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  1. Issue transferring dwg file to Temp folder

    Is there any possibility in Ai, when we export or run the script on the Ai file and we get only dwg file without that png (bitmap image) so that we can add only dwg file in Temp folder and it will get convert into .svg file.

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  3. Improved text editing while within an envelope

    Currently if you want to edit text that's inside an envelope, depending on how warped it is, it can be difficult to edit the text directly. The workaround is to 'release' the envelope in the 'Envelope Distort' menu, edit the text, then reapply the text to the envelope using 'Make with top object'. Perhaps improve the text editing to match the shape and size of the envelope or have a popup window that displays the text in normal format and edit it that way.
    In my example, the black boxes is the original text but editing has proved difficult.

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  4. Make it possible for a Graphic Style to mark some symbols as being part of it.

    So right now I have a workflow that involves making a lot of complex appearance stacks, saving them as a Graphic Style, then later bringing them into another file by hitting the 'library' button in the Graphic Styles palette and navigating to it via the Other Library file picker.

    If I import a style that uses a brush or a global color swatch or a pattern swatch or a width profile, those assets will get imported. But a style that uses a symbol won't import the symbol, and this is a really annoying little exception. It is, perhaps, not surprising

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  5. Xray mode in Adobe Illustrator

    There should be an Xray mode in Adobe Illustrator similar to what we have in Blender 3D.

    When toggled on from a keyboard shortcut, this should allow the user to temporarily view all the objects (Paths, including appearances) to be slightly transparent and allow the user to select objects that are behind each other or at the bottom of the stacking order.

    The outline view is good but not enough. I still can't select paths behind each other and don't show appearances so can't actually see what I'm selecting if artwork has similar shapes stacking there.

    Thanks Adobe!

    Best Regards:…

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  6. Export multiple artboards with 'Save for web'

    It would be very useful and a huge time-saver to have the option to export multiple artboards with 'Save for web'. Currently you can only do 1 artboard at a time, and if you have a lot of artboards to export then it gets old real fast and takes up valuable time.

    Auto-populating the file name would be amazing too. When you do a regular export, it exports the files with what you named each artboard. But when you do 'Save for Web', you have to enter the file name each time.

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  7. Animated Zoom for Mouse wheel

    Please add the Animated Zoom function for the mouse wheel, now this can only be done using the "Z" key and the mouse movement. It is very inconvenient to scroll using alt + mouse wheel when the percentage of increase jumps from 66% to 100% in one turn of the mouse wheel. The trackpad on the macbook zooms very well, but it is not convenient to use. Add a switch to the "General" settings next to the scroll wheel " Use Animated Zoom to scroll with the mouse.

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  8. Puppet Warp tool should be able to affect meshes.

    I could have pushed this object around in seconds if the Puppet Warp tool worked on meshes. Instead I have to laboriously grab and move one point at a time to make the distortion meshes in this glass match up with the body of it.

    Please remedy this so that the next time I try to use the Puppet Warp tool to push stuff around that happens to contain a distortion mesh, I don't get this error.

    If there's any other type of object that will spawn a "The Puppet Warp tool does not support this type of object" error…

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  9. External arrowheads for small dimensions

    The current Beta version is showing the new Dimensions tool, but as you can see in my screen shot, where I am working actual size, for the small dimensions it would help if there was an option to have the arrows outside the lines going toward the inside of the dimension rather than the outside. Thus leaving the small gap empty and making it visually clearer.

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  10. Creating several symbols at once (Multi-Add symbols)

    An option when adding Symbols to the Symbols panel for a multi-add option, similar to the Asset Export panel.

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    2 comments  ·  Symbols  ·  Admin →
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  11. [Script HELP] Import file to artboards and flatten transparency

    Hi, I'm looking for a script that can IMPORT files (AI, PDF, EPS) by inserting these files, or multipage PDFs, onto multiple illustrator tables in a connected way.
    Then let me select eg. from table 1 to 5 (of 200) and apply a preset registered in the CONVERT TRANSPARENCY panel.

    Can someone help me?

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  12. Files should remember proof setup

    Every time I open my files I'm having to force Illustrator back to proof as Monitor RGB. It keeps defaulting to Working CMYK which is no use on an RGB file.

    It would be great if files retained proof settings.

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  13. Apply Template to file

    I would like the ability to "apply template" to a graphic file so that styles with the same name from one template would update to a graphic with styles that have been updated to different parameters.
    I work on proposals and the font/character/graphic styles vary from project to project based on RFP requirements for submission (each State has different requirements you must adhere to). We have many "boilerplate" graphics that are reused, but the fonts and, sometimes, the colors must be changed to meet requirements.
    I have a master template for graphics and update the styles based on the…

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  14. stroke width tool more defined errors with conflicting properties.

    There are several things that do not allow the use of the "stroke width tool", like brushes, or having the stroke non aligned to the center... but right now the tool gives no hint about what is the issue, and why is not working.
    What about giving you a more specific error, and showing the option to dissable this conflicting property. (if you cannot work around the stroke width in this circumstances.)

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  15. Shorcut to add a grouped item to your CC Library

    Easier way to add things to my CC library without manually dragging things into the library folder

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  16. Reduce / Extend path effect

    Like in After Effects, it would be very useful to have an effect or an option in the Stroke panel like the "reduce path" animation option to draw more complex strokes (instead of duplicate them), like in the RubberHose plug-in. Could be useful to draw characters or set up files to export to AE.

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  17. Window Menu shows active panels as checked names but does not indicate panels that are tabbed in a group. Maybe add gray checks?

    Window Menu shows active panel as checked names but does not indicate those that are tabbed in a group. Maybe if we put a grayed out check next to tabbed panels? So that the unchecked are obviously panels not activated at all.

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  18. Illustrator Panel keeps resizing its width when changing to another tabbed panel.

    Illustrator Panel keeps resizing its width when changing to another tabbed panel, unlike in Photoshop. Can't you make this stop? It's been around for years. Very irritating. I usually don't put any panels underneath my Layer Panel so there is nothing there to keep it from resizing. Why do we have to put up with this? Photoshop interface is more relaxing. Why can't it be the same for Illustrator?

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  19. Randomize shape effect

    I would love a tool like "Roughen" that instead gives the shape a randomized, slightly affected path to give a more hand-drawn feel. There is a VERY small window with Roughen, that kind of gives this effect, before it gives a "spiked" appearance, but a tool to specifically randomize a "hand drawn" look would be nice.

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  20. Montserrat Semibold has problems syncing

    The Montserrat font is experiencing synchronization issues, even though it is installed in Creative Cloud. It disconnects every time, while the other fonts remain normal. Please check the bug.

    In the screenshot I am sending, you can notice that the Montserrat Semibold font is not appearing.

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