Center points are not visible
Guide objects have lost their center points. I have "Show Center" turned on in the Attributes panel and "Show Edges" turn on, and still, the Center-Points are not visible on object guides.
Object guides used to all have center-points showing all the time, as long as the guides were turned on. Now the center-points are missing.

Does this still happen for you with the latest Illustrator releases? Please check and comment back
Michael, can’t see it happening for me... (would be a pain!)
Can you share the file, just in case if it’s document bound for some reason?
And a short video/GIF would help (use LICEcap or GIFCam to record these) -
Michael Heussinger commented
Seit einem der letzten Updates (AI CC 25.4.1) fehlt folgende wichtige Funktion:
In der Darstellung "Kontur" werden die Mittelpunkte (Mitte) der Objekte nicht mehr eingeblendet. Das betrifft alle Objekte auf der Arbeits-/Zeichenfläche.
Lediglich bei dem aktiv ausgewählten Objekt wird der Mittelpunk gezeigt.
Ich kann nicht mehr den Mittelpunkt eines (aktiven) Objekts auf den Mittelpunkt eines nicht aktiven Objekts ziehen, da ich diesen nicht sehe.
Wenn ich die Intelligenten Hilfslinien aktiviere wird mir dabei etwas geholfen, da die "Mitte" des Ziel-Objekts angezeigt wird.
Mit zwei, drei Objekten auf einer Seite ist das noch vertretbar (aber nicht wirklich akzeptabel). Mit vielen Objekten jedoch werden aktiven "Intelligenten Hilfslinien" schnell dumm und weniger hilfreich. Da würde ich mich gerne auf mein Auge verlassen und die erforderlichen Objekte gerne selber mittig aufeinander platzieren. Was meistens auch wesentlich schneller geht. Oldschool quasi.Daher mein Appell:
Bitte korrigieren Sie die "Kontur"-Ansicht wieder dahingehend, das alle Objekte (bei denen die "Mitte" aktiviert ist) auch in nicht aktivem Zustand dem Mittelpunkt zeigen.Alternativ wäre es auch denkbar diese Funktion optional unter Voreinstellungen > Auswahl und Ankerpunkt-Anzeige..." an- oder abzuwählen.
Mike Bully commented
August 2021
25.4.1 (64-bit) Still not fixed.
Anonymous commented
I'm using macOS Catalina 3.3 GHz 6-core Intel Core i5,
8 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
Graphics: AMD Radeon Pro 5300 4 GB
When viewing objects in wireframe view, you previously were able to see the center points and did not need to have the object selected to do so. This was never an issue until we upgraded to CC. I understand this may have to do with GPU/CPU. The CPU option just slows things down and is not a solution. I am aware of the Attributes/Center and is not the problem. The center points are barely visible when you zoom out but, that is of no use to me. I have been using Illustrator for the past 20+ years and never had this issue before. At work we are required to handle things with speed, efficiency and high tolerances. This issue slows me down & I do hope it can be resolved. I have reviewed the support community and even submitted my own issue and nobody seems to have an answer.
Link: Center of object not visible - Adobe Support Community - 11966002
Please consider my request.Thank You
Mike Bully commented
February 2021
25.1 (64-bit) and this is still an issue, WHY?
Anonymous commented
Hello, on my Mac OS 10.15.7 :
since my passage under Ai 2021, the central points of the objects are no longer visible and it was very practical ...
Keith Peterson commented
I'm using Adobe Illustrator 25.1 and have been using illustrator for the past 20 years. Very recently Illustrator stopped showing the center points for rectangles and ellipses. I use center points in all my work for alignment purposes. How do I restore the center points in Illustrator?
Keith Peterson -
John Garrett commented
I have to agree. The change has been difficult to work with. I often have to zoom in two or more steps before I get the ability to scale an object. This is extremely annoying. It's infuriating. I like to draw. This change takes away so much of the joy of drawing.
Cheryl commented
YES this deserves more upvotes - it has been an issue for awhile and Adobe is doing nothing about this. It completely disrupts workflow and is a pointless "function" (if it was meant to be a function and not a bug). Either way, please bring back the center handles for small and thin objects!! It's ridiculous to have to zoom in so much just to adjust the length or width of an object without even being able to see the rest of the artwork.
Morituri commented
I have the same problem now for a couple days. I have to select everything THEN turn on show center. Before the last couple days it ALWAYS showed center points as I selected items. WTH?
Someone75 commented
Recording of missing handles
Someone75 commented
What are you doing Adobe???
In 24.0.1 the center handles for thin rectangles are gone? What are you doing? After you "fixed" the missing center handles for lines somehow, you thought it would be a good idea to create the same mess with rectangles, now? Is there anybody watching the programmers what they do?
It is impossible to scale a thin rectangle, as center handle is gone, now, and there is NO center stretch option showing up while hovering between the edge handles but the absolutely unnecessary rotation option.
Jan Vork commented
When a Circle is set to be a guide, the origin (center point) is no longer visible.
This point is very usefull for a guide.
Changing the Show Center attribute has no effect. -
Jan Vork commented
When e.g. a Rectangle is made a Guide, while the Center Attribute is active, the Center dissappeares. Very inconvenient, since the center is a very helpful position for a Guide.