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4569 results found

  1. Scale strokes and effects, hotkey while dragging.

    When using the scale tool, and clicking and dragging, there should be a hotkey that toggles 'scale strokes and effects'. It would be helpful to show this hotkey option as a tooltip that appears near the mouse cursor while dragging.

    All too often I will have to undo, then go into the transform panel or the preferences to check or uncheck the box, then go back and scale the object again.

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  2. make it easier to export

    make it easier to export things...

    1 - add convert text to outlines as a check box when exporting pdfs...

    2 - add convert lines to outlines to shapes when exporting svg...

    3 - have a check box to expand compound shapes when exporting svg

    make it easier to cut copy and paste from figma to illustrator and vice versa.

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  3. Keyboard shortcut to select next anchor point along path (incl shift+ to select more than one)

    Implement keyboard shortcuts to select the next anchor point along a path. So if I have selected one anchor point, I can hit that shortcut, and I will have moved to the next anchor point along the path.

    Also include the option to shift+{shortcut} to select more than one anchor point.

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  4. データ結合 アクションのバッチ処理の際の変数のデータセット開始位置指定について



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  5. アートボードごとに、「スクリーン用に書き出す」際のファイル形式を設定、保存ができるようにしてほしい / Allow to set format per asset/artboard in Export for Screens



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  6. Add function when pressed tab on transform it will be linked or unlinked like photoshop

    here my idea is to add feature on transform tool that can when pressed tab like photoshop gonna auto change linked or unlinked

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  7. Font grouping

    I am a graphic designer working in the field of design. I need the ability to group fonts together. Currently, as fonts cannot be grouped, I use colored blocks to create combinations. I find it very inconvenient that fonts cannot be grouped, and this hampers my workflow.

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  9. Make a way to call the Color Picker dialog for change color of a gradient stop

    The gradient tool is not very intuitive, and the color selection interface has a limited range, making it difficult to accurately pick the desired colors. Usually, I can only use color codes to specify them. I think there is a lot of room for improvements.

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    4 comments  ·  Gradients  ·  Admin →
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  10. Points of a path being able exist in multiple different layers

    If you have every tried to make Celtic knot designs, you know what I am talking about. If points of a path can exist in multiple layers this will make it a lot easier for parts of single paths to go below or above other paths, like a ribbon going through different ribbons, making knots or weaves, without the need to cut parts of paths and shift them to different layers. If you have not tride to make celtic knot designs (or something similar) just imagine if you need to edit the curves this 'chopped-up' path with multiple strokes and…

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  11. Repeat Grid ignores Use Preview Bounds option

    When we try to use Repeat function, the measurements are off when the object has stroke. When we align multiple objects in a grid like manner without using Repeat, Illustrator uses the bounds of the object without taking its stroke into consideration. But when using the grid tool, if the object has stroke, it adds the distance of the stroke to the measure and affects the final result.

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  12. Pull multiple images from folder one at a time, image trace/expand and store in 2nd folder, in 2 different formats

    Can you make it so that an Action in Illustrator will pull batch images (probably one at a time to avoid processor overload) into Illustrator from a specified folder, apply image trace, apply expand, then save to a second folder in two different formats (EPS/jpg).

    And PLEASE keep the settings for Image Trace (mode, etc) the same for each imported image, instead of returning to default.

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  13. Smart Guides: prioritize artboards, respect logical hierarchy

    This situation has been frustrating for many, many years:

    • I'm zoomed out to a level that makes it tricky for AI to understand what I want Smart Guides to snap to.

    • There are many elements in my doc that could be desired for that snapping, but they are a mix of paths, compound paths, placed media, and artboards. Many of these things are FAR away from the elements I'm trying to snap.

    • AI either doesn't have any perceived hierarchy or it prioritizes snapping in an obscure way, and it will attempt to snap to those far away things instead of…

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  14. Please bring back the scrolling in the image tracing resource’s preset area on the top bar

    Please bring back the scrolling in the image tracing resource’s preset area on the top bar

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  15. Filtering font selection by source / vendor

    (This is a feature request for Ai, Ps, Id etc. as well)

    Filtering from source such as Fontbook, Monotype, Adobe Fonts, Google Fonts etc.

    I've noticed its common to only be allowed to use fonts from specific sources with some clients. It's been a headache to have to go into another app and cross reference which fonts are from what source. For example, a client I'm contracted full time under I can only use Monotype due to their commercial subscription status.

    Or even to be able to create our own folders / font collections to view those only.

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  16. これは非常にユニークなアイデアです♪

    こんにちは。Adobe Illustratorの拡張子は「.ai」です。



    イーロン・マスク氏のような X アプリケーションのような考え方です。


    Adobe IllustratorとMacがなければ、私は今ここで、こういった発言を



    Adobe社の英知が結集した、スーパーアプリケーション、「Adobe AI」



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  17. AMD RADEONのグラフィックボードのサポートと、メモリの割り当て機能追加のリクエスト

    Afinity Designer2.1.1と、Adobe Illustrator 27.8.1のパフォーマンスの違いを、複数のアートボードがある、.ai ファイルを開いて検証した所、
    圧倒的な速さでファイルを開けるAfinity Designerに対して、1分以上遅く元祖Illustratorは開きました。


    Adobe Illustratorは、Adobe製品の中でも、「要」のアプリケーションです。そのソフトウェアを、最適化して更にパフォーマンスを高速化出来なければ、効率の良い業務がいつになっても出来ません。


    Mac OS Xも発売当初、ユーザーから、パフォーマンス!パフォーマンス!と猛烈にリクエストされて、現在に至るわけですから、御社も「要」のソフトウェアの更なるパフォーマンス向上をリクエスト申し上げます。


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  18. Don’t drop the current character selection in text when I switch between documents

    If you select a portion of a text in Illustrator and switch to a different app and back — the selection stays in place.
    But if I switch between Illustrator documents/tabs — the selection gets lost. This makes editing of two or more documents at the same time very inconvenient, effectively loosing my data about the selection made.

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  19. Stroke and fill swap on new object selected

    When selecting a new object not having the stroke or fill swap and stay on what was last selected.

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  20. Performance... GPU Performance - Second Check Box - CPU Default

    Mac GPU still does not work correctly all the time. Until it does, there should be a Second Check box for GPU Performance.

    there are times that the GPU is better, but most of the time it's completely glitchy. Until that's fixed we should have a CHECK BOX for DEFAULT to CPU.

    Currently GPU Checked forces it to be on first. If uncheck you can not switch it without going into preferences.

    It's a little thing but until this can be fixed, this is a better workflow... it might be good to keep even after it's fixed too.

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