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4575 results found

  1. Blend objects aligned to path and keep bounding boxes at ends straight so they don't distort

    Blend objects aligned to path and keep bounding boxes at ends straight so they don't distort. Have to make many long paths of wire shapes and to keep them aligned on the path the first and last keep distorting so I can't edit or reuse for a slightly different curve.

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  2. Import (or convert) Adobe Sketch and Adobe Draw files as paths instead of shapes

    Please give an option in Illustrator to import or convert Adobe Sketch files as paths instead of shapes.

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  3. Changeing force of Bezier handles without changeing their orientation

    Case study:

    1. click Direct Selection Tool (white arrow)
    2. click a curve segment (not vertex) of any shape
    3. drag

    See how the orientation of Bezier tangents at both ends of the segment change orientation? This is most unhelpful. If, instead of dragging the mouse, you use keyboard increments (arrows), then the tool acts the correct way -- changeing the Bezier handles length, or "force", while retaining their direction, or "azimuth".

    I understand the interest of the present behavior, but I believe it would be great if there was a modifier key to activate the "keyboard" behavior when using the mouse drag.

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  4. Choose which version of PDF when saving an Illustrator file as .ai with PDF compatibility.

    When saving an Illustrator file with PDF compatibility, the default version of Acrobat is 5, (PDF Version 1.4) which creates issues with transparencies, when placing that .ai file into another .ai file for layout.
    I would like to be able to choose which version of Acrobat and PDF to be compatible with when saving an .ai file with PDF compatibility.

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  5. Add menu items and tools to custom panels

    It's great to make custom toolbars, but what I really need is to create PANELS with toolbar buttons. Then I can dock them, make them retract automatically, etc., just like any other panel.

    This way I can produce sets of very specialized panels that snap alongside the related settings panels.

    It's not visually helpful to be forced to keep ALL tools in just one or two columns! There is no user-based reason that a toolbar can't be made square, or docked with the other panels.

    Of course, ultimately I just want a very easy, drag/drop way to make custom panels…

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  6. The ability to save a direct selection

    Sometimes geometric transformations require a complex selection of certain vertices on one or more objects. Losing the selection because of a misclick is so common and frustrating... One should be able to save current selection to recall it if lost. This little buffer can be really very temporary, i.e. stop working if object topology has changed in the meantime. It would already prevent frustration on many occasions.

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    Illustrator allows to save, load and managed partial and full  selection with Select > Save / Edit Selection commands.

    UI is archaic, but it does the thing you want.

    Please leave any comments regarding this feature here.

    As for having a selection operation as an undoable operation — there is a separate feature request for this you can vote for:

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  8. Path Text when using pattern as a shadow

    When using pattern (for example, striped) as a shadow, text should take the angle of the letters.
    Currently, this takes over the angle of the pattern.

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  9. Package command should have option to choose file version

    Package command should have option to choose file version

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  10. Flow chart connectors

    Basic flow chart connectors- making either end of a path object stick to the edge, middle or corner of another object surely isn't that hard programmatically for your coders? Leave it to us to sort out where the paths go if you like but this functionality seems pretty basic (and universally demanded) for the Illustrator user.

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  11. One Tool for vectors illustrators

    it would be wonderful if connectivities in-one tool existing tools:

    1. Curvature tool

    2. Shaper Tool

    3. Pencil Tool

    4. Shape bulider tool

    5. Bulider Shape tool

    Example actions:

    1. Draw a basic shape by hand, eg. A rectangle - function works Shaper Tool and create a regular rectangle with 4 nodes.

    2. Tap cursor anywhere on the one side line, and I add a new node, drag it to modificate line and create curves - function works Curvature tool

    3. On one of the sides of shape between nods, draw zigzag. Draw zigzag starting from a point outside the line of the curve (somewhere on the…

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  12. Add numeric controls over ALL features of gradient

    Relative position of gradient inside path.
    Origin position.
    Center position.

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  13. procedural textures for fills

    It would be nice if there was a procedural texture fill available. Something like coreldraw has, but completely procedural so that file size doesn't bloat. The more parameters the better so we could create many varying textures/colors/patterns/etc.

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  14. Allow Save Options to be Skipped

    Personally, I'd like to skip the extra dialog after I name my file and click the Save button.

    If I actually want to alter any of the settings, I'd prefer to do it by actively clicking an [Format] Options button in the Save dialog (opening a new dialog) rather than after already naming the file and clicking the Save button.

    Sometimes performance is slow enough that it takes some time for the next dialog to even show, which breaks my workflow as I move on to other tasks in other apps, thinking my file is safely saved already (I did…

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  15. Masking objects or their parts - simple and fast.

    Masking with "Make clipping mask" is often practical and fast. Great! Thank you.
    I am asking you to modernize this method of creating a mask:

    1. new option: Invert Mask
    2. When I want to mask a part of an object quickly, but in only within the shape of my mask. For example, a hole in the facility.

    3. new option: Add or create an "Opacity Mask" from the object above.

    4. Such a practical shortcut to create a mask of the "Opacity Mask (alpha canal)" type from a selected object, eg with a griadient. Now, creating an Opacity mask is overly complicated.

    5. Separate…

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  16. Cannot key in units like cm, mm, etc.

    In the most recent update that I have, 22.1, the ability to resize an artboard by typing in a number and its unit has been removed. Was this intended? Please restore this function as it makes working with various units more convenient. Thank you.

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  17. Using the very top menu bar to hook panels

    It's frustrating to have artboards covered by panels, it could be great to use the first top bar to hook the panels like AE.

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  18. Chart tool: overriding value axis

    The chart tool breaks when trying to override the axis values when the data numbers are too large. I think it's for any numbers over 1,000,000 but it might be lower (I have not explored it that much.) Checking the override tick box will set the maximum number to 2147483 (maybe that is the number it breaks at) and will skew the chart badly.

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    Anish Kumar responded

    Hi Wes,

    Thanks for explanation. I got it. This is a feature request, so I am moving this thread to feature request section.


  19. Add a search bar in the Swatches panel for color books

    I would like to be able to search swatch books from the Swatches menu. This could be implemented globally for various search items, menus, tools, etc. (Similar to Photoshop's new search function.)

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  20. Introducing Responsive Artboards with possibility to drag and arrange the boards

    Having a reponsive panel of the artboards which becomes thumbnails and possibilty to drag and arrange the artboards.

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