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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:

  1. Details of your operating system
  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
  3. The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
  4. Your expected result and the actual result
  5. Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)

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13 results found

  1. Cursor stuck on hand

    The cursor is stuck on the hand tool in all my adobe apps so I cannot use them at all.

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    We need your help in re-creating this issue at our end. If this issue is reproducible at will, please reach out to with your convenient time for remote screen sharing. If this happens intermittently, please do screen recording and send us the same. Any other details that help in re-creating this issue will be helpful (files, workspace, plug-ins, preferences, etc.)

    Illustrator Team

  2. Keyboard commands for zoom and hand tool don't work.

    Illustrator CC 2018 running on High Sierra. The keyboard command for the zoom and hand tools doesn't always work. Quitting and restarting the application does't resolve the issue. I have to restart my machine to restore functionality. It's seems to be be an entirely random issue.

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    Hi ,

    Thanks for reporting the issue . Unfortunately we are not able to reproduce this issue. Could you kindly provide the following information to help us nail this down :

    1. Machine details which can be found by :
    MAC : Choose Apple menu  > About This Mac.

    WIN : Go to settings and Click on System and Click on About . In Windows Specifications , machine details can be found .

    2. Version of Illustrator .

    3.Kindly rename your Preferences folder placed in below location and share this folder with us .
    MAC: /Users//Library/Preferences/Adobe Illustrator Settings//
    WIN: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator Settings\

    Kindly share the above with us in a Zip file at Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.

    Ankit Goyal
    Illustrator team

  3. Offset Path Won't Work

    I am using Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 and can't get negative offset path values to work. I am trying to create an offset path in the negatives in text that I have created outlines on. When I do positive numbers, the offset path gets bigger (as it should) When I do negative offset values, the object is duplicated but at the exact same size. I have tried using the offset path tool from both the 'object' and 'effect' tabs and neither is giving me results. I have also tried negative values ranging from -1 to -16,000... there is no change.

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    Hi Everyone,

    Can you please provide a screenshot or step-by-step details of what you are trying to do. I ask because it’s working fine for me (see attached screenshot; it’s quite possible that I misinterpreted what you are trying to achieve). Could it be that the negative offset you are applying is greater than the size of the object. In that case, it won’t work. Otherwise it should.

  4. Lasso tool not selecting

    Since updating Illustrator a month or so ago, the lasso tool rarely works. No vector points are selected and I'm having to use the direct select tool instead.

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    Does it happen all the time for you, or occasionally? in any file, or a specific one? If a certain one — can you share it?

    What is your exact OS details and version used?

    Can you record a short video demonstrating the issue?

    Please comment back, the team lack details on this issues and can’t really start investigations this.

  5. The Selection Tool keeps defaulting to the Direct Selection tool

    The Selection Tool keeps defaulting to the Direct Selection tool

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  6. Align not working when ALL items in a group are selected

    Since updating to CC 2018, align to selection and align to artboard are not working when ALL items in a group are selected.

    Align appears to work if ALL BUT ONE item in the group are selected ... but if the final item is selected, it stops working ... nothing happens.

    This is not ideal as it means you then have to align the remaining item with the rest of the group manually ... with transform or by eye.

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    Need More Info  ·  Anish Kumar responded


    Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    I am not able to reproduce the issue on my side and behavior is similar to Illustrator CC 2017 version. If you think behavior is changed in Illustrator CC 2018 kindly share a small video of Illustrator CC 2017 behavior and Illustrator CC 2018 behavior at so I can further investigate it.

    Please do mention the link of this thread so we can identify you

  7. Illustrator crashes everytime I try to edit a graph

    First the graph tool was working perfectly, I made an area graph. But now after making some changes in colors and fonts in the graph, Illustrator is consistently crashing everytime I hit "Type" to edit it. How can I solve this?

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    Hi All,

    Thanks for reporting a crash you faced in Illustrator.

    Based on your report, Illustrator is crashing when you are trying to edit a graph.

    Can you please help us with a sample AI file and steps you follow to get this crash? It would help if you could share a sample video of the crash as well. This will help us to reproduce it in-house and fix it.

    With Best Regards,

    Aishwarya G Gadodia

    Illustrator Team

  8. Isolate Selected Groups Does Not Work in CC 2019

    Spent 4 days following a tutorial thinking I was losing my mind.
    Then, it dawned on me I downloaded CC 2019 four days ago.
    Downloaded CC2017 and the operation works as advertised.
    Used especially for cartooning…
    Goes like this:
    1. Select all inked artwork>Object>Expand Appearances>Merge.
    Create and color a rectangle covering artwork.
    Select All>Merge
    Then>>>>>Right Click<<<< and click "Select Isolate Selected Groups”
    This will put editable color with all closed line work.

    The enclosed pic is where things go wrong in 2019
    Once Isolate Selected groups is clicked you should be able to delete the outside green in isolation mode…

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  9. Pen tool glitch

    When using the pen tool, the artboard glitches and a big gray area appears from the upper right corner (screenshot 1), glitches even more and turns yellow when scrolling or moving the cursor (screenshot 2).
    Pen tool absolutely impossible to use.

    This started happening after last update (version 22.0.1 - 64 bit) on Windows 8.1

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  10. Undo deletes more than one history step

    Doing undo (Cmd + Z) Illustrator often deletes more than one step and resets the document close to its original/previously saved version.

    Illustrator version: 23.0.3
    OS: Mac OS Mojave 10.14.4

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  11. Eraser doesn’t work if I lock an object behind

    Whenever I lock an object behind the object I am try to erase I can't erase anything. It is a really annoying bug that needs to be fixed.

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  12. Simplify preview problem

    When I choose Path > Simplify… and have the preview button checked, the simplification happens as many times as I adjust the percentage. ie it will simply to 99% and the 97% of 99%.
    Whether I click OK or Cancel, all of the actions have been performed and I have to press undo until it is back to normal.
    This problem arrived at the same time as the scale/rotate/reflect etc preview issue (which have now been fixed thank god).

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    Apologies for the inconvenience caused to you due to this issue. We are unable to reproduce this issue at our end and need your help to isolate this issue further.
    Could you kindly help us with the following information:

    1. Could you kindly let us know the version of Illustrator that you are using. You can check the version by going to menu “Illustrator→About Illustrator” in Mac and “Help→ About Illustrator” in Windows.
    2. Kindly also share with us the Test File with which you are facing the issue and share with us at in a Zip file. You can follow the below steps for creating the package:
    • Kindly save the test file and go to menu “File→Package”.
    • Create a package and save it to Desktop. Go to the folder location where the package is created.
    • Compress the folder and share it with us.


  13. Offset Path Bug

    OS: Windows 10
    Illustrator CC 2018 Build 22.1 (64-bit)
    When working with Outlined Letters 9 times out of 10 it works.
    However 1:10 when I do Object > Path > Offset Path - one of the Anchor Points does not move. When this happens it always seems to occur within the plug of the letter and it appears to be an Anchor point that would have been straight down from its original position.

    In the Attached Image I show the original Path and Offset Path as outlines and the Anchor Points are illustrated by Cyan Circles.

    Thank you!

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