Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4523 results found
A way to lock colors to prevent them from changing in Recolor dialog
When recoloring art, it would be AWESOME to have a lock function next to the swatches. There is already a way to lock a swatch that you don't want to recolor, but it'd be nice if, as you cycle through the swatch/recolor options, you could lock or "freeze" ones you like and continue to recolor the unlocked swatches.
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Make gradient hard stops
A gradient can be striped when you move 2 stops of the same color on top of each other. It would be easier if this were not needed as is the case in Cinema 4D. So Illustrator should have a setting that gradient stops break the gradient and make stripes.
Posting this on request of a forum participant. Please see the post here:
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Symbol Sprayer Tool Enhancement
The Symbol Spray Tool is very awkward in using and not very intuitive to first time users. Who would have thought to double tap to open the options for the tool. There is very little documentation on this. I do not believe the tool is used by many artist. May be add the options to the menu bar? Also unable to ungroup or align the symbols once they are on the artboard. Would be awesome to be able to create a path and apply the symbols on the path. This would be great to create an outline then spray the…
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3D Extrude (Classic) Enable Bevel options for flat (None) profile
I had difficulty with properly orientating symbols on the extruded - 3D Extrude (Classic) - path
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Tool tip switch in the program's top panel
It would be great to have a tooltip switch in the program's top panel, as it is not possible to disable them from the first launch of Illustrator, and it's not very obvious in general. Therefore, I suggest adding a toggle switch for these tooltips. While they are indeed helpful, it's not always easy to remember what each tool is for. However, during active work, having the tooltips constantly displayed can be distracting, and to turn them off, one has to go into the settings and disable "Show tool tip." It would be nice if tooltips were also implemented for…
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当一个大项目中有多个小项目(多个画板),每个小项目都需要标注说明性文字。当我要把所有(或部分)小项目移动到画布的其他位置,目前我只能对画板进行移动,每个画板的说明文字无法一起移动。当前的操作是,画板和文字需要分别移动,非常麻烦,而且项目多的时候容易出错。希望能增加相应的功能!2 votes -
Opentype + Glyphs UI Menu Preview
While the UI for Opentype is appreciably better than Indesign, there are still a few hinderances in the UI that make it painfully difficult to use and limits functionality. This could solved in one (hopefully easy) solution: PREVIEW TYPOGRAPHIC FEATURES
Currently, you have to click the stylistic set to open a dropdown menu, once you’ve clicked a style, the dropdown disappears. To see another style you need to open the dropdown menu again and deselect the previous style you just selected. Open the dropdown menu again, and then select the next style.THE SOLUTION:
Opentype and Glyphs panels…2 votes -
Feature Request: Preference for Copy and Duplicate Layers without auto renaming and adding "copy" to them
Hi Adobe 🙂
I make large Illustrator files that have lots of layers, and often I find myself copying a layer that has a ton of sublayers. I spend way too much time renaming the copied layers removing the word "copy" or "copy 3" etc from the sublayer names.
I have found some workarounds, if this helps anyone. If I want to copy a layer called **, I will copy it, then rename it XXXz then paste and the new pasted layer is ** without the name copy, then I can go back and remove the z from the…
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Star Tool: include center/origin lines
This would be a small addition, but one that I think would be valued. All regular stars (that is, not "fun" stars whose inner circle radius has been enlarged to make them "puffy") are made up either of:
- A repeated/rotated shape
- A single line bouncing off the outer diameter that eventually meets itself again
It would be a nice addition to this tool for those "origin lines" to be represented in the output so that we can more easily create art based on those lines instead of having to re-create the lines manually.
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Synchronise tiled windows
I would like to have all tiled windows use the same panning and zoom settings as the window I am currently working in.
• How it's working now: each tiled window has its own zoom factor. Panning with the hand tool moves the view inside the active window.
• How it should work: zoom and panning are synched between all tiled windows. They all have the same zoom factor and X/Y position. If I zoom in the active window, all other windows zoom in as well; if I pan in one window, all other windows pan in the same manner.…
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French Curve tools. I used it with the older version of Adobe Draw for iPad when Apple Pencil was released. I need it put back.
French Curve tools. I used it with the older version of Adobe Draw for iPad when Apple Pencil was released. I need it put back. As a clothing designer I’m writing a design pattern drafting book. I started the project years ago using the French Curve tools that were available in the Adobe Draw app that is no longer available. I need those tools to complete my book project. Drawing pattern drafts require those tools. Please put the French Curve tools back into the tools area for the iPad Adobe Illustrator app to be used with Apple Pencil. I can’t…
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When rotating an object, add a hotkey that allows the user to explicitly enter the rotation angle.
When rotating an object, I can see the rotation angle and I have to struggle to get the rotation to align perfectly to an exact angle. While I can do this with the rotate tool, it's frustrating to see the rotation almost where I need it, but having to undo, select the rotation tool, set the angle, etc.
If there was a hotkey while rotating, like say, Ctrl... a small text box would appear in place of the angle and I could just manually enter the angle with the previous rotation angle as a default, I think that could save…
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Live align
With this live align feature, you could have two objects maintain their alignment properties even if you change one of the objects. For example, if you have a rectangle and text inside it. You should be able to align the text to the rectangle. Later, when you change the text or change the rectangle, it should keep the alignment settings persistent. So, if you made the rectangle longer, the text would remain centered on the longer rectangle.
I center objects within groups all the time. As far as I know, there is no way to make changes to objects and…
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Please allow image tracing of individual colours to individual layers rather than 16 million objects.
Being able to trace one colour to one layer would make laser cutting so much easier. e.g. 16 colours to 16 layers
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Restore pressing Ctrl + Alt + Enter in Transform’s Width and Height fields to constrain proportions AND copy at the same time
I thought I could explain this feature only with a video. Even though it was difficult and I took risks, I was able to prepare it by finding a portable CS 11 version.
I want this feature back for Transform Palette. Because they destroyed it or forgot about it or no one knows about it.
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Move document tabs under cursor when closing documents
When closing multiple document tabs using the X button on the side of the tab, the next document will move under the cursor. However, the tab size changes based on window size, filename length, etc. A better way would be to resize tab length after the cursor is moved away. The result would be that if you close Tab 1, Tab 2 would slide over and the X button would appear under the cursor. Many tabs could be easily closed without moving the cursor.
An example of software that uses this UI is Safari on Mac. Chrome does it too,…
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Pattern Editing Mode - Add options copies 1x2 2x1 and 2x2 - Disable Thumbnail - Performance Enhancements
For more complicated patterns, 3x3 is too many copies to at least visualize how something tiles. If it's a brick, 1x2 or 2x1 would even be helpful, but at least 2x2 so you can see all seams.
Please create an option to disable the preview thumbnail in pattern editing mode. The thumbnail redraws for every edit, so more complicated patterns not only have to redraw on screen, but also create a miniature version. Hopefully those previews are images but if not, may be causing further issues when scaling down vectors.
Would it be possible to make a draft quality preview…
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Render performance problem with missing links
If you have a document with missing links then Illustrator show proxy images instead of originals. But when I want to work similar files then display performance is bad. Pan, zoom very very slow.
I am working with Macbook Pro M1 Pro, Adobe Illustrator Version 27, 28 or 29. View using CPU or GPU same results.
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Text to Vector Graphics (Beta) Feature: Delete multiple Variations
Please add the option to delete multiple AI generated variations.
At this moment, if you hit the limit of generated variations, you are only able to select and delete 1 at a time, (which is very time consuming) instead of selecting multiple variations for deletion.
2 votes
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