Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4569 results found
Refining pressure sensitivity
Just like pencil drawing refining.
Using tablet, I would like to redefine stroke size with pressure sensitivity when using brushing tools on a selected line.
After the first brushing, it only modifies shape not brush size.Please I'm waiting this for a long time and I'm so surprised it still does not exist.
1 vote -
OpenType ligature features ccmp and rlig do not work with variable font
OpenType ligature features ccmp and rlig are active by default. But they do not work with variable font (liga and dlig will work).
28 voteswe have made note of this feature request and added to backlog
Brush smoothing (fidelity) per brush preset
Currently brush smoothing is set only by double clicking the brush tool icon and is universal.
Logically it should be set at the brush options dialogue, individual for each brush preset along with angle, size, roundness etc.
Each brush reacts differently, and there should be an option to have brushes with various smoothing settings all available at once.
Saving brush presets would retain their smoothing setting as well.
Ideally, Illustrator should adopt some of Photoshop's brush engine settings.8 votes -
An ability to control the assumed resolution for placed PNG files
Raster images brought into Illustrator always seem to appear at 72 ppi, and are scaled too large relative to an artboard with 300 ppi raster effects. There is no way to set images to appear at the desired resolution, instead requiring you to manually adjust their size with the transform tools.
A 300 pixel wide PNG appears on the artboard scaled 4.17 inches/105.8 mm wide. It's too big and blurry if you print it. You have to down-size it manually with the transform tools... awkward.
The desired behaviour is for raster images to appear scaled on the artboard at an…
7 votes -
Keep non-visible Layers from showing on PDF.
This was not a problem in the past. If you save as a PDF, layers which are OFF will appear in the PDF. Wrong. Bad. Why? Obviously not what the user intended. Bad programming. Please fix.
1 vote -
Scale raster images by setting a new resolution
I'd like a tool which allows us to scale raster images (linked or embedded) relative to the artboard raster effect settings. eg. you'd tell it 72 dpi, 150dpi, 300dpi, 355dpi etc. and the image would re-scale to the correct relative size against the artboard.
At the moment raster images brought into Illustrator always seem to appear at 72pdi, and are scaled too large relative to an artboard with 300dpi raster effects. This is a problem which needs fixing.
8 votes -
Ability to change starting point for closed path
Currently the only option is to cut and the path or redraw the path completely if the starting anchor is in the wrong place. For straight edges, such as a square or even a rectangle it's easy to work around, but when it's a curved edge it is difficult to replicate the same curve with the cut method. Could easily add this feature to stoke effect so that the starting point can be adjusted with a click on the anchor. Or have left and right arrows to move it to a different starting anchor (although that wouldn't work on things…
11 votes -
Better anti-aliasing
Long time ago I abandoned Xara and moved to Illustrator full-time.
I managed to solve all problems I had encountered with, but several things still bug me.One of them is this: other one is a crude antialiasing.
See attached images.
Zara puts more shades of gray to show the slope of test line, while AI leaves more uniformly filled areas. It gets more noticeable when angle gets sharper.
Changing anti-alising options doesn't help.Please, make anti-aliasing better.
26 votes -
Since you're not maintaining Illustrator, open-source it.
Year after year, we ask for simple but glaring deficiencies to be fixed. But NOTHING is fixed.
Top example: There's no way to force Illustrator to select ONLY the objects that are FULLY ENCLOSED by the selection rectangle. I don't know of any other vector-art program that lacks this feature, and some even use it by default.
Yes, we've reported this problem. Yes, we voted for the feature request. Year after year after year.
I bought Affinity Designer because I consider Illustrator unusable with this defect. And that's after years of running Corel Draw in a VM to, again, avoid…
7 votes -
Adding Background Color to Pattern Options
When creating seamless pattern it would be very helpful to have the ability to select a background color in the Pattern Options palette. Especially for hex shape, if I create a separate background shape the overlapping doesn't always work especially for Hex. I use the Appearance palette as a workaround or manually add a background color/shape. Please see screenshot for reference. Thank you!
4 votes -
Lock or unlock Navigator View from General View. Two Separate Views
During my work I need to have two different views of my artboard or canvas. Now the Navigator panel and General view showing me the same view.
Adding an option that will allow to have two separate view can enhance my workflow. That can be achieved if we will have an option to lock or unlock Navigator View from General View.
1 voteThere is no need to use Navigator panel for this.
Just call Window > New Window, untab it (if you use tabs), resize and reposition it the way you like, and work within the main window — all the changes you make are going to be rendered in real time in the second one.
Linked Text 'Artworking Info' Panels/Tables
When setting up artwork sheets, we often have to use the same job info across many artboards - it would be great to have 'linked' information/type, so when you update text in a textbox/panel on one artboard it will automatically update on other artboards.
This could be done either by a table/panel which update, or being able to select individual pieces of info that you wish to auto-update.
This would be a massive timesaver when artworking!
2 votes -
Thanks a fkng Lot Adobe.
I am unable to save my illustrator files. They all appear blank. I am on a deadline & Adobe is literally screwing with my income. WTF?
1 votePlease get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator -
Scrollable Blending mode previews and live previews
Scrollable Blending mode previews like in Photoshop
9 votes -
More toggle buttons in top row / panel full of indicators
You know, AI has a lot of options that can be turned on and off.
And some of them switched on and off quite often: Snap to Grid, to Point, to Glyph, to Pixel... Guides, Smart Guides, Edges (can be both locked and / or hidden), Artboard Edges, Corner Widgets, Bounding Box...Of course, all of them can be accessed via View menu, but you just don't see them there! Users need no only SWITCH them, but KNOW what current state is.
Are my guides are turned off or I've deleted them or moved occasionally?
I want to draw a…36 votes -
Art brushes different weight value
Well, this is complex one.
As you know, a lot of people live in metric world.
It means they use 'cm-mm' instead of 'inches-points'.
I, for example, have all three major units set to millimeters — general, stroke and type.But each time I apply brush to anything, it gets weight '0,353 mm'.
Yes, it is 1 point. And every time I need to scale my brush twice as normal, I have to type in '*2' in the end of 'Weight' field instead of just typing 2.Worse, when I don't remember what weight it has now, but need to…
18 votes -
Last used script
Please, add a command inside File > Scripts (above the line) to execute last accessed script. A have tons of these and not all of them are bound to shortcuts and smarty palettes. Sometimes I have to apply same script several times and have to dig in all 4-5 folders inside to get right one.
And, please, make it shortcut-able.
22 votes -
'Use preview bounds' option for symbols
AI allows to 'Use preview bounds' — to count in stroke's weight in artwork's size.
I rarely use it, but I can always turn it off, like I do in screencast attached.But when I decide to turn my artwork to symbol, I'm limited to only one option — stroke is counted in ALWAYS. This is very inconvenient for some design tasks.
I would like to have an option anywhere to change this behavior.
24 votes -
Dragging from Bridge to Illustrator
Change the standard file-placement behaviour from Bridge to Illustrator so that it places the contents of the AI file (rather than a PDF or a PNG).
Say you've got a local library of picture elements, and you're browsing it in Bridge; you need to bring those elements into a currently open AI file. What do you do?
The obvious thing is to use Bridge like a library navigator, and simply drag the ai file into your composition. However, you can't;What actually happens is you get a PNG file; if you shift-drag you get a PDF file; both are useless.
5 votes -
Fix blending of strokes
As described in this discussion (from 4 years ago!) - - in most cases when you apply a blend to two strokes with any profile other than uniform, the intermediate stages of the blended strokes do not have any profile applied to them. I believe this has been a problem at least as far back as the introduction of variable width strokes, and has still not been resolved. This seriously hampers the usefulness of the blend tool and massively increases the amount of time required to produce the desired effect.
3 votesBlending paths with different stroke profiles, created with Width tool or picked from the panel, now works as expected — intermediate steps all have correctly blended profiles applied.
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