Retype does not work at all in Czech version of Illustrator CC 2024 (28.0)
The Retype function does not work at all on Windows 10. All attempts end with the message Selection not recognized. It doesn't matter if it's a vector, a bitmap. It doesn't recognize anything. Not even Hello in Helvetica.
On MacOS 13.4.1 the app displays possible similar fonts but you can’t select them, download them, nothing. Dead end.
Nice work, Adobe!

Camilo Adobe. commented
A few months ago this option came out, it did not ask to install any additional component like now, however it worked, now in 2024 you have to install an additional component, but it does not recognize anything at all, I tried it with different types of drawn text sizes, different raster texts, different colors and sizes, on two different computers, in neither case did it work!
Junior Rocha commented
Retype isn't working in portuguese version too, even with english or potuguese texto in the image.
Just doesn't recognize that have text in the image.
After the the 28 update, doesn't work at all. -
Filip Blažek commented
Mac version (Czech UI):
The Apply (Použít) button is disabled.
The download icon displays a pop up, but the download does not even start. It says 0%. -
Vadim commented
For me it doesn't work on both windows 10 and windows 11. i use the german version of cc with illustrator v28.0, i've already tried to reinstall illustrator and the retype module, but nothing works.. i've already wrote it on the forum:
Filip Blažek commented
“it works properly with English only and I am not sure it’s announced anywhere clearly enough.”
Haha, are you joking? Of course the limitation was not announced:
Identifikace místních písem použitých v obrázcích a textu s obrysy
Když použijete funkci Rozpoznání písma (Beta)k identifikaci písem použitých v obrázcích a textu s obrysy, vrátí se nyní kromě odpovídajících písem ze služby Adobe Fonts také všechna odpovídající písma vyskytující se ve vašem počítači, čímž se výrazně rozšíří rozsah písem, která tato funkce dokáže identifikovat. Získejte další informace o funkci Rozpoznání písma (Beta).Adobe doesn't care if a feature actually works, as long as it can announce the news.
Another problem is that these descriptions are translated by some computer tools, so the sentences don't make much sense in Czech. It reminds me of the gibberish of communist politicians in the 1980s: they also used words and sentences, but their speeches didn't make any sense.
I tried Deepl to translate the Czech sentences into English and then back to Czech and what I get was very similar to the jibber-jabber Adobe published. -
Filip, thank you for reporting this (I mean it).
The team is aware and will try to fix this problem in the upcoming minor release.
Also at the moment it works properly with English only and I am not sure it’s announced anywhere clearly enough.As for the second problem... not sure if it’s the same one. Can you please record a short video to demo how it fails exactly?