Illustrator (iPad) Bugs
643 results found
The scale handles are not working cannot resize or move with apple Pencil
The scale handles are not working cannot resize or move with apple Pencil
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i literally have to restart my app every 5 minutes
i have to restart my app every 5 minutes (not exaggerating) because so many features stop working. zoom, drawing, color picking, etc. i pay $60/mo for these apps and i’m not even guaranteed proper functionality.
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2 votes
App freezes and crashes, data lost
The app will freeze up and then crash on me and doesn’t save and my work is lost. Not only is this a huge inconvenience but it makes it extremely frustrating especially when hours of work are lost.
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Pinch to Zoom stops working periodically forcing app restarts
Either during active work, or when swapping between apps on iPad Pro, the pinch to zoom function just completely stops working. You are completely unable to move around your artboard. In order to restore the functionality, the only solution is for the app to be closed or restarted. This problem has only started happening in the last week.
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After update, apple pencil and touch does not work correctly
After update, making shapes with apple pencil does not work. And pan/zoom with pinching via touch does not work. Makes it impossible to use. I have restarted and it works for a second and then happens again.
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Reduce the lags on iPad
Reduce the lags on iPad please 🙏
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Colors Dark Blue immediately switches to Dark Purple
Whenever I create use the color blue ex: 0004FF, along the ranges of dark blue, it automatically goes to purple. 391293 (Along that range). When I try to make the swatch of my dark blue, it immediately adds a dark purple swatch of that variant.
I never had this issue before until now. I am working on the newest iPad Pro in color mode CMYK.2 votes -
Crashing when I open file
As soon as I click on the file, the application crashes and information is lost in the file .
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1 vote
While using Illustrator and switch from app and back, the stylus no longer responds correct
While using Illustrator and switch from app back to the stylus no longer responds correctly, would no longer be able to move objects in on the art board, must restart app to make work
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Preserving layers
When saving an AI file, the layers are not preserved after sending or opening in a new file. I am having trouble with sharing a design with specific color details in each layer, as the layers are flattened into 1 layer after saving the file as an AI file.
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1 vote
App is shut off suddenly
when zooming in, there are times when the app suddenly shuts off irregularly. im using ipad mini 7
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It is not possible to use the line change function
The entire interface has shifted into one heap and does not respond to pressing.
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Vectorize button dissapeared
I followed the steps to vectorize my image but the vector button is nowhere to be seen!
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I Have to Constantly Lock Layers
I have to constantly lock and unlock layers, both while actively working on a file AND before saving it, to prevent their contents from suddenly—for NO apparent reason—disappearing!
The layers remain but are now empty! I can sometimes retrieve their content by reverting to an earlier version, but half the time no previous ones exist.2 votes -
Layers don’t get refreshed ands still show up after deletion
With almost any project I work on, I have to exit and then re-open AI to get my layers to refresh and show accurately. Layers that were deleted still show up and I know it has gone belly up when I try to click on something and I get no response.
This has been happening the entire time I've used AI on the iPad. How can a glaring issue like this not be addressed?
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Adobe Caslon Pro not rendering properly on 13” M4 iPad Pro
Adobe Caslon Pro is rendering oddly on the new iPad when I’m zoomed to 300% in my canvas. When I’m at 700% the jagged bits go away and it renders smoothly. Feel free to reach out for more info.
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How do I fix bug
I need my illustrator to work properly, when I open my illustrator it just closes automatically. How do I fix it? I have to fix it immediately it’s very important for me right now.
2 votes
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