Filip Blažek
My feedback
17 results found
41 votes
Illustrator Beta 29.2.10 now supports Nonbreaking space (U+00A0).
It can also be added with Type > Insert WhiteSpace Character > Nonbreaking Space command.
Please try this build and see if it works for you as expected.
My sincere congratulations to everyone. This symbol means a lot!
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Filip Blažek commented
Good news, thanks!
But why is the non printable symbol representing this glyph different from the one used in Adobe InDesign? The one used in Illustrator is actually used for thin space in InDesign... And while thin space is nonbreaking in InDesign, it breaks in Illustrator.
French texts require thin non breaking spaces to keep « quotation » marks together with the expression (although some people prefer standard nonbreaking space).
This is very confusing. Please make it consistent accross all Adobe apps.
(Also keeping the terminology consistent would be nice, the Czech UI is very inconsistent between InDesign and Illustrator regarding spaces.)An error occurred while saving the comment Filip Blažek commented
llustrator ignores the nonbreaking space (U+00A0) and replaces it with the standard space (U+0020). This makes text exchange with other Adobe applications impossible, as the lack of nonbreaking space causes the inserted text to be reflowed.
In addition, the absence of this space discriminates against users of languages where this space is essential in typesetting. This is the case of French, which separates « quotation marks » and some punctuation marks with this space so that they do not remain at the beginning of the line (? : ; !). These are Czech, Polish, Slovak, Russian, Hungarian and other languages where single-character words cannot remain at the end of the line. These are languages where non breaking space is used to separate thousands in numbers (200,000 in English is written 200 000 in many languages around the world).
I strongly urge you to stop making life difficult for Illustrator users and fix this bug.
An error occurred while saving the comment Filip Blažek commented
Illustrator does ignore glyph U+00A0 (no-break space). Please stop replacing U+00A0 by U+0020 (space) in Illustrator and support non breaking space like all standard apps in 2019.
If I copy-paste text from InDesign to identitcal text frame, the result in Illustrator may be different because of this VERY OLD bug.Filip Blažek supported this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Filip Blažek commented
At the top of it, the behaviour of various spaces should be equal in InDesign and Illustrator. They have
1) different widths as mentioned above
2) different functionality (Thin space in InDesign is non-breaking which is better)
3) different representation (the invisible representation of non-breaking space in Illustrator is wrong)
4) different set of available spaces (ALL Unicode standard Unicode spaces must be supported)
5) different names in Czech UI of InDesign and Illustrator (the submenu is wrong in both versions. It should say "Vložit mezeru"Filip Blažek supported this idea ·
416 votes
Thanks for the information provided to the Illustrator team.
We are able to reproduce this issue at our end and the engineering team is currently isolating this issue further to get to the root cause.With Best Regards,
Illustrator TeamAn error occurred while saving the comment Filip Blažek commented
@BlackChrome I wait for the support of standard character “Nonbreaking Space” three decades. It is crucial for proper typesetting of my native language (10 million speakers). I don’t expect Adobe will ever correct bugs affecting only minority of users :-(
4 votes
Filip Blažek supported this idea ·
Wrong exported image size (extra pixel added) if artboard coordinates are non-integer, not pixel-perfect
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172 votesThis issue is probably happening because the artboard dimensions are not appropriate for raster export (i.e. are in decimals).
If you make x and y values as the whole numbers in the transform panel (not in decimal), then the extra pixels will not be added to the exported image.That is the workaround, and it’s reported that it’s not always the case.
At the same time — Ai knows the size of artboards to be exported and yet it does not deliver the set sizes, which is not fair. The team is going to rethink the algorithm.
Filip Blažek supported this idea ·
3 votes
Filip Blažek supported this idea ·
13 votes
Filip Blažek supported this idea ·
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Filip Blažek commented
Xoán, I undrestand. In Czech language, there are a lot of accented characters. Some of them are available as precomposed glyphs in the keyboard layout, some of them has to be typed as accent+letter. In all apps I know, missing legacy accents (acute/quotesingle, ring, caron) does not change the font, this is a Illustrator problem only. Other apps wait for the letter and then insert á, š or ů. Illustrator does not, it switches the font immediately after inserting the modifying accent. Turning off "missing glyphs protection" is a workaround millions of other apps do not need.
In Illustrator I miss nonbreaking space (U+00A0) which is for unknown reason replaced by regular space (U+0020). Nonbreaking space is absolutely essential for typesetting French, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian and many other languages. Typesetting my native language correctly is only possible with a time consuming workaround (No Break attribute) in Illustrator. Even the most stupid text editors support nonbreaking space :-(
Filip Blažek supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Filip Blažek commented
I think this bug has been in Illustrator since version 3.0. It is manifested by the fact that if a glyph is missing in a given font, the text font is changed to the default.
If the user wants to type text with accents in certain languages (for example š) and uses the accent key to insert first the caron (ˇ) and then the letter, it is necessary to have so-called legacy accents in the font, in this case the caron glyph U+02C7. If the glyph is missing, the font is changed. I think I reported this problem 20 years ago.
Since this bug does not appear in English, Adobe will not be interested in resolving it. Users of languages other than English are unfortunately discriminated against by Adobe. -
12 votes
Filip Blažek supported this idea ·
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Filip Blažek commented
Mac version (Czech UI):
The Apply (Použít) button is disabled.
The download icon displays a pop up, but the download does not even start. It says 0%.An error occurred while saving the comment Filip Blažek commented
“it works properly with English only and I am not sure it’s announced anywhere clearly enough.”
Haha, are you joking? Of course the limitation was not announced:
Identifikace místních písem použitých v obrázcích a textu s obrysy
Když použijete funkci Rozpoznání písma (Beta)k identifikaci písem použitých v obrázcích a textu s obrysy, vrátí se nyní kromě odpovídajících písem ze služby Adobe Fonts také všechna odpovídající písma vyskytující se ve vašem počítači, čímž se výrazně rozšíří rozsah písem, která tato funkce dokáže identifikovat. Získejte další informace o funkci Rozpoznání písma (Beta).Adobe doesn't care if a feature actually works, as long as it can announce the news.
Another problem is that these descriptions are translated by some computer tools, so the sentences don't make much sense in Czech. It reminds me of the gibberish of communist politicians in the 1980s: they also used words and sentences, but their speeches didn't make any sense.
I tried Deepl to translate the Czech sentences into English and then back to Czech and what I get was very similar to the jibber-jabber Adobe published.Filip Blažek shared this idea ·
2 votes
Filip Blažek supported this idea ·
18 votes
Filip Blažek supported this idea ·
34 votes
Filip Blažek supported this idea ·
53 votes
Happy to share that you can now format your text using the following keyboard shortcuts :
Shift + Ctrl (Win) / Cmd (Mac) + B (Bold) / I (Italic) / U (Underline)
You can also customise these shortcuts from the keyboard settings
Filip Blažek supported this idea ·
62 votes
This is now possible with Edit > Paste without Formatting command, as per this completed request:
Use Ctrl + Alt + V on Windows or Option + Command + V on Mac.
Please comment back if it does not work for you and share details.
Filip Blažek supported this idea ·
118 votes
Hi Everyone,
This functionality has been shipped in June-2021 version of Illustrator.
The option "Paste without Formatting (Alt+Ctrl+V)’ has been added to the ‘Edit’ Menu.
Thanks for your feedback.
Filip Blažek supported this idea ·
5 votes
Filip Blažek supported this idea ·
Excellent. It would be great if they could make the behaviour of various spaces in InDesign and Illustrator consistent. Now the spaces have
1) different widths as mentioned here
2) different functionality (thin space in InDesign is non-breaking which is better)
3) different representation (the invisible representation of non-breaking space in Illustrator is wrong)
4) different set of available spaces (ALL standard Unicode spaces must be supported)
5) different names in Czech UI of InDesign and Illustrator (the submenu is wrong in both versions. It should say "Vložit mezeru" not Insert White Chatacter nor "Insert Empty Place".