Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4553 results found
Ability to shift and organize projects on the Home screen
Sometimes I want organize projects not based on time I worked on it or name, but just what I would like to be at the top, so I would like the freedom to move them around freely rather than having them restricted to those two choices.
3 votes -
Embed as attachment a DXF version of the illustration in the Export as PDF option
Most often when designing files for logo or marquing tools we need to export a viewable PDF version and e CAD file as DXF.
In order to keep them synced, it's convenient to attach the DXF as an attachment in the PDF.Could it be possible to impement this workflow in Illustrator? either in the "Export PDF" option or via a script/action command?
Many Thanks
3 votes -
Hide Numbers Option for Dimension Tool
I'd like to add the hide option for the numbers. I'm actually doing a floor plan, I want people to input by hand the numbers they see on the design by measuring with the real dimensions and have to hide the numbers by adding a shape over the numbers so people won't get confused with the numbers.
I think it can come handy also for maths teachers for example, when they want to edit their drawing with a version for students and one for solutions. they can also edit with flying text with X, Y, Z or else for…
3 votes -
Need for Precise Axis Constraint for 3D objects when repositioning Graphics with Shift
When repositioning a graphic as a material, I can't constrain the position to x/y axis by holding shift, e.g., the graphic always gets off axis or rotates. Please provide more precise control over position of graphic
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multi layer groups
I would love to group objects while keeping their layer allocation.
Groups should be layer independent to be more flexible than layers, which are uses to organise objects already.3 votes -
Tool to identify the size of each asset that is added to a document
sometimes I save a project file and it is HUGE... because some asset I added is also HUGE, but I didn't realize it...
I would like to see a feature where I could open a panel (maybe integrated into a LINKS panel?) and it shows each asset added and the size...that way I can make the decision to manually edit that asset to a smaller size so that my files aren't so huge
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Make more improvements to Dimensions
Some add'l improvements that would be greatly appreciated:
• Higher precision settings. At least to 1/8" but 1/16" would be great as well.
• More formatting options for foot inch/ e.g. 7" instead of 0'-7"
• Dimension text centered with the dimensions line as option, with a break in the line to accommodate the text.
• Scale options (custom as well) in architectural format in addition to engineering format (e.g. 1/2" = 1'-0" in addition to 1:24)
• Options to show dimension text rotated 90° - separate options for vertical, vs horizontal dimensions.
• For "Line Type", give us all…3 votes -
3 votes
Toggle Artwork Visibility Outside of Artboard
The function of the w key in InDesign switches between preview and normal view. Why doesn't Illustrator have this functionality? It would be so useful as I usually prefer to use Illustrator when I'm initially laying things out for a design project. I've seen multiple requests for this functionality in the forums. Please please please add this!
3 votesView > Trim View command does this. By default, it does not have a hotkey assigned to it, but you can map it to the one you prefer in Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts.
Issue exporting PDF larger than 227 inches - compression ppi not at 100%
When exporting a large document in PDF/X-4 2008 for example, and the compression is set to 100 ppi, the image gets exported at 10 dpi instead, and has to be set at 1,000 ppi for the pdf actually read as 100 ppi. ( this happens with any number not just 100 dpi)
This whoever doesn't happen when exporting as Tiff, just when saving as .PDF
I have attached 2 set of screenshots when exporting at 100 dpi and 1,000 dpi and getting the results I was explaining.
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One Standard Between Adobe Application Tools
In PS I can use the several tool and click and holding Shift key and click on a point on the other end. This will either erase or paint a corresponding line at the other end.
Is this not a feature inside AI?
Appears in AI I have to hold the left mouse key and drag to get the eraser to draw a straight line..
3 votes -
For personal workspace and palette preferences carry over to updates.
I have a highly customized workspace for my workflow. It would be nice to cary over all of settings and preferences from the previous version. With the rapid release of beta versions, it becomes a big issue and I lose a lot of time resetting my environment to accommodate my existing workflow.
If this already exist, please tell me how to address it. Thanks!
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Detailed Cloud Libraries history and version control
We need a way to see the edit history for items in a cloud library, including at a minimum when an asset was updated and who made the change... as well as the ability to restore a specific version.
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Get rid of prompt window
i would love to be able to hide/get rid of that prompt window that says "generate, edit path, repeat, group, lock.." that pops up. its pretty annoying.
3 votesYou can disable this panel via Window > Contextual Task Bar menu command.
The current Beta has a bug though, that enables it back after Ai is relaunched. If you are using normal build, it should just work.
Layer Tags, Virtual Layer Groups and Regex Search
I want to be able to keep layer names simple in projects with large numbers of layers, but I also want to be able to search for those layers in specific circumstances quickly and easily. To do this, I would like to be able to add "tags" to the layer properties (when you double click the layer), and then to have those tags searchable in the layer search.
Further, I often have to toggle between two layers amongst a longer group of layers at the same level, and right now I have to do a layer search for one, turn…
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Identify Newly Installed Fonts in Adobe Illustrator
Managing large font collections in Adobe Illustrator can be challenging, especially when installing new fonts. With hundreds or even thousands of fonts, identifying recently added ones becomes a tedious task, often requiring manual scrolling and searching through the entire font menu.
Proposed Solution:
Implement a feature in Illustrator that allows users to easily identify newly installed fonts. Here are two potential options:
Filter by Install Date: Add a sorting option within the font menu that displays fonts by their installation date. This would allow users to quickly see the most recently added fonts at the top of the list.
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Allow outline / edges colour changes in Symbol edit mode
Allow the user to change the outline colour in Symbol Editing Mode. 'Options for Symbol Editing Mode' is always greyed out. It's possible to change the outline colour but it always reverts to the randomly-selected default colour.
See summary of issue here: votes -
Placing "Show Import Options" - Import Photoshop Artboards Individually into Illustrator
Give placing options (similar to the PDF import options) when placing a Photoshop file (.PSD and .PSB) into Illustrator; if the "Show Import Options" box is checked, give the user the options to import Photoshop Artboards Individually (Similar to .Ai and PDF Artboards) or as the whole image file.
The "Show Import Options" box must be checked to get these options, however if not checked, the whole image file will be imported into Illustrator regardless of artboards present.
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Ability to use CC Library colors directly within Recolor Artwork dialog (without having to create swatches first).
When recoloring a large batch of individual vector files, it's cumbersome to have to add swatches from CC Library for every single file in order to use those swatches in the recolor artwork dialog. It would be great to use the colors stored in CC Library directly in the recolor artwork dialog.
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Illustrator Waterfall Charts - support positive & negative values
Currently, when trying to create a waterfall chart in Illustrator, you can't have values go above & below the zero axis. If you try to enter positive and negative values in one line of the data table, you get an error (Can't create the graph. Each stacked column must contain all positive or negative data.).
This is needed by lots of Artworkers, especially in Annual Reports, etc.
3 votes
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