Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4568 results found
Width Tool Numeric Control
When using the Width Tool to manipulate the width of a stroke, it would be helpful to have the option to alt+click and enter the desired width in a dialog box, in a similar fashion to the Rotate Tool.
1 voteResolved (Comments Open) ·AdminNeeraj Nandkeolyar (Sr. Product Manager, Adobe Illustrator) responded
Please leave a note, if you think the information Egor provided doesn’t resolve this request.
SVG export option to export global Color Swatches as CSS Custom Properties
In addition to classes and IDs, CSS custom properties (aka. CSS variables) are a great way to style SVG Content.
Conceptually they are closest to Illustrators global color swatches.I propose to add an Option to SVG Export of Adobe Illustrator to turn named global color swatches into CSS custom properties.
Original Output:
fill: #456; stroke: #abc;New Output:
fill: var(--medium-grey, #456) ; stroke: var(--dark-grey, #abc);Web applications could use the custom properties, to quickly create color-variations of an illustration.
An additional option could be a compatibility mode for the styling options "Inline Style" and "Internal CSS",…
5 votes -
Ability to change resolution when setting pixels as a unit
I use Illustrator for UX design, and thus I use pixels for the dimensions. However, the resolution of most modern screens, in mobile phones, and other devices, is not the default 72 ppi. Thus, when I switch between units, the pixel size does not equal what I get in millimeters. (For usability issues, e g mm based letter height is crucial.)
I know Photoshop is more of a pixel oriented tool, but doing vector graphics and using Illustrator is an advantage in terribly many places. (There is a reason for Sketch being a popular replacement...) Adding a way to customize…
5 votes -
Change shortcut for paste in place/paste on all artboards to match Indesign
I'm in a workflow where I work simultaneously with Illustrator and Indesign, linking illustrator files to indesign (they could probably be integrated more!).
However, it is probably my most irritated moments when I realize I have used cmd-alt-shift-V (shortcut to paste in place in Indesign) instead of cmd-shift-V. If you work on one artboard, it looks the same, and you don't realize your mistake until you go to another artboard and see that the pasted thing has been pasted on all artboards. And you've worked far enough to not having the possibility to undo...
2 votesYou can customize your hotkeys in Keyboard Shortcuts dialog. Search 'paste' and change 'Paste on All Artboards' to anything else or remove shortcut completely.
Put eyedroppers on every color selection menu.
I keep getting the request from my students that they want to use colors from their existing project. In color, color guide, color themes, gradient color menu, there's no good way to grab a specific color from the art boards. Putting eyedroppers on ALL the color sub menus would make it so convenient to grab the color of someones eye, various colors in existing blends. For example, if a student wanted to make a gradient of two different colors from her eye, she could not do so simply. Currently the eyedropper only appears to hover over a one inch rgb…
11 votes -
Remember Pathfinder Options across sessions
Currently, the Pathfinder Options are not remembered across Illustrator sessions. This can be tested with the following steps.
- Launch Illustrator.
- Via the Pathfinder panel, use the flyout menu to open Pathfinder Options.
- Set the precision to anything other than 0.028 pt.
- Quit and relaunch Illustrator.
- Reopen the Pathfinder Options. The precision has been set back to 0.028 pt.
It would also be good if the Pathfinder Options were able to be recorded as an action. It seems like a bug that they can not now — recording an action for it appears to work, and there is a Pathfinder Options…
16 votes -
Create a version of Illustrator for crafters - no 3D, but with border feature etc in order to work with digital cutters without expense
So it would be a entry level version of illustrator - concentrating on 2D output to SVG for electronic cutters, plotters and other crafting tools. Similar to Photoshop elements but for those needing to work with vector files.
2 votes -
In Tablet Mode, we need the use of modifier keys like Shift, Alt, and Control. Can't constrain proportions when resizing w/out keyboard!
In Tablet Mode, we need the use of modifier keys like Shift, Alt, and Control. Right now, we can't constrain proportions when resizing w/out the Shift key on a keyboard. If we have a floating toolbar of modifier keys like Shift, that problem would be solved. Even better if a gesture could take the place of holding Shift.
5 votes -
Transform Tool
Hello illustrator. A couple versions back, the transform tool didn't lag after hitting tab when typing in a number in x. Now I have to wait five seconds before typing a number in y otherwise the element will not move to the desired position and I have to type the number again.
1 vote -
3 votes
Scale the space between objects
The ability to move objects in uniform space, similar to how the bounding box works when you select multiple objects and then scale them larger or smaller, if there was way that when you scaled the bounding box bigger the objects maintained their current size but moved farther from each other.
I notice there are times when I have objects on the page and I need to move them apart uniformly based on spacing or move them closer to each other.5 votes -
character/puppet rigging
To add the ability to puppet rig illustrations directly in Illustrator.
This could not only be used to easily move parts of character illustrations while keeping it intact but also export illustrations ready for animating in After Effects.
Main feature would be ability to pair objects together using anchor points.
e.g pairing characters hand to forearm and forearm to bicep and bicep to torso. so when the hand is moved the rest of the linked objects will follow.12 votes -
Isolation navigator
The feature I’m looking is an isolation-mode navigator tool that requires minimal clicking and is fast to use. You’d summon it while holding down a hot key, point the mouse at a group and then use hot keys (or the mouse wheel) to go into and out of the group structure.
Isolation mode, as it is now, is essential but clunky. I spend an awful lot of time clicking into, around and back out of isolation mode. It’s enough to cause RSI. The group select tool is useful but doesn't replace isolation mode.
9 votes -
Deleting Artboard with a button next to its name
Can you add back the little cross/close button (we used to have in CC2017) to the artboard so that I can delete the artboards without visiting the artboard pannal?
7 votes -
Improved HiDPI Windows support just like Photoshop 19.1
Essentially do with Illustrator what you've done with Photoshop ( That is "[offer] a full range of choices for UI scale factors from 100% through 400%, in 25% increments. [... A]utomatically adjust itself based on your Windows settings, making it simple to set up."
1 vote -
Remember the 'Use Artboard' checkbox when exporting
When I export (SVGs and other formats) I have to check "Use artboard" every time... why not just remember this setting has been checked or uncheck from before
28 votes -
Appending number after SVG export
After exporting SVG files there is a version number added to the file name... can you make this optional... It adds a bunch of unnecessary steps to my work flow as I have to then navigate to the file and rename it every time I export...
1 vote -
Change Selection tool back to the way it was.
The selection tool on an object is now really annoying. I have to zoom in really close to a small object to move it otherwise I get too many options and it just ends up spinning or resizing the object. Please fix!!!
2 votes -
I need an option to disable path segment reshape tool
Please! Let me disable path segment reshape tool, because the anchor tool is totally unusable because of it. It almost impossible to point on a vector, because every time the path segment reshaper gets in the way!
48 votes -
Lock palettes or allow to undo UI changes
So many times I accidentally dragged palettes' icons instead of clicking them to open/close! Each time then I had to drag it back to place it was before or reset my workspace! A simple command 'Undo last UI change' or tick 'Lock UI' would save a lot of time for such clumsy people as I.
29 votes
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