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4565 results found

  1. use of Info panel for graph elements

    When working with a graph, use the Group Select tool to select one element of the graph. In earlier versions (prior to ~2016 or 2017?), the Info panel displayed the size/position of that element. Why was that feature DROPPED? Please reinstate that bit of code--there is no other way to determine the size of any element (except to copy and paste it, then delete it).
    Better yet, if the Transform panel was active for a graph element, it would make it so much easier to control the size of each path. (I'm looking at you, tick marks, which are seemingly…

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  2. Change the scale of the document's rulers

    As you've just done for the dimensioning of objects, I'd like to be able to change the scale at which I draw my document by right-clicking in the ruler. I work in technical illustration and draw images of very large machines (20 to 150 m). I have to use CorelDraw (which has always had this function) and copy them into Illustrator to rework them.

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  3. ポイントの座標のコピー機能


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  4. Text to Vector Graphics (Beta) Feature: Delete multiple Variations


    Please add the option to delete multiple AI generated variations.

    At this moment, if you hit the limit of generated variations, you are only able to select and delete 1 at a time, (which is very time consuming) instead of selecting multiple variations for deletion.

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  5. Make a new artboard to get created after the last artboard

    This may have already been suggested but I couldn't find it...

    I would like to see new/duplicated artboard appear after the last artboard, rather than at the end of the first row. Or an option to put it before or after a specific artboard, which then rearranges all the other artboards (and the art on them). The way it is now, I have to rearrange artboards after I make/duplicate to get the new one to show in the right order (which is usually at the end, but not always).

    In the attached image, artboards 5, 6, 7 were either duplicated…

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  6. Set "Registration" (and/or other library color) to Dimension tool

    I would like the ability to set the size color in "Registration" on the lines and text. Unfortunately currently (version 28.1) it is possible to freely set the colors but it is not possible to set the Registration color or other colors present in the document samples. This would be very useful for me when printing color separations for different uses.

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  7. Allow us to set up the default and stepped Dimension Line Offset for the Dimension tool

    When we Opt/Alt-click the object or just click a segment, Ai creates a dimension with some predefined distance between the object and the dimension line.
    We can’t control it (plus we can’t choose which sides to use for Opt/Alt mode anymore, unlike in early Betas).

    Also, we need to be able to hold a modifier while creating a dimension to constrain this offset to a set parameter, in a stepped manner, — something third-party plugins like BPT Pro and CADtools can do.

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  8. 【寸法ツール】オプション設定内への要望









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    As per the comment inside, an ability to hide units for dimension objects is introduced in AI Beta build

    No more news so far on other parts of the request.

    Speaking of which — if possible, please try to report/request one entry per post, to better track all the feedback. Thanks you for your participation.

  9. Shortcut to toggle visibility of Contextual Task Bar

    It would be useful for this tool to allow the user to hide/show this Contextual Task Bar using a single keyboard shortcut.

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  10. The Dimension Tool needs to have live updates

    I like the new dimension tool, but it's not very helpful unless it updates the displayed dimensions when the size of the dimensioned object is changed. It should stay attached to the selected points when the size of the shape is changed as well.

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    The Beta now create live dimension objects, that track and follow the changes to the measured objects: resizing, rotating, moving...

    As for now, moving only dimension breaks the link and expands the dimension (hopefully will change, and break the link only).

    Moving an object with its related dimension currently expand the dimension as well (hopefully won’t do it either).

    Please test the change and share feedback — it helps a lot!

  11. Coquille sur traduction

    il faut enlever le caractère & après le mot Masquer. Merci

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  12. Allow us to choose a preferable file format on Export or keep the last chosen one

    Please create a hotkey for the "Export as" function. It would also be nice if I could set AI to always remember my preferred filetype instead of always defaulting to png.

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  13. Automated/AI-powered file names in Asset Export

    Asset Export needs more options to automate and/or use variables. Designers often need to export large groups of files (e.g. variations of a logo in multiple colours and sizes, with/without a claim or other element) which then have to be tediously and manually renamed and sorted to reflect things like size, color.
    It would be great if there were more option to automate the output by adding variables such as dimensions custom text fields, names of swatches used, etc This could even be an area where the use of AI might be useful to automatically detect the content and create…

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  14. Rename artboards and layers easily

    Please develop a method to easily rename artboards and layers. An option to switch between layers by pressing tab would be great. An option to find and replace text in artboard names would be perfect.
    At the moment renaming artboards is a time consuming process because you have to doubleclick every artboard separately and enter text.

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    Ai now support pressing Tab while renaming difference items in panels, including layers, artboards, symbols, etc.

    Find and Replace in names is not yet an option, but there are many free scripts that allow that.

  15. Allow For Time and Dates Values With Graphs Tools

    Currently, Illustrator graphing tools only allow for using whole, decimal, and percentage number values for plotting data in the different graphs Illustrator can make.

    I would like the option to also use date ranges and time value formats so that I could make dynamic graphs and charts that plot that type of data as well.

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  16. Package and Export for Screens / Assets: Same As Current Document Folder button

    In Package dialog I’d like to have a button to change the path to the location of the current document.

    BTW, same button is needed in Export for Screens / Assets dialog.

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  17. Allow to choose a reference point (pivot / origin) for live shapes

    With a Line live shape we can set a length and an angle of the line, using Line Properties section in Transform panel (or Properties).

    But there is no way to choose the position of the reference point, these apply always to the middle.

    I want to be able to extend/contract or rotate a line from one of both ends.

    Same applies to other live shapes, which gets transformed with the dedicated controls always from the center.

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  18. Close panel by a middle-click on its header

    Middle-click today is a common gesture.
    In browsers and file managers with tabs it allows to close a current tab.
    There is a feature request to allows us to close tabs in Ai as well:

    But I would also like to be able to close panel with a middle-click. Not collapse — this is what a left-click does — but just close the panel.

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  19. Make renaming layers consistent across Adobe applications.

    Currently, the process of renaming layers in Adobe's apps is inconsistent and misleading for new users. It provides a frustrating experience when working in several apps simultaneously. To rename a layer, users need to perform different actions in Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects

    Please, fix this issue. A universal solution (a shortcut) should exist to rename layers in all Adobe apps.

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  20. User defined scales for Dimension tool

    Repost from general discussions:
    I'm delighted to see the addition of the dimensioning tool, but I'm not wild about the fixed choice of scaling ratios. The option to set one's own scales would be great.

    Failing that, a 1:12 scale seems like a glaring omission for those of us still using inches and feet.

    Am I missing something?

    Feature request , How-to

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    It is possible now to set up a custom scale in Ai Beta

    In Dimension Tool Options dialog open the Scale dropdown and choose custom to get the Custom Scale dialog.

    It works for decimal scales only, like 1:12 or 1:15, but not for Imperial scales like 1/16"

    Please try it and comment back.

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