mouse
・On the warning screen, click [Update]
→ The text that should have been updated disappears
Reported in the thread of Japan Forum.

monokano commented
To reproduce this bug, follow these steps:
- Save (or Save As) the file.
- Open the saved file.
- Save (or Save As) the file again.
- Open the saved file. -
Rachel, can you share the test file, please?
Here, if you are OK with sharing it publicly, or privately, using the email. In this case, please provide the link to this report so that the team can track the problem (, you can always get the precise version number in Properties for the Illustrator.exe, in the Details tab.
The number shown in Help > About Illustrator does not provide the exact build info. -
Rachel Mitchley commented
Using latest version available in creative cloud as of 5/21/23 (can no longer find a version number available in About Illustrator). Updating legacy text causes text box and layer to completely disappear. Upon googling this is a known bug in previous versions of illustrator that seems to have reappeared.