Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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- Description
- Why is this valuable to you?
4572 results found
Word Cloud Creator
the ability to create a word cloud based on specific words, fonts to be applied to specific shapes or artwork. This would be very handy.
13 votes -
Symbols with multiple features / variants
Would love to be able to construct multi-function symbols... the basic symbol is the same but when I place it, I would like to be able to change it from one of several variants which stays in the same place I put it..
8 votes -
acceleration for hardware with nvidia 550M
please support for nvidia GTX 550M in theory my graphic card is support but adobe illustrator does not recognize it
2 votes -
"1 click" no stroke/fill
It'd be nice to have a "one click" no stroke/fill instead of having to bring one to the front each time, or having to click the color and click again for 'none'.
It's a minor thing but turning a 2-step process into a 1-step process adds up over time.
See mock-up.
8 votes -
Oval text box
The ability to click and drag with the type tool to draw an oval text box, as an alternative to the current rectangle text box, would be a good option to have.
1 vote -
Type Selections
My idea consists in making it able for us to select text only, but with the arrows, like we have now, but doing it selectively.
I'll try to explain:
If we make a freehand selection (area selection) over some portion of the work, everything that is not locked and that that selection overs is selected, right? Despite being it the Black or White Selection Arrows.
However, I can go to the Menu>Select>Object>Text and it selects ALL text from the artboard. I can also go to a layer and click on the circle on the right and get all of those…
5 votes -
Keyboard shortcut to duplicate a layer and its content or an object
Please consider creating a keyboard shortcut that will duplicate a selected layer and its content, as in PsCC, for example.
In PsCC one can duplicate a selected layer and its contents by using either of two keyboard shortcuts: 1) 'Ctrl+J' -or- 2) 'Alt+(any up/down/left/right arrow)'.
In either case, the duplicated layer+content will appear above the selected layer.
Thank you.
36 votes -
import chart data from Excel or CSV
Need to be able to import data from an Excel (or at least a CSV) file, to create chart with Charting tool. Rather antiquated to have to copy/paste to get data for a chart. (In more than 30 years of using AI, I've NEVER been given a data file in TXT format--the only option currently available to import graph data.)
10 votes -
Ability to Set Scratch Disks on Startup
Our users need to change their Scratch Disk settings from the default Startup to a different drive in order for Illustrator to work correctly in our environment. This is more problematic now since our Mac Pro's have small SSDs. The fact that users have to launch Illustrator, navigate to preferences, change this setting, and then relaunch Illustrator before the Scratch Disk settings take effect is irritating. Unfortunately, in our environment this setting does not stick, so every time our users log in to a different computer they need to make this change.
Please add a feature, similar to Photoshop's OPT…
3 votes -
Add Scale to SVG and PDF Export for Screens
My biggest pain point in production for mobile right now is the inability to scale vector assets in Export for Screens. X-code prefers PDF assets be imported at 1x size. Android Studio prefers that SVG assets be smaller than 200x200 px. When I have large templates of icons or other assets that need to be sized differently for different purposes, it is crippling to have to resize these.
For example, I have a set of icons that are used for a glyph font. These are all sized at a scale of 1000pt high. In order for me to export this…
3 votes -
Ability to tag anchor points as PRIORITY anchor points.
When snapping objects together it is often the case that lots of other things want to put themselves forward as the thing that wants to grab your snapping choice. If I could create shapes (for example) and select an anchor point and mark it as a priority anchor, it would override other suggestions. That way I can quickly and accurately snap one object to another with no ambiguity.
3 votes -
More Layer Options for Actions
I work in print, and need to set up files daily for print which are separated into layers for grouping purposes. One of these purposes is for our automated cutting machines. In order for these to work, I need to keep the cutting and scoring paths on individual, specifically-named layers. When setting up many files at once I would like to automate the saving of print files, proof files, and cutting files.
To do this I really need Actions which support things like selecting Layers by Name (similar to selecting objects by attribute description, a feature I already use in…
7 votes -
Fix bugs and add requested features
Instead of adding new features that nobody has really asked for, how about using resources to add the features ACTUALLY REQUESTED HERE and fix the bugs WIDELY REPORTED HERE?
11 votes -
when the text is vectorized i cant Group after Un Grouping them ve to make a object in group so it workt the same way i Group the objects by Right click >Group
what i need is.
on Vectorizing the Text and ungrouping them .. gives me the availability to Group them back again.thanks
Awaiting for Repl1 voteAs far as I know, the Group command now is available in the context menu for a selection of multiple objects, after an Image Tracing object gets expanded, no difference from any other selection.
If you still have the issue, please comment back.
Make Reference Point controls larger and easier to click
Reference Point control is very small on modern displays in every place used and is hard to aim and click.
I think it’s better to have it larger, both visually and for UX.7 votes -
Show number of selected objects
It's amazing nobody asked for this.
Just use that bottom filed that can show artboard name, current tool, etc, for saying how much objects user has selected.
If you are as lazy as you are implementing user requests — make just this. But make it better and allow this field to show several things instead of one. And add artboard number there.
38 votesAs per the comment, this value is available in the Window > Document Info panel, when Objects option is picked in the panel’s flyout menu
Increase size of Gradient stops boxes (too small for older eyes)
Ideally the gradient stop boxes would be a little larger. When working with many gradients, it's time consuming trying to hit that little box to change a color. I'm aging, so my bad, but even slightly larger would be wonderful.
Thank you,
Lori5 votes -
I'd like to see the transform values of text be accurate to the text rather than the text box
I'd like to see the transform values of text be accurate to the text rather than the text box. Also so that when I am center aligning text horizontally it will align the actual text and not the text box.
8 votesLatest versions of Illustrator have an exact solution for that.
Open Align panel, and enable Align to Glyph Bounds option in the panel’s menu, for point or area text or both.
The bounding box will remain the same, but the text will now align to and by its actual bounds, just like you want.
Please comment back if it works for you.
A darker theme on windows
The Mac version of Illustrator has a much darker theme, and switching to the Windows version was a bit jarring, but I prefer the darkness. Could you tweak the darkest theme on Windows to make it look more like the Mac one?
1 vote -
Adobe Spark / Express "Capitalize (optional) & Fit" feature possible in Illustrator?
In Adobe Spark, when creating a Post, there's a nice feature which allows you to create a dynamic text box which capitalises, scales, and fits the words to a text box, as you click and drag the handles of the text box. In Adobe Spark the feature is called "Capitalize & Fit". It would be nice to have something similar in Illustrator.
52 votes
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