The Selection Tool keeps defaulting to the Direct Selection tool
The Selection Tool keeps defaulting to the Direct Selection tool

It seems like later builds of Illustrator don’t have this problem.
Please verify or disprove it.
The mentioned problem with Group Selection and Selection tools selecting singular points is reported here, with a workaround solution.
Anonymous commented
I have added a keystroke shortcut to my workspace of SHIFT-A to choose the group select tool and simply A chooses the direct select tool. This removes the issue and I always know what tool I'm getting. Now if the GROUP SELECT tool would just work like it should and stop selecting single points.
James Sparling commented
@Matt: as long as the V selection tool is before the A one you should be okay. Or you could combine them in the same button but, again, make sure V is above A.
Matt commented
What happens if you have a side by side toolbar?
James Sparling commented
I know these are old comments, but this has been bugging me for years, ever since that update back in 2019. I finally decided to try and fix it because it is SO annoying and I think I've found out how to. It's entirely to do with the tool bar and the order of the selection tools. I've just built a new tool bar from scratch and made sure the (V) selection tool appears first and that appears to have fixed it!
I wish I'd done it ages ago. Phew, what a relief. Please let me know if this works for you.
Anonymous commented
Having this problem also!!!!!!!!!
Yura Timoshenko commented
yes, seems like it
Matt commented
Since when? Latest update?
Yura Timoshenko commented
seems OK now... Maybe they fixed it in updates
Matt commented
Actually that’s not the same function. It’s the difference of the direct select tool being set or not. (Key A instead of V).
Kimmy commented
actually figured it out
go to
View>"Show Bounding Box"
and it should solve this! -
Kimmy commented
I am having this problem as well... any solutions?
Matt commented
What the freak Adobe!?! Why do you keep screwing **** up. You messed up my resize keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop, NOW I can select an object in illustrator without it trying to select the node. This is not a preferences setting. This is an Adobe ***** up! Sick of this **** and I'm paying for this too!
Yura Timoshenko commented
I change workspace to Layout or Essential, it resets Tools panel and that seems to work to some degree
Tom commented
same problem, is there a solution?
Court Knee Wooster commented
Yes this just started with me too, yet another annoyance in illustrator...
Yura Timoshenko commented
I have the same issue! never had this issue with older versions of Illustrator! Very irritating! I have latest version of Illustrator CC and the latest version of OSX and from time to time without reason select tool starts glitching, getting stuck into selection tool more and cannot go back to direct select tool