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4523 results found

  1. API for getting the reflection/flip property of an image frame

    We would like to get the flip property of an image frame..
    It can be in a similar way to the way we get the rotation by passing the matrix:
    AIAPI void (*AIRealMatrixGetRotate) ( const AIRealMatrix *m, AIReal *angle );

    If this is not possible, then as a workaround we can get some notifies, for example: kFlipHorizontalNotifier or kFlipVerticalNotifier in order to know that the user selects to flip the image.


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  2. Speed up Redraw with All Thumbnail Options on One Button

    Switching off thumbnails for improved draw speed means switching various options and locations to get the layer, object and transparency thumbs all switched off. Working many customer files per day this is a drag.

    Please put them all on one "thumbs" radio button with options for all-on, all-off, or custom preference, so I can get my work done faster.

    Make this an application preference rather than document preference to save me even more time.

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  3. Please allow us to set the ruler origin to the top left corner of the canvas using scripting

    Please allow us to set the ruler origin to the top left corner of the canvas/workspace/pastboard using scripting

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  4. Pantone color scripting support

    Currently, there is no scripting support for Pantone colors. Please add this.

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  5. Allow symbols to be modified using scripting

    Currently, symbols can't be modified using scripting. Please allow us to access and modify items present in symbols.

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  6. Add Cut At / Connect / Remove Selected Anchor Points commands to 'Object > Path' menu

    In Control panel we have three buttons for a point partial selection:

    1. Remove selected anchor points.
      Does the same as a menu command Object > Path > Remove Anchor Points, and this command can have a hotkey assigned to

    2. Connect selected end points.
      Does the same as a menu command Object > Path > Join, and has a default hotkey. Why Ai uses both 'Join' and 'connect' for the same operation, and also has 'Join' tool, which does a pretty different thing — is an UX mystery.

    3. Cut path at selected anchor points.
      There is NO a menu command for…

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  7. Unnecessary rectangles upon embedding from the Library

    After embedding an object from the library, it appears a transparent outline around the object itself. This creates issues while exporting in DWG for instance, but also in the drawing modification in Illustrator, as we have to remove manually this outline object by object

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  8. 5 votes

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  9. Illustrator's outer glow effects need a spread option like Photoshop and InDesign

    Illustrator's outer glow effects need a spread option like Photoshop and InDesign

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  10. Ability to change default unit of measurement

    Please add the ability to change the default units for documents. I work in print and it's frustrating (and annoying) to have to change the units from points to inches every time I create a new document.

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    No alerts, dialogues or any other disruptions while working.

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  12. "線幅を拡大縮小"にショートカットが欲しい / Scale Stroke & Effects Hotkey


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  13. Stroke width profiles stored with files, not with app

    Currently, variable stroke width profiles are stored within the app, not within the file. So when I want to work on a cloud file on another computer, I have to manually add profiles to the saved profiles dropdown again from existing strokes, because they are no longer available.

    And while you're at it, add sorting, exporting and importing options to the variable width panel, it is seriously frustrating having to go through all of them every time - if you commonly use this feature, the list can get quite long.

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    1 comment  ·  Strokes  ·  Admin →
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  14. Please make live paint more convenient!

    To fill in my drawing outlines or an object, I have to select the section of outlines or shapes first, which is dumb, because in selecting the outlines or shapes, the color fill automatically changes to the color whatever is selected (the color of the stroke or shape's outline, that I want to fill in with a different color. This is made even more frustrating when I have to use the eyedropper to select a fill color, only for my color section to immediately change, upon reselecting the shape outlines I intended to fill in.

    It is also a pain…

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    2 comments  ·  Tools  ·  Admin →
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  15. Placing a multi-page PDF

    It would be great if we were able to place a multipage PDF instead of each link clicking through the finder window to the same file and going through the PDF pages one at a time again and again to place them in a document.

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  16. Locate a locked object

    You can’t locate a locked object, when it’s selected, using the 'Select and Unlock objects on canvas' option.

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    0 comments  ·  Layers  ·  Admin →
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  17. Add Plus buttons as the sides of a selected artboard to quickly add new artboards

    Photoshop displays nice (+) buttons to allow users to add new artboards to any side of a current one.

    In Illustrator, Add buttons exist only in Control and Properties, and always add an artboard next in a row.

    Not fair.
    And if you add these new Add buttons — allow to disable them too. Some will disagree on having extra fluff on canvas.

    Mockup image by Oleg Krasnov

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  18. Create square artboards with Shift held when no artboards are selected

    Artboard tool does a lot of things: selects, creates, moves,.. we are out of modifiers to control it properly. Specifically, we can’t create square artboards with the natural way we can create square paths, circles with Ellipse tool, like in many applications.

    Instead, Ai uses Shift key to select artboards if you start holding Shift before clicking (which is fine) and uses ratio of the last selected artboard if you hold it while dragging (who even uses it?)

    What if you let us to create square artboards, when no artboards are selected, but Shift is held? The alternative is to…

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  19. Placed psd layer comps keep their visibility regardless of color space(s)

    Make layer comp visibility overrides work regardless of color space. When placing layer comps from PSD, the color spaces for both documents need to be the same in order for the layer comp visibility overrides to be sticky in AI. If one is CMYK and the other is RGB, and the layer comps are changed, the placed comps do not keep their original comp visibility overrides.
    This is related to this thread:

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  20. Auto Leading is changed to 0,1 pt when saving a paragraph style to a CC library

    1. Set up the style
    2. Save it to the library
    3. Apply the style in a different file
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