Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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- Why is this valuable to you?
4570 results found
Live preview of gradient (while dragging)
Whenever I'm using the gradient tool I wonder why I can never see the appearance of the gradient while dragging it. resulting in having to tweak it at least a couple of times before I'm content.
16 votesIllustrator now displays the appearance of the gradient interactively when you drag it, but only when GPU preview is on.
Make sure it is on in Preferences > Performance > GPU Performance, that you View > Preview on CPU / GPU Preview is correctly toggled, and that you are not using Overprint Preview.
If the issue still persists with all these checked — please comment back.
Align Stroke to one side of open path
The feature which allows you to align stroke to inside or outside of a path for closed shapes is fantastic and gives a great deal of dynamic help. Currently, the only way to align a stroked path and another shape is inaccurately with only visual cues or expand the stroked path and lose editability.
I don't know if it has been suggested but a feature which allowed you to preserve a non destructive workflow and interact with shapes more easily is very much within reach. Simply create an equivalent for the align stroke to inside or outside of path for…
101 votesThe team has encountered several issues with this feature. It requires them to change the basic algorithms and it is going to take them more time than anticipated.
While it still works in Beta, the next Beta build will have Inside/Outside aligned strokes for open paths disabled. The Beta is scheduled to be live on 7th of August.
Once this is ready to be enabled back, the team will update the status.
Path selection sensitivity in Illustrator
You've finally made the node & anchor point sizes adjustable - HURRAY! However now when trying to directly select a path, i instead have to click on an area NEAR it but not ON it, so as not to pick up the other nearby paths. Furthermore, instead of being able to click in a blank area and drag my selection tool to pick up the paths Id like, it picks up everything near enough to where I've clicked in that blank space. It NEVER used to do that. Ive tried adjusting all the settings to no avail. its like now…
2 votes -
"Edit original with" option needed or ability to set a default program for Illustrator only
Clicking on "Edit original" for jpgs etc. within Illustrator opens the image in the OS default program for that file type (ie. Preview on Mac). I don't wish to change the system wide default as it isn't practical to open PS to view every jpg, but there is no option to "Edit original with…" as there is in InDesign within Illustrator. There is no work around within the program at all.
IN short: ADD AN EDIT ORIGINAL WITH MENU OPTION or allow us to set a program only default!!90 votesWe are working towards giving preference to Photoshop for editing linked images, if Ps is installed. This may mean the label showing as ‘Edit on Photoshop’ when an linked image is selected. The change does not affect OS level file type associations.
Stop with the survey
Please stop making the **** survey strip popup. I think I’ve had to close it at least 20 times over the past three months. It really irks me and makes me a little upset every time - it is really distracting.
7 votes -
Group Selection Tool shortcut on Windows
On my Mac the number 3 is a shortcut for Group Selection Tool. I love this feature and use it all the time, but have noticed that it does not work on my Windows PC. I don't know if this is just my computer, or every Windows PC... Would love to have this fixed.
3 votes -
Allow users to change default setting for miter limit.
I frequently use the Object - Path - Offset path tool, and I always have to change the miter limit. I would like to be able to define my own default value so I would not have to change it every time I use the function.
6 votes -
MacOS Full Screen Mode
Utilization of the OS level window management to perform and launch full screen mode like the vast majority of all other apps.
85 votes -
not so much a feature request as a request for a learning resource: Adobe to create a set of online flashcards to memorize Ai techniques
flashcards to learn to memorize the very many Ai techniques, at all levels.
1 vote -
Kaleidoscope Pattern making
Adobe Capture already has this option. I wish you could implement this into the pattern making options. I believe there are even more ways to create patterns, it would be nice to have those options.
7 votes -
Eyedropper shortcut
If I have a box with a gradient stroke (as an example) and I want to then fill it, if I use the eyedropper to grab the color from another object, it overrides and deletes the stoke. I would like to be able to use the eyedropper on fill or stroke without deleting it's counterpart. Right now it's a long process of clicking off my shape, eyedropping the color, copying the color value, reselecting the object, double clicking the fill or stroke, and pasting in the value. It adds up to a lot of time lost for something that should…
1 voteTo make Eyedropper pick and apply only fill, without modifying the stroke, you need to open the tool’s options, and uncheck the ‘Focal Stroke’ option in the left column. This will force Illustrator to ignore the stroke from the source object, and your target object will keep its original stroke.
Use other options there to fine tune the tool to your needs.
There is a similar resolved request that is about the same thing —
Stop nagging me to update
I'm well aware that there is a new update. I do not have time to deal with the nonsense Adobe is known for in their constant "updates". Quit nagging me about it with the ridiculous pop-up.
2 votes -
Cannot group Text objects with right-click
Illustrator CC2018 (22.1)
Windows 10 and Mac OSX High Sierra 10.13.3When I select two or more Text objects (point, area, etc.), I cannot group them using right-click (it works
It works with other objects, or with Text and other objects, but not when all my selections are only Text objects.
Once grouped (with CMD-G for example), it is possible to ungroup them with right-click, though.
4 votes -
Apple Mac OS has had it's own version of autosave and recovery in the OS for YEARS! I am so sick and tired of every time my illustrator crashes that I have to go through the headache of everything having [recovery] attached to it. Let's be honest, it happens ALL THE TIME. If Adobe isn't going to adapt to the OS its on, why don't you make your own file system?!? I dread having to open Adobe products to complete a take because they are unstable, outdated and just lame.
6 votes -
Change colormode of swatchcolors with spotColorKind
Hello Adobe,
I want to change the colormode of a swatch with javascript.
I do not want to change the document mode but I want to change specific swatches in my swatch library.Now some of my swatches/colors are RGB spotcolors. I want to change them into CMYK spotcolor.
This is almost impossible now because spotColorKind is now read only :(
Now I have to:
- create new swatches with exactly the same colors and with different name
- attach new color to my pathitems
- delete old swatches
- rename swatchesI only wanted to change the colormode of…
2 votes -
How about being able to hide everything outside artboards? Just a revolutionary little idea...
InDesign has had this revolutionary technology since forever. They must keep it hidden in a vault somewhere, but can you please ask them for it.
I actually think it could be the next big thing.
3 votes -
Please fix jpg open/place bug.
Ever since updating to CC2018, cannot open or place jpg files. Please fix this bug.
2 votes -
Copy/paste color values as text
I often need to list color values in RGB, CMYK, hex, etc for brand guidelines and printing. It would be helpful if there was an easy way to copy all color values as text. Right now you can only select one value at a time which is very tedious. I know there are scripts that exist to do something similar but it would be nice if it was a built-in feature!
23 votes -
Addition to changing the corners of all vectorpoints
addition for changing the corners of all vectorpoints in the group.I can change a vectorpoint seperately with the white angle tool but not all at the same time.
(to change the direction of a vectorpoint. To set the points in perspective)Right know I could only resize them and rotate
1 vote -
Ability to invert the zoom direction when using option+scroll.
I'm scrolling down to zoom in & up to zoom out (using option+mouse scroll)- there should be an option available to invert this methinks. Just seems that it should be the other way around.
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?