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4556 results found

  1. Allow to snap to points of a symbol with Dimension Tool

    Is there any chance to make it works with symbols? Using multiple instances of a symbol is a basic workflow in many industries (especially in the fashion industry). Unfortunately you can’t work this way because the Dimension tool is not compatible with symbols.

    Thanks to Daté Tetegan for the idea.

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  2. Fix the problem to allow me to create a new canvas and use the app.

    I can’t create a new file since I subscribed, it is absolutely wasting my trial… very bad experience.

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  3. User Friendly Subscription Services

    Change the subscription model from yearly to monthly as default. In it's current state, the basic subscription is misleading. It claims it's monthly but locks you into a yearly contract. There are two ways to fix this.

    1. Use an honest model that is fully monthly with no contracts.


    1. Create better easy to read text that clarifies if the subscription is monthly or yearly.

    Please fix the subscription services to better reflect their intentions.

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  4. Adobe Max 2D to 3D Turn views using Adobe Illustrator

    Hello Adobe -
    I'm interested in becoming one of your Beta testers for this new tool I am hearing about regarding Adobe Max.
    What's shown is a way to take a 2D drawings and converting it in Adobe Illustrator a turn around version from the 2D to 3D art.
    Whom do I speak to to become one of your Beta testers. I work in the professional field of 2D and 3D and would like to give feedback on this tool. I work with Adobe Illustrator professionally in the industry. So whom do I contact moving forward?

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  5. Panelize Blend Options, Offset Path, etc.

    In pre-2020 Illustrator versions, the Path -> Simplify tool was a window. Post 2020, it got changed into a live panel which, when opened, doesn't halt the focus and lets you change settings while you move around the artboard with the Hand tool or Zoom in or such.
    It is sadly the only "classic" Object tool that got this treatment. Other tools, especially Blend Options, Offset Path, Envelope Distort with Warp, etc. would benefit greatly from similar panelisation. It's not a great user experience that I can't zoom or pan while I'm trying to offset my path.

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  6. 線の塗りを設定しているオブジェクトがマスクされてしまう



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  7. Show/Collapse Option for the Right-Click Menu Items

    The Right-Click menu is getting too long. How about making an option to collapse or send to a fly-out window from the right-click menu, the least used tools/commands? Or, the ability to roll-up (or keep unrolled) the sections in the right-click menu? And the next time AI is started, the settings appear as they were from a previous session.

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  8. Copy and paste with drag and right click mouse like CorelDRAW

    I hope to see in illustrator copy and paste with (drag and right click mouse) like CorelDRAW

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  9. Add a 'Single Midpoint Anchor' Tool in Illustrator

    Request: Add a tool or command that allows users to add a single anchor point precisely at the midpoint of any selected path segment without affecting the entire shape.

    Why It’s Needed: Illustrator currently lacks an intuitive way to place an anchor point exactly between two existing anchor points. The "Add Anchor Points" command applies to all segments, and the Smart Guides often fail to indicate an accurate midpoint. Manually calculating coordinates is impractical.

    Suggested Implementation:

    • A new "Add Midpoint Anchor" option in Object > Path that works on a single segment.

    • A modified behavior in the Pen Tool (P)…

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  10. Shortcut with Cmd to select a tool

    Shortcuts with Cmd keys

    Please please make it possible to use the Cmd key to make shortcut to select a tool. This is crucial for working quick and efficiently. I know about the V and the A for choosing Selection and Direct Selection Tool, but when you are working with text, you cannot use these. Then you have to go the long way up to the tools panel to choose these. This make you work really slow.

    In Indesign it is easy to make this shortcut. In Photoshop and Illustrator it is prohibited. Please make this small adjustment to Illustrator…

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  11. Add ability to use artboard names when exporting.

    When you export PDF it would be nice to save artboards to individual files with the artboard name. Naming artboards doesn't really do much right now.

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  12. Allow to name new artboard copies by incrementing numbers in their names

    I often have to make documents with many artboards. And every time when I copy it, Illustrator add " copy" to name.

    Common, I name it like "name 01".
    I want to in this case the copy of this artboard named "name 02" ...

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  13. An ability to have an exact width without tracking

    The width should be based on the actual vectors and not the letters with Tracking (Kerning). If I add 100 tracking to the text, it is wider then the actual vectors and that creates issues with making sure the letters will fit on a wall that they would be attached to.

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  14. Make USEFUL hover hints for ALL the options, fields, menu commands

    Clearly the team doesn’t really care about making hover hints to be a learning tool.

    Rarely these actually try to say what an option or a field does or controls: like 'Start editing similar shapes together' for the 'Global Edit' button in the Control panel, or 'Click to pick arrowhead to apply to start point of path' in Stroke panel...

    But in most cases the hint is extremely rudimentary.
    Try to hover the 'W' field in Transform panel — you’d get 'W value'. W?! Weight? Wand? Why not say 'Width Value', or even 'Set Width for the selected objects'?


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  16. Export selected artboards using "Exports for Screens" with editing capabilities preserved

    Can you provide a checkbox in Adobe Illustrator that allows exporting the selected artboard from a file with multiple artboards, while preserving editing capabilities? This would ensure that fonts and images are not missing, and that the file size remains small due to only the selected artboard being included.

    I work for a Hindi newspaper, and the fonts I use in the file are not available everywhere. As a result, the fonts get missing on certain systems if the file is exported as a PDF without 'Preserve Editing Capabilities' enabled, which affects the quality of the product. Additionally, if the…

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  17. The option to define visibility of layers and objects by artboard.

    The option to define visibility of layers and objects by artboard.
    This way, one could set multiple artboards of the same content with different sets of layers or objects visible in each.
    I often have to hide/show some layers before export (for instance when I do the same complex artwork in multiple languages). Of course the default would be the current behavior.

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  18. Allow Join Tool to join selected open diverging paths with a straight connection

    The Join Tool isn't working as it should. It trims extra paths but it doesn't join the anchor points.

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  19. Preference for keyboard increments in NUMERICAL value boxes

    I love being able to use the up/down keys to change the values of the numerical values in panels and dialog boxes such as OFFSET PATH.

    The problem is that the incremental jumps are to far (1/8 of an inch when set to inches). We can use modifier keys to increase or decrease this jump, BUT it is still big jumps.

    I can find no other way to adjust this other than moving to Points or pixels for the measuring through right clicking the ruler, even though I am working in inches. This moves the increment to those base values:…

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  20. Make Package to find ALL links used by linked files themselves

    Would be great if Packaging to into account all linked AI and PSD files and made sure those files and their links were included.
    So when I create an AI file that links in another AI the links for that file are also included, or if a PSD is linked the links in that PSD are also included! And vice versa for PSD files that have linked AI files with PSD links in those said AI files...

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