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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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4568 results found

  1. Option to save / export values in 64 bits

    I work in metric, and everything works perfectly until I have to export file to the CAD software which uses higher accuracy.

    If I have a line of 42 mm, actual dimension is 42.00007 (because the way illustrator stores values in points, and getting rounded in 32bit).
    Problem really shows up if I have to scale things 1000-10000 times

    Would be amazing if Illustrator had an option to save / export values in 64bits

    3 votes
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  2. Add Match Rotation to Global Edit Options

    Global Edit has several options to narrow down the duplicates search.
    These include matching appearance and size.
    However, there is no way to make the tool to exclude objects that have a different rotation than the source object has.

    Please add this option to the Global Edit Options dropdown and make it disabled by default.

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  3. AI: trace in style of...

    the new text to vector tool is amazing, especially the match to artboard/ stylepicker functionality.

    Now I would like to import a photo to the artboard of an existing Illustration and trace it in the same style/simplification of this already existing vector file.

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  4. Dimension Tool Ungroup to edit

    To be able to ungroup the dimension, created with the dimension tool so it can be edited. The only way I have found how to edit it is expand appearance. And that duplicates it a number of times so you need to delete the duplicates first.

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  5. Illustrator. Paste in Place to keep subfolders.

    Illustrator. Paste in Place to keep subfolders instead of merging them into the layer folder.

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  6. layer Merge Down

    So, what I think could easily be done is just taking the already existing Layer Merge Down code from Photoshop, and literally just pasting it where it would work. I think this would be very useful.

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  7. Bei einem Update vom Illustrator sollten bereits in den Presets vorhandene Skripte übernommen werden.

    Nach einem Versionsupdate müssen bereits verwendete eigene Skripte manuell in den Presets-Ordner kopiert werden. Dies sollte beim Update automatisch geschehen.

    20 votes
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  8. Please improve the functionality of the files when multiple artboards are designed and the design is complex in nature.

    Illustrator is hanging or freezing when complex path designs are being designed or multiple dartboards are designed in a single file.
    I am using a MacBook Pro M2 Chip which is known for its processing and still facing so much issues with heavy and complex files.

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  9. PhysicsPak

    Rather than proposing a new idea, I'm endorsing this tool that Adobe previewed in 2017 at the Adobe Max conference:

    This physics engine, and possibly similar tools that could do things like detect whether one shape was on top of another (something you can effectively do using selections in Photoshop), would be extremely useful and time-saving for many illustrators. It allows illustrators to see possible ways that symbols can be tossed or fitted together without going through the tedious work of fitting them manually.

    With more spacing, you could call it nesting. With less spacing, you might call it…

    2 votes
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  10. Add the ability to reduce the size of the canvas

    Currently there's no way to reduce the canvas size (not individual artboard sizes). I think it would be great if we could.

    The default canvas size is quite big if you are working with small artboards. It makes using the scroll bars annoying, because it scrolls excessively far if you try to move the bar sliders in any direction by holding them with the mouse and dragging. This would not be an issue with a smaller canvas size.

    Having a smaller canvas size also I think would just be nicer too because you can make all your artboards mostly fill…

    5 votes
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  11. select and change stoke Color in text

    I have text templates that require changing the fill and stroke colors. I have to select the text, go to Appearance, choose Type, and change the color. The issue is that there are several texts with different combinations throughout the day.

    It would be great if I could set the three text colors as shown in the image, select one, then use an action that allows me to choose the text color, either fill or stroke, and change it to another from my swatch.

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  12. Add a way to resize an exported image with Export As method to a specific size, like Save for Web can

    In the old "Save for Web" function (please keep it!) it was possible to resize "on the fly" the destination image (EG my file is 8000 px but I can save an exported version of 800 without opening and resizing afterwards)
    In the "Export as.." function none of this is possible.

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  13. Progress bar for the new Smooth tool

    I love the new smooth tool! When it comes to contour lines in a map, It perform so much better than the simplify tool. The only problem is that when I smooth lines in large documents, Illustrator freezes but the cpu is on fire so I'm not sure if it's working or if Illustrator needs to be force quitted.

    Therefore I propose a progress bar for that tool which appears after one has moved the Smoothing slider.

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  14. Tool icons still not displaying correctly.

    Can you please fix the tools various icons onscreen. Arrows showing as hands / scroll tool / rotation etc.

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  15. ArialMT in Save and Save As

    Now the Save and Save As are creating an SVG with
    A better solution is

    Like it is in the export for screens

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  16. add print imposition option

    if add cutting mark & imposition option it will be easy for you (direct Print)

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  17. Export Workspaces

    It would be great to be able to EXPORT WORKSPACES so as to keep a backup copy of them.

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  18. GRID in BACK/FRONT button

    It would be great to have the option of GRID ON BACK and GRID IN FRONT in the Properties panel, for example. near the SHOW GRID button as when working with GRIDS sometimes it's better to have them in front and others in back and for this I have always to get into the Preferences panel so as to activate/deactivate this option and it's really annoying...

    2 votes
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  19. Image trace on multiple objects at once

    Image Trace option should work on multiple objects at once.

    6 votes
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  20. Add Focus Fill and Focus Stroke commands we can assign hotkeys to

    Illustrator focuses either a fill or a stroke to be set.
    We can control the focus with the hardcoded X key, that toggles fill and stroke, but it also requires to know which is active at the moment to know if we should press it.

    It’d be faster for professional user to actually force the stroke or the fill to be active, with dedicated absolute keys instead of relative ones.

    I’d use something Alt+X and Alt+Shift+X (these are free), or remapped them to something even more simpler.

    There is a related request:
    Absolute mode that always sets a fill a…

    7 votes
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