Align not working when ALL items in a group are selected
Since updating to CC 2018, align to selection and align to artboard are not working when ALL items in a group are selected.
Align appears to work if ALL BUT ONE item in the group are selected ... but if the final item is selected, it stops working ... nothing happens.
This is not ideal as it means you then have to align the remaining item with the rest of the group manually ... with transform or by eye.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
I am not able to reproduce the issue on my side and behavior is similar to Illustrator CC 2017 version. If you think behavior is changed in Illustrator CC 2018 kindly share a small video of Illustrator CC 2017 behavior and Illustrator CC 2018 behavior at so I can further investigate it.
Please do mention the link of this thread so we can identify you
Justin commented
This is still an issue in Illustrator 27.1.1. If I have, for example 5 items in a group. If I select all 5 items to align, the alignment bar disappears and you can't align them. If I select 4 out of 5 or less, the alignment bar appears and I can now align. My work-around is to move one of the 5 objects out of the group. Only then I can select all five objects and the alignment bar appears and works.
Anonymous commented
Is this fixed? I cannot select two grouped items, click on one to anchor it while aligning the other to it.
nozzle commented
Align to point. NOT WORKING.
Snap to Grid. NOT WORKING.