Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4567 results found
Chained dimensions
New Dimension tool is designed to be good-enough, but not be way too complex to setup and use.
One of things we need to be a part of this 'good-enough' set of features it has should be a way to create consequential serialized dimensions, like the image attached demonstrates.
To do that now, we’d have to drag each segment one-by-one, and snap the dimensions line to each other (which in the current build just doesn’t happen even!). This method is generates doubled lines instead of only one, and won’t allow us to move all the dimension lines at once if…
10 votes -
A way to lock colors to prevent them from changing in Recolor dialog
When recoloring art, it would be AWESOME to have a lock function next to the swatches. There is already a way to lock a swatch that you don't want to recolor, but it'd be nice if, as you cycle through the swatch/recolor options, you could lock or "freeze" ones you like and continue to recolor the unlocked swatches.
2 votes -
More Settings button is hidden in the New Document dialog window
Why 'More Settings' button is hidden in the New Document dialog window?
More Settings dialog should be a default window when creating a new document instead of random template presets that nobody are using.
3 votes -
Make gradient hard stops
A gradient can be striped when you move 2 stops of the same color on top of each other. It would be easier if this were not needed as is the case in Cinema 4D. So Illustrator should have a setting that gradient stops break the gradient and make stripes.
Posting this on request of a forum participant. Please see the post here:
2 votes -
Illustrator doesn't let me use 3D objects and it automatically closes every time I want to use that option
When I installed Illustrator files from the Adobe Materials website to use with 3D objects, it stopped working, when I try to select something and convert it to 3D, Illustrator automatically closes. I already reinstalled the program but it's still the same. How do I be able to use it again?
1 vote -
Symbol Sprayer Tool Enhancement
The Symbol Spray Tool is very awkward in using and not very intuitive to first time users. Who would have thought to double tap to open the options for the tool. There is very little documentation on this. I do not believe the tool is used by many artist. May be add the options to the menu bar? Also unable to ungroup or align the symbols once they are on the artboard. Would be awesome to be able to create a path and apply the symbols on the path. This would be great to create an outline then spray the…
2 votes -
Brush stroke stability
I've been using Illustrator for a long time now and one of the things that have bugged me over the years is the fact that there's no brush stroke stabilization like the Pulled String Mode in Photopshop or the Rope Brush in Affinity Designer. Ai has evolved so much over the years and it's been used to create freehand vector art since day one, so I cannot understand why this function hasn't been developed yet as of 2024.
Path Smooth or Fidelity are definitely two options to smooth out lines, but that's done once the path has been created. Stabilization,…
3 votes -
3D Extrude (Classic) Enable Bevel options for flat (None) profile
I had difficulty with properly orientating symbols on the extruded - 3D Extrude (Classic) - path
2 votes -
Isolation tints eyedropper colors from linked assets
When using the eyedropper tool in isolation mode on artwork, the color is taken from the actual artwork even though isolation mode displays it as faded. When doing the same on linked assets, even if they are Illustrator files, the isolation mode fade gets applied to the sampled color. This means that you have to back out of isolation mode and direct-select it to sample the asset, or otherwise have already created a swatch before entering isolation.
I think it would be nicer if Illustrator could treat the sampling of linked assets the same way it does for local artwork…
10 votes -
Tool tip switch in the program's top panel
It would be great to have a tooltip switch in the program's top panel, as it is not possible to disable them from the first launch of Illustrator, and it's not very obvious in general. Therefore, I suggest adding a toggle switch for these tooltips. While they are indeed helpful, it's not always easy to remember what each tool is for. However, during active work, having the tooltips constantly displayed can be distracting, and to turn them off, one has to go into the settings and disable "Show tool tip." It would be nice if tooltips were also implemented for…
2 votes -
Non-Destructive Path Trim
It would save me incredible amounts of time if I could simply--and non-destructively--trim a path.
I create a character's arm using a tapered stroke. I then duplicate that tapered stroke so that it can function as a shirt sleeve.
<Here is where the issue comes in...>
There's not a good way to trim that duplicated stroke to function as a sleeve. I can add points and delete the stroke, but the width won't match anymore. I can create a clipping mask, but it's a pain and makes adjusting the characters pose needlessly laborious.Being able to trim the path…
4 votes -
Disable all "Generative AI" marketing popups
Whenever I use Illustrator lately, I'll be in the middle of editing a document when this annoying feature popup appears. Literally right in the middle of me trying to get work done.
Please give me a way to disable this altogether. I have no interest in this feature. Please stop pushing it to me.
21 votesTwo related requests:
1. An ability to disable Text to Vector Graphic feature and any other generative options —
2. Remove Text to Vector from Properties panel —
Please upvote them, if you agree.
An ability to create custom bevel profiles for 3D and Materials Extrude
We can create our own profiles for now Classic Extrude, by modifying the — located here:
Mac: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator [version]/Support Files/Resources/[locale]
Win: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator [version]\Support Files\Required\Resources[locale]But changing the file does nothing to customize bevels for the modern 3D!
They seem to be hardcoded.
Please, make the same file to be recognized by the modern 3D, or perhaps come up with some better way, that does not require to modify a red-only file and restarting Ai — for both 3D methods.4 votes -
More precision options for Dimension Tool
Please add: 0"-0 1/8" & 0"-0 1/16" to Unit precision. I really need 3/8", 5/8", 7/8"...
9 votes -
希望在鼠标滚轮缩放画布时,以鼠标的指向为中心点缩放。目前虽然可以通过“ctrl +”来实现,但是如果增加鼠标滚轮功能会更加方便。
1 vote -
当一个大项目中有多个小项目(多个画板),每个小项目都需要标注说明性文字。当我要把所有(或部分)小项目移动到画布的其他位置,目前我只能对画板进行移动,每个画板的说明文字无法一起移动。当前的操作是,画板和文字需要分别移动,非常麻烦,而且项目多的时候容易出错。希望能增加相应的功能!2 votes -
Scale stroke width of multiple points
I'd like to be able to scale the stroke width of multiple points at the same time, that way they match. That, or copy the stroke width value of one point and be able to paste it onto another.
3 votes -
I wish I could use Photoshop's Median Filter as an Effect in Illustrator. (Photoshop → Filter → Noise → Median)
I wish I could use Photoshop's Median Filter as an Effect in Illustrator. (Photoshop → Filter → Noise → Median)
3 votes -
I wish Illustrator could set up a shortcut key to open the color picker window like in Photoshop.
I wish Illustrator could set up a shortcut key to open the color picker window like in Photoshop.
4 votes -
Move Contextual Task Bar
The initial placement of the Contextual Task Bar is the worst UI I've seen from Adobe in a decade or more. It. is. always. in. the. way.
4 votes
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