Export JPG/PNG (any format) in same folder of AI file (like before)
Hello, since update (CC 2018 22.0.0), when I do file>export> as jpeg, the file location is the last used and not the same as the AI file just open.
This can seems not important for you, but I do this 40x per day and now it's a waste of time. In CC 2017 this was ok.
I have to browse all the folders on local network .. to find my folder and it's boooooring.
There is no setting for this in preferences.
Thank you for your help.
(we are a infographist team and all complains about this.)

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – https://illustrator.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/1844590 if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Gustavo Rodrigues commented
Unfortunately, this issue has come back after 24.13 version.
Lena commented
@Ashutosh Chaturvedi THIS IS NOT FIXED!!!!
Lena commented
Definitely not fixed yet.
Annamaria commented
not working.
AA commented
Still not fixed.
Thank you Chris.
Chris Newman commented
@Ashutosh - Ok, I think it is more clear. This thread is confusing folks as half of us are talking about "Export for Screens" and the other half are talking about "Export As".
I have gone ahead and created a request for the "Export for Screens" issue. Please vote everyone!
@Chris and Michael:
Thank you for the clarification. This particular bug tracked the change made in 22.0 and pertained to export paths like export as / save a copy etc...
Export for screen always had the behavior you mentioned. To help track the requested change better can you please create a new issue -
Chris Newman commented
This has definitely not been fixed. If I go to File > Export > Export For Screens the default save path is the last one I used. What we are expecting is the default path to be equal to the same folder as the Illustrator file is currently located in. I am using the most up recent build (23.0.2) of Illustrator on a PC.
Michael Smith commented
Dear Mr. Chaturvedi,
this 'feature' persists with my copy (Version 23.0.2) on a Windows 10, all Updates regularly installed as soon as available.
Indeed, the 'Export as...' does work as intended (drops me at the folder the .ai-file itself is saved to), also as the 'save a copy'-function does. However, using 'Export for screens' drops me at the location of my last successful export of some other file some other day - just not the current file. The legacy function saving 'for web' I never used; it drops me at my documents (cannot tell if this is intended).Apparently I am not alone with this, therefore I do not know why I should get in touch about this. Either there does exist a fix (then please provide the necessary steps like altering the registry, etc.) or there is no fix available — what saves my time AND your time for NOT calling in just for nonsense. Meanwhile I can use that time for jumping forward and backwards between the different paths instead (since Windows 10 also removed the 'recently visited' feature from the file dialogue and replaced it with the 'most popular' folders).
This bug was about reverting the behavioral changes made between version 21.1 and 22.0. In our understanding behavior for all cases is now same as Illustrator 21.1.0 for Export As, Export for Screens and Save A Copy dialog.
If you are aware of any differences between 21.1 and the current version (starting 22.1) please get in touch with us using support options: https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html -
Just an user commented
Helloo? Does anybody hear us?
Chris Newman commented
Not fixed at all! grrrr........
homer pission commented
This is NOT A FIX . Adobe you don't understand I need to keep the name of the file when I export it. As professionals we have long stock numbers.
homer pission commented
The work around I have been using since I dont think Adobe will ever fix this is:
I select everything I need then I go Object / Artboards / FIT TO SELECTED ART
then I EXPORT AS this will keep the same name and put in same folder . Make sure the
use artboard box is checked. Then I undo to get artboard back to normal. -
Michael Smith commented
My 23.0.1 installation still has this "feature" - but:
Not at
File » Export... » Export as...but instead in
File » Export... » Export for screens (Alt+Ctrl+E)There it keeps remembering the last export location, but only if you were browsing there through the app. Copying and pasting another location in the address bar will export this one file correctly, but on the next occasion it will export again into the previous location.
It's about time to fix this ... I know this bug since - forever?
Anonymous commented
This is also an ergonomics issue. All of the pro's on here should be counting unnecessary mouse clicks because they add up quick over the years and we all pay for them eventually.
Anonymous commented
I am in 23 and I can't find where I can turn this on as a preference.
PLEASE help! I export files all day and this is wasting tons of time. Really Adobe what where you thinking... basically all files that are created in Illustrator are going to be exported for viewing by the general public in a non-.ai file. -
homer pission commented
I'm at a large creative corporation using 22.1 and this exporting to same fold option still does not work.
It is slowing everyone's work immensely please fix ASAP -
Anonymous commented
I can't believe we are still taking about this issue over a year later. You had it in a beta version of Illustrator, fix this **** already. And unmark COMPLETED above. That just ****** me off.