Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4553 results found
Baked-in colors when exporting Obj's
I'm new to working with 3D objects in illustrator but I'd very much like to use Illustrator in my 3D workflow. Maybe I'm just out of the loop, but I was confused to see that the obj's I exported had no color. Is there a way to attach colors when exporting these?
2 votes -
Character panel in Properties Tab needs just one more row, please!
The Properties Panel is great. It contains about 98% of every tool I need typically. However, I would be great to have at least ONE MORE ROW of the Character panel visible. Certainly everyone uses Scale when setting type? It's a fundamental necessity. This would prevent having to click MORE OPTIONS every single time just to horizontal scale. Simple but huge. Thank you.
1 vote -
例えば「水平方向左に分布」では各オブジェクト左位置を基準とした整列が望ましいと思います。2 votes -
Don't stop Duplicating when ALT is released !!
When using Select and Direct Selection Tools, you can duplicate elements by holding ALT-key down.
But if you release the ALT-key before you release the Mouse Button, the duplicating ceases . This differs from how most of the other applications behaves. For example in Photoshop, duplicating continues even if you release the ALT before you release mouse button.
How this works in Illustrator leads often to situations where you think you have duplicated something, but you actually just moved it. And often I edit the element I thought I duplicated, and loose lot of work as it wasn't actually duplicated…
3 votes -
Recolor Artwork: Use Eyedropper to pick colors from Artwork
It would be nice if we could pick colors from artwork to to the Recolor Artwork with Eyedropper. Now if I want to match a color to an some existing color in canvas, I have to close the Recolor Artwork window, use the Eyedropper and then restart Recolor Artwork.
It would be great if we could just pick color from canvas while keeping Recolor Artwork open.
3 votes -
Recolor Artwork: Click the Artwork to Select color to recolor
It is often hard to pick the right color to edit from the Recoror Artwork UI. This especially when Editing colors that are close to each other.
It would be nice if we could click ( or ctrl/shift/alt+click) the artwork and select which color we want to edit in Recolor Artwork utility.
3 votes -
Recolor Artwork: Make the color wheel bigger !
It would be good if the size of Colorwheel in Recolor Artwork could be resized, made bigger.
Now if the colors are close to each other, it is impossible to select them in basic mode.
Also, adjusting colors isn't very accurate as the wheel is so small. Sure you can open the color setting by double clicking, but it would be so much easier to just have bigger color wheel.
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3 votes
Subdivision for Ellipses / Circles
For constructing objects with circles, it would be nice to have a possibility to enter the subdivision / number of Anchor Points on a circle.
All circles have 4 Anchor Points and this can be subdivided to 8/16/etc., but when we need a circle with 6 evenly spaced Anchor Points, it's quite a hazzle to get there. Why not add a subdivision field?3 votes -
Shortcut "Make New Artboard"
I need a shortcut to make a new artboard.
same syntax as a new layer with Ctrl + L but for artboardsThere is no way to assign any kind of shortcut to this SO basic command, nor via action, shortcut editor, or script. And I'm aware of Shift + O
3 votes -
Add more essential features to touch mode in illustrator
Really essential features like the eyedropper tool, having the tools available at the top (like clipping mask, gaussian blur), and the essential properties panel (with pathfinder and align) as an openable tab (where colours or weight is in touch mode at the moment on the right) would be great.
This is because I often find myself switching between essentials and touch on my laptop when I am completing my coursework, which means that I am lagging behind my class and sometimes switching so frequently between tablet and laptop modes physically makes my laptop stuck on one of these modes, causing…
2 votes -
Easier way to find object in large file with small blue bar above layers panel
Working in larger files, it's hard to find the exact object selected. What if there was a blue bar that highlighted which way to scroll? (top of the layers panel scroll up, bottom of the layers panel scroll down) to find it rather than looking for the blue box next to the object's layer? When you click on the blue bar, it takes you directly to the selected object. If multiple objects are selected, you could keep clicking the button to go to the next object down the list.
I've attached a photoshoped mockup of what I am trying to…
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1 vote
You can add a hotkey for Crop Image via Keyboard Shortcuts window, as per the comment shows
Touch workspace for desktop Wacom Cintiq
I use illustrator on desktop PC with a Wacom Cintiq 16. I am baffled as to why the touch workspace is not available. I have been informed it is only available on Surface but I use a stylus exclusively on desktop and the touch optimised workspace would be ideal. I regularly switch from desktop to iPad , I would like there to be workflow continuity.
4 votes -
you should consider adding the "perspective" feature from the classic 3D options to the new realisrtic 3D! adds more depth especially if us
you should consider adding the "perspective" feature from the classic 3D options to the new realisrtic 3D!
adds more depth especially if used in typography.
The perspective in classic 3D unfortunately is not working well if the possition is FRONT because the render of the sides is incomplete!
Imagine if this feature was part of the new 3D!!!
thanks guys
2 votesPerspective for modern 3D is now available in the released version. Please try it and provide some feedback.
Please let the "X", "Y", "Width", "Height" input boxes in the "Properties Panel" auto adapt to the panel width
In this way, if the user wants these input boxes to completely display the values without being blocked, only need to widen the panel, and the input boxes will be widened accordingly.
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More visual feedback for the Eyedropper
The Eyedropper tool has several cursors (it’s almost impossible to find any explanations about at, displaying different states:
- a filled pipette for when you click,
- a pipette with square below to indicate a screen sampling,
- an additional T to indicate a text below,
- a reverse filled pipette to indicate apply mode.
However, some modes are missing.When you have smart guides disabled (for any reason), you can’t tell which object the tool will pick from, what attribute or will you miss completely by a pixel. The Shift mode is not covered too. So we need…
13 votes -
Remove round corner minimum angle limit
Please allow for round corner angle threshold control via Preferences. The very common issue I have all the time is being unable to round corners with angles smaller than some hardcoded threshold.
Not a big issue rally on simple trivial geometry where you can workaround by manually constructing the round corner. But in my field I have to constantly deal with large complex paths needing all corners rounded regardless of angle.
I always have to resort to exporting geometry to SVG, rounding corners in Corel or Affinity which don't have the said minimal angle limit, import back to AI and…
3 votes -
Fix Variables panel scrolling to bottom when making changes
When i'm working with the variables panel, the variables panel is scrolling to the bottom of the list, every time i select a layer in the layer panel or when i link the variable to the layer. Because of this, i have to scroll back to where i was before every time i make a change. I have between 100 and 200 variables in my project, so this make the work time twice as long as it should be.
Can you please make it so that it remember the position and doesn't scroll to the bottom every time.
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Make varibles column resizeable in variables panel
In the Variables panel you have two columns, "Variables" and "Objects". The column width is locked so you can't resize the width to match the length of the variables. This make it difficult to use when you have longer variables and can't see the full name of the variable. I have a lot of variables with the same name, but with an incrementing number at the end of the name. It would make it way easier to work, if i could see what variable i'm working on.
2 votes
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