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4540 results found

  1. ZWNJ (Zero Width Non-Joiner)

    Please enable the shortcut for ZWNJ (Zero Width Non-Joiner), It's commonly used in Arabic and Persian Language. In other programs, we can type it by Ctrl+Shift+2 or Shift+Space ...
    Between "کتاب" and "ها" is a ZWNJ character, without that it will join:

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  2. Add Black and White color chips in Color Picker dialog in Color Models mode

    For some reason, the Color Picker dialog is the default way of setting a color in several color induced effects: Drop Shadow, Inner and Outer Glow.

    Most of times these effects are used, we need to toggle between black and white. These are more or less OK to pick quickly, if we change the mode of the dialog to Color Swatches.

    But each time this dialog is called when editing a color for the effect, the dialog open in the first mode, Color Models.
    And to set black or white in this mode we need to click the spectrum field…

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  3. Force swatches when directly opening an image

    When we drag-n-drop / open an image into Illustrator, a new document is created with an artboard created to fit the image (when possible), and the image is put there.

    The Swatches panel in this case is empty (as well as Brushes, Symbols, Graphics Styles).

    While it makes sense (image have no presets stored within), for some users it’s extremely irritating — they treat this workflow as a way to quickly create a new document based on an image, with the fitting document profile used (even though if they have no idea about document profiles — thanks to the modern…

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  4. Show gradient annotator for Live Paint selections

    Version 29.3 finally allows to adjust gradients for individual Live Paint regions on canvas:

    While these can indeed be adjusted now, the annotator is still missing.
    I suppose it requires more hacking to make it work, but still I’d like to see the controls on canvas, to tweak the look and not remaking it from scratch each time.

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    0 comments  ·  Gradients  ·  Admin →
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  5. All Inputs / Panels Follow Dimension Tool Scale

    I want to be able to create and edit all of my art in scale.
    I would like to be able to make a 2" rectangle in 1:2 scale and have it illustrator draw me a 1" square on the page.
    This would be very powerful for things when expanded to the object info box to get area and path dimensions, being able to make a font 3' tall in the character panel.
    Every place that you can control shapes with math, it would be amazing to be able to do it to scale in the program without having…

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  6. Knobs.

    Just more knobs. There should be a knob next to every input that takes an angle value. The Scribble effect has one. The Gradient palette doesn't. The Transform palette has one but it could use another one along with a couple of text input boxes as an option to move an object a specified distance along a particular angle instead of moving it in X and Y. The angle value in the transform section of Properties doesn't have a knob. Scatter brush options have two horizontal sliders and no knobs. Put a knob next to each of those sliders.


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  7. A Node View mode for the Appearance Palette, and a complete revamp of what it can do.

    I feel like I have a lot of things I want changed about the Appearance palette that cannot be done in the form of a one-dimensional list of effects.

    I'd like to suggest something inspired by the "node view" in programs like Blender or Toon Boom or Unreal. Give me a 2d canvas upon which I can arrange strokes, fills, and effects, and let me plug them into each other in complex ways. Let me control exactly when a brush is applied to a stroke by moving its effect around. Let me dynamically generate an opacity mask for an entire…

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  8. Retain original, unexpanded art for pattern swatches.

    "This pattern contains active content (symbols, effects, etc, it's a long list) that must be expanded to create a swatch. If you edit the pattern again, the expanded content will no longer be active."

    There's a lot of clever, well-paid people at Adobe. I bet someone there can figure out how to store the original pattern art along with the expanded pattern art, and edit the former rather than the latter when I double-click on the pattern swatch. I have workarounds for this but they are tedious and annoying ones.

    Also I would like to thank whoever wrote the dialogue…

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  9. Correct View > Snap to Grid shortcut from Cmd/Ctrl+" to proper Cmd/Ctrl+'

    My request is a bit nerdy, but hey! I have been using Illustrator for 'ages' and one of the shortcuts is simply not correct. I always think it's cute, in a way, but still.
    The shortcut to show or hide the grid is listed as Ctrl + "
    This is impossible to achieve since you need the 'Shift' key to type the double quotation marks :)
    So, I think it should be Ctrl + ' .
    The shortcut to snap to the grid is fun in this light; it's Ctrl + Shift + "
    So, I was wondering if anyone…

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  10. Scale tool with value input and custom anchor

    I'm not necessarily looking for a script—I’m just curious if a tool could be developed to enhance Illustrator’s Scale tool. Specifically, I’d love the ability to input a custom scale value (e.g., uniformly 125%, 100% height, 20% width, etc.) while also being able to position a custom anchor point, as currently available in the Scale tool.

    I understand that the Transform Each function allows users to select individual objects, input values, and place an anchor point. However, this feature has limitations:

    The anchor point can only be placed within the object's bounds.
    To uniformly scale multiple objects, users must group…

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  11. pixel perfect not for print documents

    The pixel perfect function should be switched off automatically when a new document is created with the preset "print".

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  12. 1 vote

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  13. Local saves with Version control

    We need an option to create a project file that cannot be saved over. The reason for this is that when working with a client who has many options, we sometimes need to step back in time or recover older versions from unexpected changes.

    Similar to an Illustrator template file (.ait), we could have a format like .aiv or .aivi. This way, when I save flyer.aiv, every save will generate a backup file next to the current file.

    It would also be useful to have an option in a settings pane to save a backup every other save and…

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  14. Make the font selection panel less intrusive by making it editable and moveable

    The font selection panel currently takes up a large portion of the center screen, making it difficult to see the font changes on a large scale. It would be nice if the panel could be editable and moveable, like other panels on Illustrator. Also, it could be positioned on the right side of the screen by default and made slightly transparent, to see through.

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  15. Option to turn helping lines (guides) on any degree

    Add an option to turn the helping lines to any degree we want (for iPad and on PC).

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  16. Direct Component Group

    Is it possible to create a direct component group that performs certain functions, rather than relying on clickable line options? This way, there's no need to enter a group to select the required component.

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    1 comment  ·  Layers  ·  Admin →
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  17. 2 votes

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  18. Allow to disable 'Create PDF Compatible File' option when saving AIT templates

    Compatibility with PDF takes a ton of disk space, and .ait templates don’t really need it, because these are no intended to be imported or placed — just launched. Perhaps you should disable it by default?

    As I understand, these are actually just .ai files, but the different extension causes Ai to process them differently...

    I don’t expect a full-blown dialog when saving, but why not?
    Take a look at this related request:
    Allow to choose file version when saving AIT templates

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  19. Align to guides

    Select multiple objects, click a guide then a small align box opens, select vertical align for example and it aligns all the objects to that guide line. Also the horizontal/vertical distribute centre doesn't work with logos, even shapes it does but if you select 4 random vector logos it doesn't space them evenly

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  20. Stop covering the document tabs with expanded docked panels

    If I dock panels to sides of the application frame, expanding the ones from the top panel groups will cover the document tabs, like the GIF shows.
    In a situation when it’s important to know what is the current document (they can differ slightly) this is especially irritating.

    Please nudge them down a bit!

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