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4567 results found

  1. Menu Item Move Between Creative Cloud Apps

    Suggest adding a menu selected item to navigate between CC apps. When working in AI and need to move image to PS there is no shortcut for this. Moving between Plugins is way easer. May be include a menu selected or button to quickly move the image.

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  2. Opentype + Glyphs UI Menu Preview

    While the UI for Opentype is appreciably better than Indesign, there are still a few hinderances in the UI that make it painfully difficult to use and limits functionality. This could solved in one (hopefully easy) solution: PREVIEW TYPOGRAPHIC FEATURES

    Currently, you have to click the stylistic set to open a dropdown menu, once you’ve clicked a style, the dropdown disappears. To see another style you need to open the dropdown menu again and deselect the previous style you just selected. Open the dropdown menu again, and then select the next style.

    Opentype and Glyphs panels…

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  3. Allow to disable or enable center points for all or specific objects types on creation

    With Area Type, if I use the text tool to highlight a word (for example, if I want to embolden the word), if I catch the centre point of the text box in the wrong way, Illustrator will assume that I want to create a new text box, which I don't. I know I can manually disable the centre point via the Attributes panel, but I need to set the centre point to OFF by default, and to my knowledge there is no way of doing this.

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  4. Overwriting Existing Workspaces and Toolbars

    If I wanted to update my custom Workspace, I can create a new Workspace and give it the same name as before. When I do that, I am warned that the name already exists, and that clicking 'OK' will overwrite the old one. This is great. But if I try the same process for updating a custom Toolbar, it makes me choose another name. Then I have to remember where these files are stored in the Finder, go to that location, delete the old Toolbar, and rename the new one. Please make the process for updating an existing Toolbar as…

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  5. 寸法ツールで描画したものを数値で編集


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  6. Transform Each around Symbol Registration Point

    It would be nice, when using Transform Each, to have the option to transform the Symbols around their Registration Point.

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  7. Feature Request: Preference for Copy and Duplicate Layers without auto renaming and adding "copy" to them

    Hi Adobe 🙂

    I make large Illustrator files that have lots of layers, and often I find myself copying a layer that has a ton of sublayers. I spend way too much time renaming the copied layers removing the word "copy" or "copy 3" etc from the sublayer names.

    I have found some workarounds, if this helps anyone. If I want to copy a layer called **, I will copy it, then rename it XXXz then paste and the new pasted layer is ** without the name copy, then I can go back and remove the z from the…

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  8. Star Tool: include center/origin lines

    This would be a small addition, but one that I think would be valued. All regular stars (that is, not "fun" stars whose inner circle radius has been enlarged to make them "puffy") are made up either of:

    1. A repeated/rotated shape
    2. A single line bouncing off the outer diameter that eventually meets itself again

    It would be a nice addition to this tool for those "origin lines" to be represented in the output so that we can more easily create art based on those lines instead of having to re-create the lines manually.

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  9. Please add Illustrator option to maintain text color

    Could you please add an option for us to keep the color we chose for the text in an illustrator file we're currently working on?

    Meaning: Say I am writing text in a file, but I want separate text boxes and I want to keep the same color, rather than Illustrator defaulting back to black or whatever color was set as default in the preferences.

    I'd like to be able to check a box to keep the color I am using for the text rather than having to go back to the color and subsequently the default sizes set in…

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  10. The generative fill has disappeared

    The generative fill has disappeared. When I asked about this before someone had replied that it only works in a certain version. Which is it?

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  11. Guided tracing brush (Snap to trace)

    The automatic full image tracing in illustrator often does not create useful results. The set of lines is too busy or doesn't line up with where a human would consider the edges to be.

    As an alternative, a brush tool tool that snaps the lines to the underlying image layers would be more helpful. Human input shows the general location of a line, and illustrator can then snap the line to the nearest set of pixels that appears to be an edge, helping make smooth an accurate traces without excess lines.

    While it would be a slower process, the creative…

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  12. An option to hide units in dimensions made with the Dimension Tool

    Can you add an option so that the units are not displayed for dimensions and only the number is displayed? Thank you.

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  13. Windows 11 dark mode menus

    Please join the rest of the software development world in supporting a unified dark mode experience on Windows 11. The menus are currently glaringly bright with dark mode enabled and affect color perception. In a design app , this is not good. Please note that Adobe Acrobat already supports this, why doesn't this capability extend to Creative Suite Apps?

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  14. Kindly add a bucket tool.

    I am facing issues with filling in shapes with paint brush tool, let alone the fact that is very time consuming. Hence, adding a bucket tool would facilitate for all designers and Adobe Illustrator users while coloring. A bucket tool will be a breakthrough.

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  15. Remove Text to Vector from Properties panel

    Would like an option to remove it from Properties panel as it sometimes opens on its own after I have closed it and it impedes my workflow having to close it again because it obstructs actually useful things Properties panel.

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  16. Synchronise tiled windows

    I would like to have all tiled windows use the same panning and zoom settings as the window I am currently working in.

    • How it's working now: each tiled window has its own zoom factor. Panning with the hand tool moves the view inside the active window.
    • How it should work: zoom and panning are synched between all tiled windows. They all have the same zoom factor and X/Y position. If I zoom in the active window, all other windows zoom in as well; if I pan in one window, all other windows pan in the same manner.

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  17. 1 vote

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  18. 球体のワイヤーフレーム描画に特化したエフェクトを用意して欲しい


    半円を基に、効果 → 回転体(クラシック)で作成しても、



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  19. French Curve tools. I used it with the older version of Adobe Draw for iPad when Apple Pencil was released. I need it put back.

    French Curve tools. I used it with the older version of Adobe Draw for iPad when Apple Pencil was released. I need it put back. As a clothing designer I’m writing a design pattern drafting book. I started the project years ago using the French Curve tools that were available in the Adobe Draw app that is no longer available. I need those tools to complete my book project. Drawing pattern drafts require those tools. Please put the French Curve tools back into the tools area for the iPad Adobe Illustrator app to be used with Apple Pencil. I can’t…

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  20. I wish '□Scrubby Zoom' would work individually when zooming in and out in Photoshop and Illustrator.

    I wish '□Scrubby Zoom' would work individually when zooming in and out in Photoshop and Illustrator.
    When enlarging the screen, it is convenient to disable ‘□Scrubby Zoom’.
    When zooming out the screen, it is convenient to check '▣Scrubby Zoom'.
    I found it convenient because I didn't have to click multiple times to zoom out.

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