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  1. Hold middle mouse button to move camera

    This would be better option by default than present Space + Left mouse button combo like in Adobe XD.

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  2. Live preview of paths while editing

    I would expect that the shape or a path while transforming would be rendered in a way as it will look at the end of my editing. Now, when i move handles or points / transform the object, the original shape stays the same and changes shows only as a line in the color of the layer. I understand, that for precision-transformation it's beter to see just the thin line (smart guides, snapping etc.), but while reshaping curves it would be great to see the final shape in real time.

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  3. Keyboard Shortcut to select locked objects

    When needing to move a locked object, you currently only have the option of "unlock ALL" whereas sometimes you may have many things locked that you do not want unlocked - only one or two things you want to move.

    It would be helpful if by holding a button (Say Alt or control) this would allow you to select locked objects, move or alter the object, and once you deselect it continues to be locked.

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    In latest versions you can enable 'Select and Unlock objects on canvas' option in Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display section.

    This adds small lock icons for each locked object you can toggle right there without the need to unlock everything first.

    This is not exactly the solution you asked for, no hotkeys involved (and there are no modifiers left to allow this), but it does the job.

    Does it work for you? Please leave a comment.

  4. The "Align" tool doesn't align

    So the align tools is organized like this:

    Align Objects:
    Vertical alignment tools Horizontal alignment tools

    Distribute Objects:
    Horizontal distrib. tools Vertical distrib. tools

    It confuses me each time. Why aren't the vertical tools both on the left, and both the horizontal tools on the right? Each time I use it I have to stop for a second and think about it before jumping horizontally to the tool I actually want. Please put the vertical alignment and distribution tools on the left, and the horizontal alignment and distribution tools on the right!

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  5. Please make an easier way to export a seamless pattern tile from Illustrator

    Please please can you make an easier way to save or export a seamless pattern tile - at the moment it is difficult to extract a tile from a complex pattern to use in Photoshop etc. Many people buy stock vector patterns to use in Photoshop and it would save a lot of time to get them easily from Illustrator to Photoshop.

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  6. Variable font substitution (with different number of axis)

    I get a crash when: Having a 3-axis variable font used in a document, I close the file and delete the font from my system . Then I open the file and try to substitute that missing font by another with a different number of axis. Boom.

    I guess the perfect behaviour here would be to ignore the extra axis or use a neutral value for axis added after substitution.


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  7. Create option to change order & position in which layers are duplicated or copy/pasted in the layers panel

    Layer organization is extremely important to my work. I'm constantly duplicating layers using the select + alt feature, and constantly having to re-order layers because they automatically get placed above the layer I'm working on. I would like the option to make my duplicated layers go immediately below the layer I'm working on.

    I would also like the option for copy/pasted layers to go immediately above/below the original layer, or all the way at the bottom.

    I spoke to an Adobe rep on chat and they said this isn't currently possible.

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  8. Text to outlines on save PDF

    My printers require fonts to be outlined. This is a huge hassle. I need to convert everything to outlines, save the PDF, and then remember to undo my outlining before I save the AI file.

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  9. Increase the size of artboard names in artboards

    On my 4k monitor I can barely read the artboard names up in the corner of each artboard. Please allow larger font

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  10. 100% size is actually actual size

    Allow Illustrator to be monitor-aware. Have a feature where there is an onscreen ruler, and ask the user to hold up a real ruler to the screen. Let them drag a slider until the onscreen ruler perfectly matches the physical ruler. Then let this % value become the new "100% size" for that machine. Currently to see my artwork at 100% size, I need to set my view to 192%. I wish there was a setting to set my "100%" to default to 192%.

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    In CC 2019 (latest update 23.0.1), at 100% Zoom 1inch artwork would display at 1inch in physical (Print) size, on any display. If this doesn’t work right for screen design workflows, please use the checkbox Preferences > General > Display Print Size at 100% Zoom, to turn off the feature. Currently this feature works only on primary display, and there are plans of extending this to other attached displays.

  11. An ability to resize all selected objects to a specific size

    If you have multiple objects selected that range in size, say .5" to .75". they ability to select them all, then size them ALL to 2" and not just the first object to hit 2".

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  12. 9-point magnetic object-to-grid (or-grid to-object) without smart guides

    Could you consider a feature used in Esko Graphics (Artpro) for the placement of objects (9-point grid) to a crosshair or placing a crosshair to an object. This would expand current align and artboard functions into one clean and user friendly feature. Would also improve functions such as Mirror, Scale, Paste in place, copying to correct location across various files even if rulers are not set the same. For more details see:
    I can expand on this for you on request. Might answer a lot of similar requests into one new feature!

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  13. Save Ai file to a working svgz

    Goodmorning, I refer to the following issue:

    I am working daily on a professional basis with Adobe Illustrator. I find it very disturbing that this issue isn't solved yet. I hope you can fix it.

    Kind regards,
    Suzanne Cornelis

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  14. The ability to check an option for "convert lines to shapes" when I export different formats

    When exporting a file to SVG.... I wish there was a check box where I can specify it converts all lines to shapes on export to SVG... This way I do not have to do the conversion manually... and then revert back when I save ai version...

    Often I get messages that distract me and then I forget to revert back and accidentally save the ai version with lines as shapes... then my mast ai version gets messed up...

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    Need More Info  ·  Dirk Schulze responded

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks a lot for reporting the feature request. When you say shape do you mean you want lines to get converted to SVG elements? Does this apply to the other shapes like, ellipse, circle or rectangles as well?


  15. Editing curve workflow.

    Fix this idiotic editing curve workflow where you have to switch between 4 tools. For the Christ, Buddha, Mahomet or whoever Sake. FIX IT!!!!!!! Haven't you tried other software where such simple task are 10 times easier? !!!!!

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  16. Transparent palettes when cursor is out from palette

    I offer to do ability to make palettes transparent when it's floating and when cursor is not on palette.
    Floating palettes allow to use Tab to switch them off without redrawing window — it's make more comfortable and fast work.
    And to don't use Tab every time I think that it will be more comfortable to made it transparent.

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  17. SVG option to convert text to outlines when exporting

    When exporting SVG I have ran into wonkyness with fonts so sometimes we export SVG graphics with text as shapes...

    But then I some times get distracted by a email or chat message and save the ai version with out undoing my text to outlines conversion...

    Why not just have a check box on the SVG export panel "convert all text to shapes" then when I export this option parse the document and convert all text to shapes...

    So I do not have to worry about undoing my convert text to shapes when I save the master ai file.


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  18. Libraries Custom Sort

    Will you PLEASE finally add customizability to the grouping/sorting of Library assets?

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  19. New Document Panel - make the 'thumbnails' more descriptive.

    The New Document Panel tends bring clarity, but the 'Thumbnail', containing a triangle, a square and a circle confuses this. Every size has the same thumbnail. It would be nice if the thumbnail reflects the aspect ration of the preset it belongs to.

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  20. Add Ai and EPS formats in Export for Screens / Assets dialog

    I realize that .pdf is essentially the same as .eps format, but still it would be useful to have the option to export as .eps.

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    With the v29.2, Illustrator now allows you to export into Ai and EPS format via the export for screen dialogue.

    You will also have the ability to fine-tune the these documents through the advance settings.

    We hope you would find the changes useful, please let us know your feedback or comment below.

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