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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  1. Details of your operating system
  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
  3. The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
  4. Your expected result and the actual result
  5. Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)

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    Need More Info  ·  PCM Maro responded

    Illustrator 製品版フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。




    Illustrator チーム

  2. Missing feature in the French version - UI scaling

    L'option UI scaling dans Edition > Preferences > Interface utilisateur n'est pas dispo dans la version française. Mes collègues qui ont comme moi la version 25.4.1 en anglais ont cette option. Je n'arrive pas à installer la version en anglais, le changement de langue dans creative Cloud n'est pas pris en compte. J'aimerais disposer de cette option.
    system : Windows 10

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    This option is available only when OS and display’s resolution allow it.

    As this help article mentions, 'The UI scaling isn't supported for Windows 7 and for screens with low resolution' (however, no actual specs are given).

    So this should no be caused by the UI language.

    Please share the specs of your display or comment back if it’s no longer a problem.

  3. Illustrator 25.3.1 Increase Text with Shift Option Broken

    When I hold down shift and option key to expand text it won't enlarge the text.
    Not sure what I am doing wrong or if this is a bug. Would be super helpful if your team were to fix this issue if it were a bug.

    Thank you for all that you do.

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    Thanks for reporting this issue, Illustrator team really appreciate this.
    Unfortunately we are unable to reproduce this issue in house.

    Can you help the Illustrator team to isolate this issue further so that we can nail this down?
    1)Kindly provide small video describing the issue , Test file(Via File→Package) with which you are able to reproduce this issue and share with us at in a Zip file. Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.

    Thanks and Regards
    Ankit Goyal
    Illustrator Team

  4. 合成フォント使用時に、欧文書体のベースラインがずれる

    1. macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Mac mini (2018) プロセッサ/3.2 GHz 6コアIntel Core i7 メモリ/16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4 グラフィックス/Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB

    Adobe illustrator 2021(25.2.1)

    今回は「TBゴシックstd」と「Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk」を使用。
    Berthold Akzidenz Groteskのサイズを112%、ベースラインを-2%に設定。




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    Need More Info  ·  PCM Maro responded



    Illustrator チーム

  5. 作成したガイドレイヤーを削除すると、消えずに増える

    1. macOS(Mojave 10.14.6) Illustrator2021(25.2.3)およびIllustrator2018頃から 2.レイヤーパネル上で作成されたガイドレイヤーを削除。 (この時のガイドレイヤーは同一環境で作成された.Aiデータの場合も、別環境で作成された.Aiデータの場合も含みます。また、削除に関してもレイヤーパネル下部ボタンでの削除、キーボードのdeleteを使用した場合どちらも含みます。)
    2. ガイドレイヤーが、通常のレイヤー同様に削除される。
    3. ガイドレイヤーは削除されず、何も描画されていないように見える空のレイヤー(レイヤー名はガイドレイヤー)が複製される。元の削除操作を行ったレイヤーは複製されたレイヤー同様に何も描画されていないように見える空のレイヤーになる。再度、複製されたレイヤーと元の削除したいレイヤーをレイヤーパネル上でまとめて選択し削除すると通常通りに消える。
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    Need More Info  ·  PCM Maro responded


    Illustrator にはガイドレイヤーという機能がございません。

    Illustrator チーム

  6. ¥マークが文字化けする


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    Illustrator チーム

  7. Eraser doesn’t work if I lock an object behind

    Whenever I lock an object behind the object I am try to erase I can't erase anything. It is a really annoying bug that needs to be fixed.

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  8. Brush touch calligraphy broken

    The calligraphy brush when I go to draw is glitching and failing to work.

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  9. Linear and radial gradient do not stay true to selected color's value

    Linear and radial gradient do not stay true to selected color's value
    Not an issue in freeform gradient

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    Do you have the test fil you can share with the team?

    Please remove anything sensitive from it and leave only the shape with the gradient. Do not move it into another doc or make sure it uses the same color mode as the original document does.

  10. Stroke not aligned with Fill

    Stroke is not aligned with Fill
    When Drawing, the stroke is not rendered on the actual place where it's placed and not properly aligned with Fill

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    It looks like your path using a brush applied to it, and it’s a loose and wobbling brush tip, not following the centerline. The fill knows nothing about the brush tip and strictly follows the vector path, unlike brush.

    To solve the problem, you’d either have to use a different brush and make the path look wobbly at the object level with other means, like Roughen effect, or expand the appearance of the objects and fix the fill manually.

  11. Document Setup - Artboard size not showing cursor

    Pre update the artboard size fields (W: and H: fields) after clicking Document Setup button in top toolbar would show cursor position. After updating to 24.2 the cursor is no longer visible. The field will highlight but we are not able to see the cursor position.

    Please allow for cursor to be visible inside these fields.

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  12. アプリが終了してしまう。


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    Thanks for reporting the issue .
    We are not able to reproduce the issue in house , Kindly provide following info to nail down this issue:

    1)Kindly provide the machine details and the test file which you are saving in illustrator .

    Kindly share the test file with us at in a Zip file. Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.

    Thanks & Regards
    Ankit Goyal
    Illustrator Team

  13. scrollbar in the wrong place within panel

    The scrollbar should always hug the right edge of panel independent of panel width. However it does not. Looks messy. Please fix!

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    Thanks for reporting the issue .
    We are not able to reproduce the issue in house , Kindly provide following info to nail down this issue:
    1)Kindly provide the snapshot of the panel , Screen resolution ,Operating System detail and share with us at in a Zip file. Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.

    Thanks and Regards
    Ankit Goyal
    Illustrator Team

  14. Create new file dialog box lags

    When I'm working with multiple files, opening and closing, there are times where I copy an object to a new file. I use Command-N, but the dialog box lags and takes several seconds to show up. Is it trying to connect to something online? Why is there lag?

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    Need More Info  ·  Anish Kumar responded

    Hi David,

    i am not able to reproduce the issue at my end. Can you please share the following information:

    1. Which OS you are working on?
    2. What is the version of AI?
    3. Have you stared facing this issue recently?
    4. If you are using some other Adobe application, Is it happening in that application as well?


  15. text wrap image link

    AI 23.0.3 (64-bit) on Windows 10

    Automatic image update (if you change an image outside of AI it will ask if you want to update the image in you AI file) does not work when text wrap is on.
    The image has been masked to a shape then text wrap on this new shape.

    Hopefully this is a simple fix because I don't want to keep turning text wrapping off when I want to refresh the image.

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  16. Illustrator font dropdown disappeared despite updating Illustrator

    Hi, my Illustrator font dropdown disappeared. Since then, I've updated it to the latest Illustrator (24.0.1 - 64 bit) but it's still not showing. What's happening? Thanks!

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    Need More Info  ·  Anish Kumar responded

    Hi Hanna,

    Can you please provide the snapshot of the issue you are facing to better understand the problem at our end?


  17. Opening WMF through Windows Command Line creates distortion

    When opening a WMF in the latest 2020 AI via the Windows command line, e.g.

    "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 2020\Support Files\Contents\Windows\Illustrator.exe" 745-2969563.wmf

    It opens the WMF, but it is distorted as in the attached wmf_distorted.png.

    However, if you open a blank document and import it with File->Place, it renders it correctly

    I appreciate any and all help.

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    Thanks for reporting the issue .
    We are not able to reproduce the issue in house ,Kindly provide following info to nail down this issue:

    1)Kindly provide the test file which you are trying to open in illustrator using command line.

    Kindly share the above with us at in a Zip file. Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.

    Thanks and Regards
    Ankit Goyal
    Illustrator Team

  18. Illustrator v 24 asset export bug with sizing incorrectly

    asset export bug, it does not export assets at the size selected but instead makes them super tiny and unusable. I have had to download the last version before that so that I can use asset export correctly with what I have selected.

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    Thanks for reporting the issue .
    We are not able to reproduce the issue in house ,Kindly provide following info to nail down this issue:

    1. Kindly provide the test file via File→Package which you are trying to export in illustrator

    2. Size at which it was exported

    3. Any Specific format which was used to export viz. PNG,JPEG

    4. Any Anti-aliasing option used during export

    Kindly share the above with us at in a Zip file. Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.

    Thanks and Regards
    Ankit Goyal
    Illustrator Team

  19. Problem recording on the server

    On some files with the 2020 version of Illustrator only I have this error message:
    "The specified network location is not available."
    iMac 27 'of 2015 in macOS 10.13.6
    Mac mini server late 2014 macOS 10.12.6

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    Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you due to this issue.
    We are unable to reproduce this issue.
    Please help us in isolating it further. We would need you to check
    1) Are you able to install Illustrator 2020 (24.0.0 or 24.0.1) on Mac OS 10.12.6?
    2) kindly provide Illustrator Version you are using?
    3) Kindly provide some video , Test file(Via File→Package) & some steps with which you are facing issue and share with us at in a Zip file.
    Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.
    Thanks and Regards
    Ankit Goyal
    Illustrator Team

  20. Visual bug

    A small visual bug that seemed to pop up in Illustrator 2020 after using the brush tool. There will be a circle that will appear on the artboard at random places depending on where you are zooming or panning around with the spacebar. You can quickly get rid of it by hitting "Ctrl"

    Microsoft Surface Laptop 2
    UHD Graphics 620

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