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4541 results found

  1. 맥 버전에서도 윈도우버전과 같은 단축키를 쓸 수 있게 부탁드립니다.

    윈도우 버전에서는 알트 키를 이용해 메뉴에 접근하고 주요 메뉴는 연속된 키 입력으로 접근이 가능합니다. 예를 들어 문자 전체 선택을 하기 위해서는 알트 sop를 누르면 됩니다. 이러한 방법이 맥 버전에서는 불가능해 너무 불편합니다. 동일한 방식으로 단축키를 사용할 수 있도록 업데이트 부탁드립니다.

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  2. 한국어로도 단축키가 되도록 부탁합니다.

    한국어 버전으로 작업을 할 때 언어가 한국어로 선택되어 있으면 단축키가 작동하지 않습니다. 다른 어도비 프로그램 중에는 한국어로도 단축키를 설정할 수 있는 것이 있습니다. 일러스트레이터도 한국어로 지정되어 있을 때도 단축키가 적용될 수 있길 부탁드립니다.

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  3. Make Illustrator understand the Mask component of SVGs.

    When importing SVGs into Illustrator, the application does not seem to be able to interpret the native SVG masks used. Attached are two SVGs. One is the original one, and the other which ends with "illustratorfromsvg" is how the SVG looks in illustrator.
    You can open both in your web browser. Notice how the hair of the woman in the SVG that's been opened in illustrator does not cover her shoulders. If you look at the original SVG you can see how the hair is supposed to "mask" her shoulders.
    I have explained this more thoroughly in this…

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  4. Give aligning options for Text on Path tool.

    When using the Text on Path tool, it would be nice to have alignment/distribution options.
    Aligning the first and last letter, center at top or bottom, and fit text around a shape.
    They way it is now, you have to drop guides and align and distribute the text so that it is even.
    It would be wonderful also to use the dropper tool to apply the alignment to new text. For instance, if I have an emblem and need to wrap several different texts around it, then once I have one the way I like I could easily apply that…

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  5. Jumble Characters Option

    I would love a feature where you could jumble characters in a text box to simulate what you see in many Children's based design elements of titles and such. Currently you have to outline your text and then start manually turning your letters slightly while pushing and pulling your kerning/spacing and baselines. Possibly three options; rotate clockwise, counter-clockwise and random with sliding scales for how extreme to turn them.

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  6. Change behavior of scrolling out of bounds or overlapping panels

    When dragging an element to the page or screen edge, the scrolling rate goes from 10px/second to 1000 and you spend most of your time trying to figure out how to go back far enough but not too far. If you go too far, you scroll 1000px in the other direction. All while you are holding a bunch of important elements that you don't want to release. It's unnerving and makes no sense. Make the scroll rate consistent even when scrolling out of bounds. Either that or don't let us scroll further our of bounds than the width or height…

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  7. Automatic Saves and Back Ups

    Softwares like Ableton, particularly Ableton, provide an automatic save feature, multiple back ups, as well as allow you to restore your work if your software crashes. Additionally, you can "Collect All and Save" and the program collects all the project files and organizes them within the project folder where you will never lose them as long as you have the folder and no longer have the issue of missing files. I believe that this system should be adopted by Adobe as this would save countless hours and lost progress for its users. Thank you.

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  8. ツールボックスからのパネルリンク表示

    いつもパネルがどこかに隠れます。 ツールボックスからもアクセスできるように。 たとえば文字ツールを長押しすると文字パネルへのリンクを表示、ペンツールを長押しすると線設定パネルへのリンク表示など

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  9. Alt+drag to duplicate multiple spline knots and segments

    Up until the Illustrator 23.1.1 update, splines with overlapping knots and multiple selected spline segments could be duplicated easily by:

    1) using the "A" select tool to select individual knots or segments of a path,
    2) region-dragging to select several knots,
    3) begin dragging then quickly hold down the ALT key before releasing
    This would duplicate the knot and it's connected and the newly created connected segments. If only segments were selected, then the new segments were created while dragging, <important!> keeping their anchor knots where they originated at either end of the spline. It was a very efficient tool…

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  10. Vorhandene Farbe aus Farbfelder - zeige mir Objekte mit dieser verwendeten Farbe an.

    Vorhandene Farbe aus Farbfelder - zeige mir Objekte (Fläche oder Linie) mit dieser verwendeten Farbe an.

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  11. Find and Replace as a panel (palette)

    Does it no longer have to be in pallet form for FIND & REPLACE? Even list the past wanted. I think you should think about it. You can take an example from the ExtendScript Toolkit (ESTK) (as in the video). Because Adobe did it. I want to remind:)

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  12. Auto-activate Adobe Fonts

    Can there be a preference to always auto-activate Adobe fonts without a dialog box?

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  13. Make it possible to actually open Cloud Docs....

    The idea of cloud docs is wonderful, but the reality is intensely frustrating.

    File created in the studio; a simple text logo. Retun home need to make a change. Impossible to open.

    "Make file available offline" Done. Still impossible to open.

    Identical version of Illustrator on both Macs. Multiple occurrences. It has happened in reverse too

    Workaround > Store files on a disk. Transfer manually. (Not what Adobe want to hear!)

    I should add that this a a regular problem on PS too, so a broader Creative Cloud, issue. Oh and the internet connection is Gigabit, so not a speed…

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  14. Existing documents open to your preferred units, even if they were created in different units

    So I often work with people in different countries and we often have different unit preferences. I work in mm but when I open files from fellow creatives in America for example, they are often using inches.

    Now I thought that my preferences being set to mm would mean it would show the files in mm, but apparently this only applies to new documents you create, not to existing files. This seems so crazy to me given the digital, remote working, globally collaborative world we live in today.

    Please could this be a thing because going into the settings every…

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  15. Fisheye lens effect

    Is it possible to apply Fisheye lens effect in Adobe Illustrator as in Freehand MX? Adobe Illustrator has some features, but not as effective as Freehand.

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  16. Bring back menu highlighting feature in 'HELP' menu

    Please bring back menu highlighting feature for Illustrator and Photoshop! In previous versions, you could type a word in the HELP dropdown (i.e. "offset path in Ai"), and the menu where the item is located would drop down and highlight the item. This is very useful because designers sometimes remember the name of a feature, but not where it is located. Also for learning it is very useful.

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  17. This might actually be useful in other products but have an "open frequent" as well as open recent, if you have to load a file alot

    I was thinking you could add hexadecimal count in file so only adding a byte of data but then what happens when you share files ect, I don't know if there is already a easy way already in the metadata you could implement it

    Now I know you can create libraries to sort of do what I'm saying or bridge.

    A couple of situations where it would be useful loading up logo for a frequent client or company you work for.

    If you have been working on a project with a few different files day and night for months, then…

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  18. A few requests for accessibility.

    A few requests for accessibility.

    As we know, Adobe market themselves as the premier in editing software - the best of the best.

    This is simply untrue. Illustrator is such a difficult program to access and this leads to more people being unable to use it.

    Firstly, the custom brushes are nearly impossible to make as a pattern brush if you don’t want a ridiculous amount of tiling. How about instead of making it tile in a grid, you give the option to have it only tile vertically or horizontally? This would help people who are on fashion and architecture…

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  19. Locked objects should not highlight at all when drag selecting over them

    That’s the whole reason I lock them, so they’re not in the way and are ignored during complex selections. Highlighting them when mousing over? It goes against the very design principle of locking. So annoying to see these fundamental usability regressions at every turn with .ai lately.

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  20. Pixel Perfect - alignment with equal distribution e.g. Artboard alignment

    When exporting out artwork for app icons, the dimensions have to be precise. 256 x 257 isn't going to work downstream and you have to adjust and export out again - wasting time.

    If an art board bounds is not pixel perfect aligned the exported graphics can be one pixel out. So it becomes necessary to align both content and art boards.

    One could argue that if an art board has a defined integer dimension, then it should be guaranteed to be exactly that dimension. Which could be a bug.

    But why is it necessary to have an art board…

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