Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4556 results found
Allow to customize created dimensions more: move and style text, reposition lines, change units and scale, etc.
The functionality of the Dimension Tool needs to be improved. I think this tool should be made even more customizable. Example: Numbers and fonts should be able to move, rotate, change its style (add stroke or box it). We need to be able to easily change the units of measurement directly in the settings of the tool itself. Also lines with dimensions should be able to move arbitrarily (up and down) with Direct Selection Tool.
2 votes -
Move items inside/outside hidden and locked layers.
I want to move items in and out of locked and/or hidden layers.
I use the lock and hidden options to not accendently modify them on the canvas, but I do neet to rearrange them in the layers, or need a copy of an item.6 votes -
Support SVG text-anchor attribute (export and import)
For correct positioning of dynamic right-aligned or center-aligned text, we need the position of the anchor point.
But Illustrator does not export it.
Our ask is that the anchor point is exported to SVG using the text-anchor attribute.
You can read about it here: votes -
Allow Illustrator to remain in native file mode after saving to PDF
Currently, saving a PDF from Illustrator keeps the saved PDF open in Illustrator. If you edit the file that is still open, you're editing the PDF and not the native Illustrator file. It is difficult to see that you're working in PDF other than just remembering that Illustrator does this (when other Adobe apps do not), and/or to look at the extension on the file tab.
Feature request is to change this function so that Illustrator remains open in the same Illustrator file format instead of switching to working in the saved PDF via Illustrator. This would be similar to…
4 votes -
現状はイラストレーター上で一つ一つ変更するか、XMLでダウンロードして名前を変更しなければならず、不便なので、よろしくお願いいたします。2 votes -
consult:Quality of JPG
As shown in the picture:
Maximum -----------jpg100
High ------------- jpg80
medium ------------- jpg50
Low ---------------jpg20
Are they one-to-one correspondence?1 vote -
Allow to change transparency/opacity with digit (number) keys, as in Photoshop
Photoshop allows us to start typing numbers and thus change the opacity for the selected layers. If we are fast enough, we can type something like '57' and Ps takes it as 57%. Pressing zero makes it 100%.
There is no way to disable this in Ps... and it doesn’t allow to use digits keys for any other command or a tool.
Ai allows to map digits just fine (and 1 and 2 are used for Quick Pen Tool currently), and it also allows to map keys to opacity values in Keyboard Shortcuts > Tools — although these are not…
2 votes -
Add a quick way to toggle the alignment of a stoke (Center, Inside, Outside): with Opt/Alt-click and/or a hotkey
There are many modes, states, values in Ai that require precise clicking in a tiny button or a field to toggle or change. We need faster ways to access these.
A keyboard shortcut to quickly toggle how the current stroke is aligned would be nice to have... for those who prefer clicking, Opt/Alt could be added to avoid precise aiming, just to loop through the modes.
4 votes -
Bring back show bounding box while moving objects
When moving any objects in Illustrator, the bounding box will disappear. I need this feature to align objects on the artboard. Please bring back the bounding box when moving objects
1 vote -
Edit Colors panel - drag and drop from document swatches
In the "Edit Colors" panel, users can already select a document's color palette. However, it would be incredibly helpful to allow dragging and dropping individual colors from the document's palette directly into the active color set of an object.
Currently, users have to manually input color values (e.g., RGB), which is time-consuming. Adding a drag-and-drop feature would make this process more efficient and user-friendly, greatly improving the workflow for designers.
Thank you for considering this enhancement!
3 votes -
Beim Ebenenbedienfeld sollte der Bereich grösser sein, wenn man mit der Maus eine Ebene sichtbar machen oder ausblenden
Beim Ebenenbedienfeld sollte der Bereich grösser sein, wenn man mit der Maus eine Ebene sichtbar machen oder ausblenden will oder wenn man sie sperren will. Der Bereich sollte das ganze Quadrat umfassen (s. roten Bereich) und nicht nur den blauen Bereich. Begründung: Beim Klicken schaue ich oft auf die Veränderung bei der Zeichnung. Wenn sich die Maus beim Klicken nur ganz wenig verschiebt, gerät man aus dem Bereich und es passiert nichts. Dann muss man die Maus neu ausrichten und wieder versuchen.
3 votes -
It could be a system that automatically creates design examples with the content we provide
It could be a system that automatically creates design examples with the content we provide. For example, you can think of it like in the Powerpoint application. Let's randomly add the content we have to a page and let it show us a few random design examples. It doesn't have to be perfect, it could just be at an idea level, maybe?
1 vote -
When Altering and Saving an Existing File on Your Computer, the Item's Time Stamp Should Update
Standard functionality is to update the folder details time stamp for any changes made, so it is easy to find the most recent files, etc.
Today, the file only lists its original creation date and does not update its time stamp when changes are saved.
Thank you
2 votes -
Make 3D material texture scale apply consistently across an entire group/compound path (replicating gradient behavior)
There is currently no way to have a design consisting of multiple disconnected shapes that "share" one single material texture scale in the 3D feature. The scale of the texture is determined by the size of each shape; small shapes have small, squished textures and large shapes have large, stretched textures. I understand that each shape is determining what size is "100%" scale, but the behavior should be like it is elsewhere in Illustrator. When you apply a gradient to multiple shapes, each shape has the entire gradient because each shape's dimensions determine what the 100% scale is. However, if…
3 votes -
Allow adding of Freeform Gradients to CC Library panel
Allow adding of freeform gradients to CC libraries. Very inconvenient to have to re-open legacy files each time I need the gradient. This gradient is used consistently for our brand packaging across different products and designs.
3 votes -
1 vote
Allow to color code attributes (fills, strokes, effects) in Appearance Panel
Sometimes we create very complex appearance stacks, and navigating the Appearance panel becomes rather hard (especially given the fact it tries to unfurl the items in it all the time — look at this bug report:
So with a lot of fills and strokes and effects given we would like to assign colors to the rows, the same way the Actions panel allows (for its button mode).
Another similar requests would be an ability to rename them ( and to make folders (
9 votes -
Golden Ratio Option in the Character Panel
I would like to suggest adding a Golden Ratio option to the Character Panel for selected typefaces. This feature could help users easily establish a clear visual hierarchy by automatically calculating proportional font sizes for headings, subheadings, and body text.
Such an addition would streamline the process of creating balanced and aesthetically pleasing typography, ensuring that readers can quickly and intuitively distinguish between various text levels.
Thank you for considering this enhancement. It would be a valuable tool for designers aiming to achieve professional and harmonious typographic layouts.
1 vote -
Allow to collapse all items in Appearance panel
The Appearance panel looks somewhat similar to Layers, but it differs in many ways, excluding several QOL methods to deal with large amount of items.
For example, one can Opt/Alt-click a bracket next to a layer or a group in Layers to collapse unfurl all the children within it.
Sure, Layers miss just a button to do it as well, and there is a request about it here at UV ( — but Appearance just don’t have any method to collapse the items (and these do unfurl all the time — take a look at this bug report: …
11 votes -
Allow to make folders in Appearance Panel
Appearance are the most powerful feature of Illustrator, but the learning curve is difficult and for Advanced User it's difficult to manage and remember what are doing what in a Complex Appearance (cf. Screenshot where I had to use Colors to identify properties…)
Please allow to have folders in the panel (like in Ps: "Pass Trough" blend mode, knockout, vector mask based on "Convert to shape" with 9 points proxy…)
It will be more easier to understand Complex Appearance samples and for Advanced users, it will be way more efficient.
Another related request:
Allow to rename attributes (fills, strokes, effects)…27 votes
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