Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4572 results found
Please improve support for copy & pasting from Animate CC!
I use Animate CC to animate, but Illustrator's drawing tools are VASTLY better — so I always design everything in Illustrator then import to Animate CC. Undoubtedly, the Animate CC team is responsible for some of the incompatibility here, and you would know better than I where their work ends and yours begins BUT…
The single most frustrating thing about working with Illustrator and Animate CC is that you can copy/cut vector shapes from Illustrator and paste them INTO Animate CC… but if you try to do the reverse — to, say, edit a shape using Illustrator's tools because they're…
9 votes -
Allow to add dithering to gradients to reduce banding / improve quality
We have banding when printing gradients from exported TIFF-files.
I have to open them in Photoshop, search a way to select areas with gradients and apply noise in channels needed.
I can apply Grain effect to gradients where I need, but this makes everything run very slow.
What if you add dithering as an option to gradient swatch? or to fill?
So it could be displayed in screen space, applied to current level of zoom, and would export as raster images as well? without slowing down?53 votes -
I would like to purchased out right
I am old school and would love to have a
1 vote -
Paste with User Controlled Placement
Currently paste function tosses the pasted object to the center of the pasteboard.
This causes issues with selecting/locating the pasted object and it is an inefficient tool for productivity.
Like other design software the Paste function should provide the user with a controlled landing position by showing the full sized boundary of the incoming pasting object while it automatically follows the mouse.
This is feature is much more efficient to design than the current paradigm.
5 votes -
Alignment Hierarchy and Auto Align to Artboard
Alignment should work (Like most other design software) where there is a Parent/Child hierarchical relationship. Currently only "Align to left, and top" behave this way. Align to Center causes the two objects to meet halfway between their artboard positions. This is has been a major issue for years.
- Touch Parent object (anchored in artboard position)
- Holding Shift, Touch Child object
- Selection alignment task
- Child moves to parent
In addition, the selection of "Align to Artboard" should be an automatic default state for single or grouped objects. There is no need to have a selection for "Align to Artboard".
3 votesAs per the comment, this can be done by clicking one of the selected objects to define it a key, to make all other object in the selection to align to this key.
Other apps rely on order of selection, and this is something users request to able to toggle here:
As for the Align to Artboard switch — it is useful when you have a selection of objects and want to align all of them to an artboard. In these cases the default mode Illustrator enables is Align to Selection, and you have to toggle it manually.
Introduce a key that allows to choose alternate glyphs from popup with keyboard
When working with text, every time I want to choose one of proposed alternate glyphs I have to move my hand to mouse and click the desired symbol.
This is tiring. I work with text. Why can’t I press a key to move the focus to this popup, use arrows to navigate to a desired one, and press Enter to confirm my choice? Why use mouse while I type?
Or is it a way already and I just can't find it?Please, make a way to access these without mouse.
17 votes -
Allow to set key object inside compound path
When you isolate a group, you can set any part of selection inside this group as key object just by clicking it with Selection tool. This is great — I can align objects inside a group, yay.
But why I can't do the same inside of an isolated compound path?
Why can't I align parts of my compound path using another part of same path as a key object, as I can do inside groups?
Please, fix this.See attached animation.
I try to align squares to the left side of the square hole (I made a guide to show…24 votes -
8 votes
Ability to select & rearrange invisible (switched off) layers and objetcs
It is incredibly annoying when I'm trying to group, move or rearrange objects or layers, only to be told by Illustrator that I need to turn visibility on before I can do any of this. Why?
In Photoshop I can move layers which are switched off with no complaints. It is a ludicrous process in AI to have to turn on a layer's visibility, move it, then turn it off again. And VERY annoying.
2 votes -
Hardware Acceleration is not useful for textures...
Hardware acceleration using GPUs does not seem to improve texture rendering performance, for example at 300 dpi or higher raster render quality, the UI lags a lot for complex files.... Same is the case for effects such as blur, glow etc. GPUs are much more capable in rendering than CPUs and Illustrator doesn't seem to take advantage of their rendering power. For example it lags on a GTX 1070 with an 8 thread CPU once you start using raster effects/textures. Please improve texture/raster effect performance using hardware acceleration and optimisation for multithreaded systems.
4 votes -
Shortcut Customization like Corel
Time Saving Shortcut Customization like Corel. There are so many extra steps you have to take instead of being able to create your own shortcut keys. Align/Distribute is just one of many.
2 votes -
Clipping Mask with complex objects
I'm trying to clipping mask an object not that complicated (1000 points) and Illustrator says it's to complex (really?). But if I do a "paste inside" with Indesign, Illustrator allows the Clipping Mask.
It's crazy since Illustrator should be the right software to work with multiple points vector.
7 votes -
Illustrator CC often crash if GPU Performance is enabled on Macbook Pro Touch Bar 2016
Actually, turn it off will solve the issue, but sluggish zoom in/out.
3 votes -
Display Performance Quality like InDesign (an image proxy capability for large images)
It would be cool to be able to adjust the Display Performance (even if only on placed bitmaps) like InDesign (Fast Display / Typical Display / High Quality Display) in order to gain a performance boost.
40 votes -
Illustrator is full of bugs, what is happening?
I've never experience such poor performance, it took me more than 3 days to complete a simple logo because Illustrator is extremely slow, full of bugs, pixelated vector, invisible layers wont go invisible, crashing without saving even when I have saved my preferences to save files when crash occur. Indesign has been giving some issues too but I didn't really had the time to deal with the app to figure it out more. I just wish Illustrator would work smoothly every time I work on it, is extremely painful to waste all that time trying to figure it out what…
2 votes -
Global symbol libraries
Global dynamic symbol libraries- update all instances across documents.
9 votes -
I would like to be able to use the program without being signed in, I have a slow connection and the cc activities make other internet traff
I would like to be able to use the program without being signed in, I have a slow connection and the cc activities make other internet traffic impossible at times when I am using illustrator.
1 vote -
Corel, passed the illustrator
You are not developing Illustrator. You are updating, there are many unnecessary features. Corel made many innovations.
And more stable.
I am very sad.1 vote -
You should add the Cineware plug-in into Illustrator's architecture as a native tool, such as After Effects and its Cineware.
1 voteIt’s up to Maxon to build a third-party tool to allow a seamless bridge, and the solution already exists:
Add a CLOSE ALL menu command
Adding a CLOSE ALL menu command, to mirror the one in Photoshop, would be very useful - complete with the "apply to all" check box which Photoshop offers. That way, I can easily close and save 5/10/15/20 open documents with two clicks.
1 vote
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