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4381 results found

  1. Asset Export - Filename field is too short

    I need the filename field to be longer in the Asset Export panel. There's not enough room for clientnamedepartmentnameclr_logo naming schemes.

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  2. Hi, i want you expertise in exporting file from Fireworks which works in illustrator, please help me.

    Hi, i want you expertise in exporting file from Fireworks which works in illustrator, please help me.

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  3. Enchanced anti-aliasing

    Illustrator's anti-aliasing is very dirty and very-very dark. I personally work mostly on icons in Illustrator and the reason I avoid the application for say simple UI is that the result will be dirty. If I import my illustration from AI to Photoshop or Adobe XD - the whole layout will become much cleaner, lighter on preview and on export from there.

    Recently I've encountered a situation when my colleague had a small circle, and for this circle, the stroke's been defined as black and the fill was transparent. In Illustrator it looked like the circle hadn't a hole in…

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  4. 增效模組錯誤 Synergy module error...

    I do not understand (So I use google translation)
    Synergy module error...
    I need it to do my homework

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  5. Swatch Name

    I would like to see the swatch/color name displayed next to the fill/stroke under the search bar in the color pallet.

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  6. Display Tablet : Wacom CINTIQ 22HD VS XP-Pen Artist 22E Pro REVIEW

    Hello everyone, I'm an Illustrator user, I usually use the Adobe Illustrator, Evernote, Dropbox software and tasks. Mostly Illustrator on my display drawing tablet.


    I know there are a lot of people who are looking for Cintiq alternatives as Wacom's tablets are expensive. I had been wanting a Cintiq for years but never really thought they were worth all that money. However, after I had a chance of using Cintiq 22HD for a few days, I came to realize that drawing on a display tablet is far quicker and more enjoyable than doing it on non-display tablets.

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  7. Cannot key in units like cm, mm, etc.

    In the most recent update that I have, 22.1, the ability to resize an artboard by typing in a number and its unit has been removed. Was this intended? Please restore this function as it makes working with various units more convenient. Thank you.

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  8. 自動選択のウィンドウの許容値を最終使用した数値で固定してほしい。


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  9. Absolute Optical Kerning when scaling....

    I understand show optical kerning works and that smaller type will have relatively more space between glyphs than larger type. However, this results in a problem for those of us who, due to Illustrator's canvas limit (See 227, #downwith227), must design at scales smaller than 1:1.

    For that reason, I would like to request that there be an optional type of optical kerning implemented which does not add extra kerning as font size decreases.

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  10. Ability to Set Scratch Disks on Startup

    Our users need to change their Scratch Disk settings from the default Startup to a different drive in order for Illustrator to work correctly in our environment. This is more problematic now since our Mac Pro's have small SSDs. The fact that users have to launch Illustrator, navigate to preferences, change this setting, and then relaunch Illustrator before the Scratch Disk settings take effect is irritating. Unfortunately, in our environment this setting does not stick, so every time our users log in to a different computer they need to make this change.

    Please add a feature, similar to Photoshop's OPT…

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  11. Allow Save Options to be Skipped

    Personally, I'd like to skip the extra dialog after I name my file and click the Save button.

    If I actually want to alter any of the settings, I'd prefer to do it by actively clicking an [Format] Options button in the Save dialog (opening a new dialog) rather than after already naming the file and clicking the Save button.

    Sometimes performance is slow enough that it takes some time for the next dialog to even show, which breaks my workflow as I move on to other tasks in other apps, thinking my file is safely saved already (I did…

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  12. Allow text on linked files to be editable (just as it happens in embed)

    When I embed a PSD file into Illustrator, it preserves the layers and also the text boxes, allowing me to edit the text. However, if the file is liked, Illustrator converts all text to pixels, which can cause various problems when printing. It would be great to be able to keep the text as vectors, even if not editable. But rasterizing all text just because the file is liked is a big problem.

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  13. Correctly include vector objects from previous Illustrator version files

    A customer file created in CC 15 MAC and (according to tech support) using a CS/3 template does not open properly in CC 18. a group of objects appear as a missing linked file rather that the actual objects. However CS/5 opens the file and placed the vector objects inside a clip mask properly, allowing access to the vector path information. Why would CC18 not have the same capability? Worse, why would it confuse the issue stating a linked file is missing? The vector info is obviously in the file (since it appears in CS/3 and CS/5, get that info…

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  14. acceleration for hardware with nvidia 550M

    please support for nvidia GTX 550M in theory my graphic card is support but adobe illustrator does not recognize it

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  15. How about being able to hide everything outside artboards? Just a revolutionary little idea...

    InDesign has had this revolutionary technology since forever. They must keep it hidden in a vault somewhere, but can you please ask them for it.

    I actually think it could be the next big thing.

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  16. Remap ⌥← and ⌥→ to jump back/ahead one word

    Make ⌥← and ⌥→ default for jumping one word back and forth or respectively mark text when pressing "shift" as used to in Premiere Pro and by default on Mac. Same issue exists in Photoshop where these shortcuts are annoyingly used to adjust kerning.
    System: Mac OS X 10.11.6, Adobe Illustrator 22.1, Adobe Photoshop 19.1

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  17. Scrolling in Type window

    In CC 2014, when you selected copy in your document, it would highlight that font in the type window in it's appropriate alphabetical location. You could then scroll up or down alphabetically to get to other fonts. Now, when you select copy in a CC 2018 document, it moves the font to the top of the list and you have to start from the top every time to look for other fonts. I like to scroll through the fonts as I'm designing logos and having to start at the top every time is a pain in the neck!

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    With AI CC 22.1.0 version there is an option in the “Type Preferences” dialog (MAC menu “Illustrator CC >> Preferences >> Type” and WIN menu “Edit >> Preferences >> Type”) to change the “Number of Recent Fonts” and if you set it to “0” then on selecting the font in the document the font drop down list will highlight the Font Family name at it’s location and not on the top of the list.

    Please let us know if you encounter any other issue regarding this.

    With Best Regards,
    Raghuveer Singh
    Illustrator Team

  18. I would like to purchased out right

    I am old school and would love to have a

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  19. Panel Stroke

    After the upgrade to version 22.1, the profile is no longer open on the stroke panel

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  20. I would like to be able to use the program without being signed in, I have a slow connection and the cc activities make other internet traff

    I would like to be able to use the program without being signed in, I have a slow connection and the cc activities make other internet traffic impossible at times when I am using illustrator.

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