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Illustrator (iPad) Bugs

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  1. Issue with outer color of objects

    When I select an outer/border color of an object or shape, it will additionally change the outer color of other objects that were not selected- even when they are in different layers. This has been happening for the last month or so and on multiple projects.

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  2. Layer mask does not work

    hay bugs al momento de utilizar la máscara de capa, seleccionó los objetos, utilizó la máscara de capa y funciona, pero al querer abrir la máscara de capa, no pasa nada, se queda sin abrir y y a no puedes editar nada, ademas se empieza a buguear Illustrator y no te permite utilizar unas herramientas.

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  3. Polices toujours présentes lorsqu’on sauvegarde un projet sur illustrator IPad Pro.

    Il semble y avoir un bug avec la version IPad Pro lorsqu’on sauvegarde un projet. La police n’est pas toujours sauvegardée et il faut tout refaire chaque fois que l’on revient sur le projet.

    Bien que le IPad Pro soit relativement récent, il serait bien que les utilisateurs ne soient pas pénalisés dans les fonctions.


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  4. smooth tool

    Pressing the Blob Brush Tool + Opt does not switch to the smooth tool.

    Adobe's smooth tool for desktop is required.

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  5. Combine shapes not working

    Other comments say resolved, but they are not.. It was working last week but not now.

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  6. Changing the color of a shape using the Color panel doesn't get recorded as a change in the document

    This bug happens when I open an AI document, select a shape and change it's color using the "Color" panel. After doing this, the "Save" option in the "File" menu is grey, meaning that's no change to be saved, which is not correct. This is a problem because multiple times I needed to open a document just to change a color and when I hit "Ctrl + S" that change doesn't get saved.

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  7. Please solve the problem

    Colour Picker doesn’t work sometimes. Its acting like masking. Also changed the colour of the file freshly cut from another file. When pas ted on its colour gets changed. Please help.

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  8. Layer lock symbol bug

    After using the app for a few minutes on the iPad Pro, the Lock symbol of a layer shows that layer status is locked eventhough the layer appears to be unlocked

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  9. Freezes during comment tool tip

    The Submit and View Comments pop up tool tip appears every time I open a file for the first time. The app freezes and I can’t click okay. Have to force quit and reopen every time.

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  10. Sudden freeze when zooming and weird pink panel appear on the screen

    I was opening a month old file only to find a bug on zooming function. Weird pink panel also appears on the left of the artboard area. After seconds the app suddenly close.

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  11. Adobe compからのAdobe illustratorへの移行について

    iPad Pro(2017, 256GB, iOS15.3.1)でAdobe illustrator(iPad版)を使っている時に、文字挿入を行い、日本語で文章を打っていると(Apple純正のスマートキーボードを使用)、変換キーを押したタイミングで文章が壊れてしまいます。添付写真は、「変換した時に文字が壊れることがある」と打って、変換キーを押した場合の様子です。ここまで変換で壊れると、illustratorで文章をタイプすることは難しいです。

    今回AdobeのiPad版アプリ刷新を受けて、Adobe Compの代わりになるものを探していました。MacbookではIndesignを使用してDTP(本番環境)を行なっていますが、クライアントとのミーティングにおいて、イメージを共有する場合、Adobe Compを使用して議論してきました。


    今回の刷新では、(1)Adobe scan&Adobe PDF readerの併用、(2)Photoshop&Frescoの併用などでも、Adobe compと近い使い方ができるので、Adobe compの公式ではillustratorとExpress CCへの移行を推奨していますが、実際は(1)か(2)の方がAdobe compに近いと思います。

    ただし、(1)(2)でも、DTPのような長い文章となると、かなりきついです。Adobe compは、もともとMac OSのinDesignにカンプを送信する機能があったこともあり、長い文章でも安定していました。Adobe compは文章を入力する上では貴重なアプリでした。

    Adobeさん以外のiOSアプリも検討し、実際にAdobe Compの代用ソフトになりうるのは、Miroさんくらいかなと思いました。おそらくMiroのスクリーンショットをAdobe Acrobatに貼り付けてPDF化するフローになると思います。

    もう一度Adobe Compのような軽量でパワフルなiOSアプリが出ることを期待しています。

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  12. Artboard defined in centimeters doesn’t Mach the real measure

    I have created an artboard of 10cm. But it doesn’t correspond to 10cm to print. It gets only half the normal size

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  13. EPS-Dateien

    Bitte die Möglichkeit integrieren, um EPS-Dateien zu importieren und zu exportieren.

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  14. ネットワーク


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  15. Can not display Thai font?

    The app doesn’t seem to support Thai font

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  16. I can't add colours to swatches panel as there is no + symbol

    I don't have any option to save colours to swatches panel

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  17. When exporting as a pdf the colours are darker, document is set up as cmyk.

    Document is set up as cmyk, when I export as a pdf to print it makes the colours noticeably darker.

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  18. Keyboard commands

    Commands c, v and so on not working. I shut down iPad and it will work once but then wont copy. Have version 6.3 of creative cloud and 15.1 iPad software on 3rd generation ipad.

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  19. Artboard becomes non responsive.

    App freezes after a few strokes and becomes non responsive. - can still select tools but the artboard itself is non responsive. Then when exiting the document to restart it tries to save and save icon spins indefinitely. Have to force quit the app.

    It’s disheartening to see the same issues have been posted in 2020 and it’s now almost 2022 with no fix?

    I bought a brand new iPad 9th gen and Apple Pencil specifically to use illustrator. - it’s the only app I’ve installed so far.

    I’m begging for a fix as it literally renders the app useless.

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  20. Transform shape property box fails for value less than 1

    When using transform properties panel on circle, changing value to less then 1 results in value resetting to 0 (decimal point keeps getting deleted (eg, get 11, instead of .11 inches). Mac os has recently been updated which may be responsible? Using ipad pro, with v.15.1

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