Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4544 results found
Allow snapping to objects that are masked out and also make opacity mask objects visible in outline mode
For example, if you draw a large box and place it completely inside a small box so that all four corners of the larger box are masked out, then try to drag a guide it will only snap to the smaller clipping mask, the guides wont snap to the larger box unless you hide or release the clipping mask. Also, as an additional feature I think it would be of benefit if when inside the opacity mask, when you go to outline mode you could then see the objects within the mask.
Supporting videos below vote -
A polygon option for a Pen Tool
Recently I've noticed that I'm missing one option – switching off the Bezier anchors by the pen tool. I would like to draw a continuously (joined) straight line, without accidentally changing it into a bezier curve. While drawing fast with a Wacom pen or with a mouse, it's easy to move the cursor before jumping to the next place and thereby, by accident pull the Bezier handle and proceeding a curve. I use Affinity Designer on iPad and there exists an option for the pen tool – a polygon. I'm looking for something similar that in Illustrator.
I woud be…
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Join end point to path
I am a student at university, and I need to be able to join end points to paths without having the enter the live paint. This would give higher editing capability, and allows me to keep the stylized stroke options like calligraphy.
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Text block with paragraph styling
I dream for text block with automaticaly applied paragraph styling to every text in it. If you have linked text blocks, each with its own style, you can put text from a database or a worksheet and avoid formatting each row individually. Present sheet with business cards where name, address, job, etc. are linked to text boxes and you put in them data from excel. You have to format each item in the style. If the blocks carry the style of the text, it is enough to make sure each text is in its box.
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cup die line template maker tool
. I needed to create a sticker or litho wrap around a bucket and a cup. I needed a tool that allows me to put in the circumference of a top circle and a bottom of the circle and the size of the side between the top and bottom.
I need to create a template that i can use for a bucket and or cup without going into geometry. I am an Graphic Designer working for a Coffee company. I really can use this for all sorts of item at work. Please in the future. add flexibility to a round…1 vote -
Damaged ai files
Hi there
My files keep getting damaged when saving them in illustrator
it seems to be a recent issue only after the last month. I had advice the other day from adobe support to save the files to my desktop as saving to my work server may be the issue - why then never before. My colleges need to be able to access these files too so it's pointless continuously saving to my desktop. This is soooooo FRUSTRATING and I'm getting really annoyed. We pay a large amount of money for the adobe suite. This should be making my life…1 vote -
Fix the help search function
Help used to work fine but since illustrator 18 cc the help function always takes much longer to load (5/10 seconds every time I type a singl letter). Make a short cut to type in help, as seen on c4d, would speed up workflow considerably
1 voteThe Help option is completely reworked in recent versions, into the Discover panel. It’s rather fast now. If you have feedback on it — please comment.
Allow to create a swatch from an existing fill color, when stroke is active but not applied
Make New Swatch always available, not only when the Fill Color is active.
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Please update the ability to add metadata to a file, similar to the way you can with Adobe Lightroom Classic. The current file info feature is difficult to understand and you have to drill way down to get your information into the metadata.
The ability to create Metadata presets that you can easily apply to files. The metadata preset would include:
- Basic file information
- IPTC Content, Copyright, Creator, etc. info
- Keywords1 vote -
Which profiles should be used when viewing pdfs?
Hi, today I had a problem like this:
I created a pdf from an illustrator file, it was a montage of many labels only in black.
Then visualizing them with acrobat pro with "fogra 27" was perfect, but my service used "fogra 39" and the black was split into CMYK.
Then, by ripping the pdf to make the plates, black was displayed only in black.
Which profiles should be used when viewing pdfs?
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Previous versions of illustrator showed the id of individual elements within layers in the layers window
Previous versions of Illustrator would show the id of individual elements within layers in the layers window. Now they just show as "path" or "compound path." I generate maps as svg files from a database with a program of my own design and then import them into Illustrator for final editing. Sometimes there is a problem with one or more elements. Before I could go to Illustrator, select the problem element, and see in the layers window what its id was. Then I could go to my database and fix the problem. I can't do this anymore. I'm attaching a…
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Preserve the transparency (opacity %) when a file is exported.
If I want to create overlays (think of Instagram filters), I want to be able to preserve the opacity %. So that I can take this overlay and place it over other images.
The way it works currently is if I export the object and place it on another image, all the transparency is lost and the object is set to 100% opacity.1 vote -
Please make cursor track wider when moving to selection list menus
On a laptop, the Illustrator screen is very detailed. The screenshot shows how, when object>transform has been selected, it is necessary to hold down the mouse button and slide the mouse so that the cursor is guided down a very narrow blue track. If you stray off after careful steering to almost the end, you have to start again. Why not make the blue track much wider, so that you do not have to exert such close manual control? You could , for example, make the track expand in width as it extends from the start box to the end…
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show illustrator,photoshop on mutiple screens panels on one screen workspace on another
show illustrator,photoshop on mutiple screens panels on one screen workspace on another for windows 10
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Adobe Stock info available in-app
It would be really helpful to have access in-app to complete information for Adobe Stock Assets, especially the content creator, so that I can credit the image properly in my work. Perhaps a re-tool of the info available in the Libraries panel would be the best way, or even an "i" icon over the image next to the purchase icon?
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Canvas HTML5 with layers from Illustrator website
I did this years ago.
You still can't.
Export HTML5 canvas from Illustrator, multiple layers - all configurable as a web app. vote -
Simplify the Color Panels
Why are there so many different panels in Illustrator for working with colors? The color-making panels in InDesign are so much simpler than Illustrator. It's super cumbersome and reminds me of trying to design something in MS Word. Simplify please. Make it like InDesign.
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1 vote
Which problem? At the same time, if you were able to resolve it, why report. If it still bothers you — please tell more about it.
More usefull stroke gap. (Более удобный разрыв контура)
Описание в видео, спасибо за возможность вносить изменения в любимый продукт!
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Suddenly Crashing and then Reopening with a Text Import Options pop up. Please fix. What is going on?
There are many instances mentioned on the web of illustrator file suddenly crashing and a text import options pop up appearing when you try to reopen. The file is then blank. It doesn't matter how many times you have saved it. There is nothing in layers. Please fix
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