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4568 results found

  1. Checkbox for prefix with filename when exporting for screens

    When exporting for screens, it would be useful to be able to simply click a checkbox to prefix the output filename with the current filename.

    For example, for "", containing artboards "Artboard1", "Artboard2", etc., it would output "myFile-Artboard1.png", "myFile-Artboard2.png", etc.

    I realise the filename can be entered in the Prefix field but a checkbox would be a useful addition.

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  2. Export for screens should exclude template layers

    When exporting for screens, any layers which are set as template or non-printing should be excluded from the output without having to first turn off that layer.

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  3. Replace objects with an object

    I have created a circle with text in it, and grouped it all together, however I have a pattern of Circles, and only want some of the circles in the pattern to look like the one I have created and grouped, so I can click the ones I want to replace, and then with a tool, select the group I've created, and it will replace the ones I've selected. Not too sure if this feature exists, though it would be a beneficial tool to have.

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    The intended solution for this is to use Global Edit feature.

    Copy the object you want to replace with, then select one of many copies you want to replace and use Select > Start Global Edit command.

    Using Shift, unmark those copies you don’t want to affect.

    Isolate the targeted copy.

    Paste the copied object and position it correctly relatively the old object.

    Delete the old object.

    Exit the isolation and end Global Edit.

    It may sound convoluted at first, but once you master the method, you’d be able to easily replace almost anything.

    Global Edit has its limitations: it doesn’t work for images, text objects, clipped masks, linked objects, and third-party plugins.

    Read more about it here:

  4. Add trackpad support for Windows / Surface devices (zoom, scroll, etc.)

    Windows Surface Book trackpads have little to no gesture support. It's incredibly annoying. Please add pinch to zoom, two finger scrolling, etc.. The same functionality you would expect on a macbook would be great.

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  5. Typeface recognition and OCR.

    OCR would be great from images. Typeface recognition would be even better, but I would like to see that implemented better than what's currently implemented in Photoshop, which is not very good at identifying fonts other than fairly standard ones. Sensei might be a good fit for this. Please take a look at and make the recognition at least as good as that.

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  6. Allow linked content within symbols

    It would be nice to create symbols with linked content that would update when the linked content changes. Currently you have to embed anything within a symbol, images for example.

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  7. Convert outline text to editable text

    I work with a lot of files that come to me with outline text, which I then have to retype from scratch. It would be a really useful feature if outline text could be converted to editable text - could there be some kind of auto-recognition (OCR) of the outline text and generate editable text from this? Built-in OCR?

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  8. 1 vote

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  9. Soft selection (Selection drop off)

    This already exists in many 3D applications (Maya, 3D Max, and C4d, for sure) and it's often treated, not as a separate tool, but as a setting in the regular selection tools. The idea is that you can set an gradient influence area where the points directly selected are affected 100% by transform changes, while everything else is affected by the changes but adjusted to the alpha percentage of the gradient at that point's initial location. I know that sounds like a mouthful, but it's very similar to how the mesh warp works (minus the having to convert anything and…

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  10. Please update to allow newer Pantone swatches to be usable.

    For years Pantone's new colors have been released, yet I can't upload those books into Illustrator. So for years I've been able to see colors I can't use. Super frustrating. I use the Coated Color Bridge book in spot and cmyk. If I'm doing something wrong, PLEASE enlighten me!

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  11. Split paths by currently applied dash settings

    Hi - I was directed here via adobe and illustrator support teams on twitter.

    I'm submitting a suggestion for a function or feature for adobe illustrator in which the user may subdivide a dashed path into individual smaller paths, by the measurement and placement of said dash style. I have seen many different suggestions and workarounds for this over the past few years but none actually execute this specific action. (Setting to .0001 stroke, expanding, then deleting excess points isn't ideal!)

    In my current role, and in our office, we design and create physical package design comps. we frequently use…

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  12. More Detail in Font Find/Replace - Include Details to Assist Tracking Down Correct Font

    When working with files that reference missing fonts, sometimes it is necessary to find the exact font but there is little to go on other than the font name displayed. If font information was stored such as version, type of font (TrueType, OpenType, Type-1, etc...), foundry, version, date, would make it far more efficient to track down the correct font.

    For example, when working with product labels, etchings or logos often it is necessary to use the exact font to maintain consistency in manufactured products. Having little more to go on than a name makes it extremely difficult. This…

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  13. Make gradient swatches global

    Gradient swatches should be globally applicable. This would mean they´d need to be editable - either in Swatch Options just like other swatches or replacable by dragging a altered version of a gradient onto the old swatch. (At the moment, the only option is the swatch title)

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  14. Remove survey requests from app

    Give users some way to disable in-app survey request popups. Simply clicking the X does NOT prevent it from popping up again in the future.

    How about moving this request out of the program so it doesn't appear during a long, automated batch operation for example (and can't be dismissed BTW). Adobe has our email addresses, just send the request there. OR move survey notifications to the CC Desktop App. That's a nice central location that does not impinge on production activities in any of the apps.

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  15. Eliminate the Adobe Search Pane in the top right of illustrator

    Adobe does not seem to be able to fix the problem of Adobe search being selected by default when a file is opened. I use a master layout page & am constantly pasting art I have copied to the pasteboard into the stupid, virtually useless Adobe search window. It immediately hangs Illustrator which eventually crashes.

    This bug is ridiculously enraging. I cannot believe Adobe has not addressed this. It can't just be me having this issue

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  16. view problem

    I have a problem when after updating my mac os to the latest up date high sierra while using adobe illustrator ( the vectors have scratches and it got fixed when I zoom in and out from illustrator). check the attached file it might help explaining my problem

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  17. New Artboard Automatically Generated - No Preview Available

    When a new artboard is generated, it is now automatically placed to the right of the active artboard. Previously, generating a new artboard would show a preview and allow me to place wherever I wanted.

    I work frequently with nested artboards, and when I want to create a new artboard within the active artboard, I am taken away from the area I am viewing, which is frustrating. I now have to zoom out, turn off 'move with artboard' so that no art is interrupted, move the new artboard to the area I originally wanted it to be in, zoom in…

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  18. Real-time file collaborative editing, with multiple users at once

    I would suggest that Illustrator can open a file on several devices, perhaps 2 or 3 max. and allow a team of designers to work and brainstorm on the same file at the same time as an online service from Adobe.
    This can be used for other adobe design programs as well such as Photoshop.

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  19. Link pictures from Variable Panel

    When setting variables into variable panel, we can't auto add links addresses to variable, and need to add them into external xml or csv files. If we will add "Links" into variable panel we can click on folder icon and auto load link address into variable panel.

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  20. Need to select all artboards and resize them at once by entering desired size.

    Need to select and change all artboard size at once. Can we have this feature in Illustrator? Because after design we need to prepare artworks from same file so we need to increase artboard sizes to add crop marks and other details of instructions for printer, It will be easier if we can change this in artboard window or from document setup.

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