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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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173 results found

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  2. Show link image while resizing or moving

    Instead of seeing just the bounding box when transforming linked files, why not show the content of the link? Transforming linked files, image or vector based, would be more intuitive. This currently requires a workaround.

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    This is what Illustrator is capable of now with Preferences > GPU Performance options turned on.

    It should work for both linked or embedded images, vector or raster, exactly as you described.

    If it does not happen for you — please report it as a bug, and provide screenshots or screen recordings of the behavior, along with full OS and app specs.

  3. Copy/move artboards with the content

    Why have you deleted the function "copy/move artboards with the content" in the last update? It was really gorgeous! Now I have to unlock and make visible all the layers again to create several version of my graphic design, and it is really annoying! I would like the possibility to copy/move one or more artboards with the content, even if it is on locked or hidden layers, and without the content when it is on locked or hidden layers.

    Please, consider both functions, the copy/move with content was one of the best updates that you have ever made!!!

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  4. Properties Panel, values are not selected by clicking on the symbol in front of their field

    If I click on a symbol in a panel for a property like W or H or X or Y the current value gets selected. This does not work in the Properties panel, nothing gets selected and I have to double click inside the property field to select it.
    It slows down and is not consistent with the way it has worked for years.

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  5. Bring back spacebar 'move' functionality when 'alt/option' is pressed (to access Anchor Point tool) while using Pen Tool

    I realize this is a very specific request for a small piece of functionality that was probably never very popular, but it's part of a workflow I got used to using for years, and since upgrading to CC, it no longer works.

    When creating a new path with the Pen tool, using the spacebar enables you to move the anchor point you've just created (before you release the click). Also, the Anchor Point tool allows you to do the same when you click on a point and drag the handles out.

    My issue is that the Anchor Point tool doesn't…

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  6. Toggle Artwork Visibility Outside of Artboard

    The function of the w key in InDesign switches between preview and normal view. Why doesn't Illustrator have this functionality? It would be so useful as I usually prefer to use Illustrator when I'm initially laying things out for a design project. I've seen multiple requests for this functionality in the forums. Please please please add this!

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  7. Get rid of prompt window

    i would love to be able to hide/get rid of that prompt window that says "generate, edit path, repeat, group, lock.." that pops up. its pretty annoying.

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  8. Invite to edit functionality

    On a previous version of Adobe Illustrator, anyone with access to the aic file could invite new members to the document. There has since been an update where only the owner of the file can share the file to new people. Is it possible to implement an 'admin' or 'manger' to each file. Therefore the owner of the document can provide admin rights to other colloborates of the document. Anyone with admin access could then share the aic file.

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  9. Keep edit Intertwine editable after pressing Ctrl+z

    When Ctrl+z is pressed to undo an intertwine, the whole object is unselected as an intertwine and cannot be edited as an intertwine, without pressing edit in the intertwine menu.

    This does not occur in other tools like live paint, after pressing Ctrl+z, the object remains selected as a live paint object and remains editable.

    If possible, please add this feature.

    This is valuable to me, because it speeds up my workflow, as it makes Illustrator more consistent.

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  10. artwork over canvas isolation toggle

    Toggle function that changes the view between showing all artwork in a drawing, and only showing everything that is actually over the canvas. basically, a quick and easy toggle to see what an exported pdf would look like. Exactly like the toggle built into InDesign (toggled by "w").

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  11. Option to auto-sharp an anchor point when using the pen tool.

    By default when making a anchor point with the pen tool it gives you a curve anchor(2 direction handles). I request that we have the option to make it a sharp anchor(1 direction handle).

    Currently in order to make a sharp anchor you have to go back and select the anchor again. This is a slow method if you only draw in sharp anchors. By having this new option it will be lot faster and easier to draw in this style.

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  12. Send proof to customer

    We proof every item to customers before printing. It would be great if there was a tool to send a proof that could be approved through all common design programs. Giving the customer the ability to submit for changes and do a final approval before the job goes to print.

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  13. correct measurements

    In the attached screen shot you can see that the height of each of these objects, when looking at the blue illustrator guidelines, is measured the same but in reality, as is clearly obvious from the stroke attached to one of them, they are not the same size. One of them is clearly bigger in size due to the stroke. This discrepancy is very and constantly confusing when trying to work in precision measurements. Please could you fix so the stoked object calculates the stroke outer edge as additional width, as that is what it is. Thanks James

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  14. Where has Export > DXF Gone?

    Export as DXF has been removed since the latest update.
    This option is essential at our workplace.

    Is there a reason why it was removed?

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  15. Ignore Groups and Clipping Masks

    I lost about a Year of My Life double-clicking on objects within a group, inside of clipping masks. A less repetitive and MUCH faster way would be an option to "Ignore Groups and Clipping Masks" (i.e holding some key while clicking).

    The option would temporarily (select-wise) treat grouped and clipped objects as normal objects, allowing direct click on an object through a clipping mask and ignoring groups. An "If you can see it, you can click on it!" approach for instant color and other adjustments.

    This alone would speed up the workflow and, combined with wireframe view, it would be…

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  16. Make Document Color Mode menu available to set up as an action

    Make Document Color Mode a recordable action. I have to edit lots of files and they all have to be CMYK. If I forget one, it will look horrible on our website and we might never notice it. It would help a lot if color mode could be set up as an action.

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  17. Find approximate/closest Pantone from a process color

    If you choose a color from the color picker in Photoshop, it will show you the nearest equivalent in the Pantone library.

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  18. Keyboard Command for Expanding Objects

    Please. It's so much more intuitive to press ctrl/cmd+a and expand using the keyboard. I work with other peoples files all the time so being able to easily expand their files to make them work is critical.

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  19. Zoom Tool Controls (Fit to Screen)

    Can we make the Zoom Tool have the same Control settings as the Zoom Tool in Photoshop? I design in Large Scale Canvas Files. I like to design Art for Shirt Prints/Broadcasting Graphics for Entertainment Usage/Graphics for Sports Teams.

    This means a lot of Re-Scaling Images after put into the documents. When I Re-Scale the images and go to position them. I need to Zoom In onto the destination of the image's positioning.
    After I position that image. I can go back to Full-Size Image. But, I have to go to my Magnifier % at the bottom of my program…

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    Indeed, Illustrator does not have 'Fit to Screen' option in the context menu for the Zoom tool.

    But it provides other ways to do that:

    View > Fit Artboard in Window (Cmd/Ctrl + 0)

    View > Fit All in Window (Opt/Alt + Cmd/Ctrl + 0)

    If you are interested in Zoom to Selection command, please vote here:

  20. Eyedropper needs to sample the flattened color, not the object that I click on

    Many many times, when I use the eyedropper, I wish that it was sample the actual color of what I am seeing on the screen, rather than whatever the top object is that I have clicked on. For example I might have a number of layers of transparency, or I might want to click a particular value in a gradient, but the result only gives me the color of the object that I clicked on. Is there a way that you could hold down a modifier key and the eyedropper would instead select the color of the displayed pixel that…

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