Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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429 results found
New Document dialog should not be so slow to appear or react to input
Creating a new doc via the keyboard is so slow that several other commands can unwittingly be executed before the dialog/settings panel appears. The fact that this clunky panel was introduced relatively recently as a "feature" is even more irritating.
Alternately provide an option to create a new document from default or current settings so that I can adjust it later when I need to.
9 votes -
Option to allow to group a single group, making it nested
Sometimes we need to group a group. For example, for complex appearances, to nest graphics styles.
But Illustrator does not allow that — and in most cases it’s a proper cautious behavior. But perhaps it can be toggled somewhere?So far we have two workarounds for this.
1. Create a dummy object, select both it and the group you want to 'wrap', group them together, delete the dummy object.
2. Use a script 'Add Group Anyway': (it also can pull children form different groups into a new one — which is a thing we want too).8 votes -
As introduced in Photoshop the Warp option for Cylinder should be in illustrator
It will be much easier to use the warp on a cylinder in vector art, it was introduced in Photoshop. If I’m working on a design in Adobe illustrator and want to warp some text or a label on a bottle
why not stay in vector art, instead of using photoshop?8 votesThere is a way to do the same exact distortion in Illustrator, using a free MeshTormentor plugin (please see the full instruction in the comments).
However, an easier native way to do it is still welcome (as the general improvements over mesh distortion capabilities) — so please keep voting for this if you want it to happen.
Ink Coverage tool
Please add Ink Coverage Tool similar to one in Esko ArtPro plus, with ability to print a report. It's very important for printing houses to keep track of ink consumption and that tool would make great addition to AI, thus eliminating need for additional software.
8 votes -
Latest resale on Ubuntu/Linux OS
Please release Adobe Illustrator to Ubuntu as I really wants to move into Ubuntu.
But without Illustrator I can live a single day.7 votes -
Please Remove Artboard Limit Entirely!
There appears to be a limit of 1000 artboards on a single canvas in Adobe Illustrator. This is VERY annoying. I frequently have Illustrator files with multiple very small artboards (for iconography). It's absurd that I have all this canvas space and cannot add as many artboards as I want/need.
7 votes -
Toolbox zoom and hand tool on same tab instead of separate tabs making it slower to select since having to flip back and forth all the time
Previous versions CS6 etc had the toolbox panel better laid out: Hand tool and zoom tools were on a separate tab now CC doesn't give the choice but having them both on a same tab so having to hover, drag etc every time I want to select my favourite tools is really tedious whilst there are many useless tools on the toolbox displayed why changing a feature that worked perfectly in previous versions?
7 votesThe original toolbar with all the tools in classic arrangement is still available as 'Advanced' and can be enabled from Window > Toolbar menu. The currently offered toolbar is called 'Basic' and serves the purpose of making new users fell less overwhelmed with the amount of tools Ai has and display the most popular only.
A questionable decision, but it came with the possibility to make our own customized vertical tool panels. Read more about this here:
If you want to have horizontal toolbars (as a separate option, along with 'torn-out' groups), vote here:
If you want to be able to add dividers in toolbars (we lost them when customization had been added), vote here:
Eraser tool doesn't work in pattern mode!
In pattern mode I can not use eraser tool, it is very useful if it works.
7 votes -
Timeline and Onion Skin mode for animations in vector
Illustrator insert a Timeline for animations in vector
7 votes -
When a layer is locked don't ask me if I want to unlock it. Instead give me a drop down list of all the layers to choose from
Usually when pasting something in Illustartor if the layer is locked it means I didn't select the right layer. If I could choose which layer to paste to I wouldn't have to cancel, select the correct layer and paste again
7 votes -
Allow to use units other than points for Thickness in Pathfinder Trap or Pathfinder Options dialogs
Illustrator is an international application.
But for some reason we still have places in its UI when we are hardbound to specific units, like points in Pathfinder Trap, or PPI as the only resolution unit (while Photoshop allows PPCM — please upvote this request here,
No, this value can be anything, and we need other units than points.
No, it does not get automatically recalculated.
No, it’s not 1998 now.6 votes -
OBJECT > TRANSFORM > ROTATION to work with 4 decimals
When selecting OBJECT > TRANSFORM > ROTATE...manually entered rotation angles are truncated to 2 decimal places. I experience a loss of pattern repeat with that kind of truncation across large pattern rolls. If we could manually enter 4 decimal places, that would be extremely helpful to my work!
6 votes -
Student Discount for one month Free usage of Illustrator CC during Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis
I think it is reasonable that Adobe would consider helping students by providing free access to Adobe Illustrator whose universities have moved to online instruction due to the Coronavirus. It would be a generously kind gesture for Adobe to consider discounting or eliminating the $31. monthly fee during this crisis.
The software is provided in the classroom, and labs are open to students outside the class period for their use. Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education PASSHE stated that our Adobe CC license at Edinboro University does not permit student personal use for Adobe CC products. Some students are taking…
6 votes -
Have Untitled Illustrator document be reset to number 1
Dear Sir or Madam:
I don't like the way Adobe Illustrator keeps incrementing an Untitled document numbering each time you create a new file. I would rather have Adobe Illustrator Untitled document be set to Untitled-1 document each time I create a new Adobe Illustrator file. Please consider this feature. Thank you very much for your time.
6 votes -
The ability to adjust the width of a gradient line using the new Freeform Gradient Tool
The new Freeform Gradient Tool is great, except that it doesn't have an option to adjust the width of the gradient lines. I think there is no need to further explain why this should be useful, because it's such a basic feature.
To make it really powerful, adjusting the width should work like the Width Tool.
6 votes -
Key command for scrolling thru blend modes
You know how Photoshop has a quick key command for scrolling thru blend modes? Why not one for Illustrator?
6 votesYou can assign your own custom hotkeys for these commands, using Keyboard Shortcuts dialog: select Tools from the drop-down menu (yes, that’s an unexpected place), and search for ‘blend’ — last two found commands are ‘Blend Mode – Next Mode’ and ‘’Blend Mode – Previous Mode’ — assign any keys you want or use Photoshop-like keys, Shift+Plus and Shift+Minus.
The only difference between Ai and Ps is that Illustrator does not loop the list like Photoshop does… There is another request for this: — please vote there if you believe this should be addressed. -
List .ait files in File > Open Recent Files
Since I start every new file with a template, it would save a lot of time to be able to click on Recent Files rather than root through several folders to fetch it. CS6 used to list .ait files.
6 votes -
Select Fill or Stroke Does Not Make Selection Automatically Edit-Ready
For years I have been frustrated with how anytime I want to edit fills or strokes, Illustrator seems to ALWAYS have the wrong choice forward in the tools panel! It seems to always know when I want to edit strokes, because it always has fills ready to edit in the foreground swatch and vice-versa! All these years I just felt is was some sort of voodoo thing, but I finally realized why this happens to me the majority of the time. I use Select>Same>Fill Color, Select>Same>Stroke Color, Select>Same>Stroke Weight all the time. The main reason I make those selections by…
6 votes -
'Expand' generates excess groups, clipping groups, compound paths and other unwanted vector garbage. Keep it simple!
Try expanding a brush or a 3D shape and take a look at the large pile of unwanted groups, compound paths and clipping masks Illustrator has generated for you. It just adds complexity to the file and makes the object appearance tricky to work with. See example ai file attached.
If you have Astute Graphic’s Vector First Aid plugin you can remove all that stuff and see just how simple and usable your vectors can be (I recommend it), Wouldn’t it be better if Illustrator didn’t generate junk in the first place?
Please make sure Illustrator only generates the barest…6 votes -
Ability to Import New Brushes to Adobe Draw
Would love to be able to create your own or import other brushes to Adobe Draw.
6 votes
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